ForumsPopular Media[old] Know Any Good Books?

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I am one who loves to read. So, as a result of not knowing where to start reading, I turn to you, AG. I am currently reading the Dragonlance Chronicles, and then I plan on reading Dragonlance Legends after that. But after that, I don't know what I'll do. Any suggestions?

  • 75 Replies
26,390 posts

Perhaps the Hunger Games would be a good read for you. I'm not sure exactly how long they are, but it's a "maybe" kind of thing.
The Chronicles of Prydain and the Chronicles of Narnia, old series but very good also.
I don't know if you know, but there's actually another series set in the Dragonlance world. The characters are all different and it happens about a hundred years after the events of the original saga, but if you like the original, you'll probably like it. The series is called Dragonlance: The New Adventures, and it's split up into about a million different parts and just keeps expanding! Last I heard, there was the Wizard Quartet, the Dragon Quartet, the Goodlund Trilogy, the Suncatcher Trilogy, it just goes on and on.
Also, the Cleric Quartet by R.A. Salvatore is similar. It's set in the Dungeons and Dragons universe.

184 posts

How 'bout Percy Jackson and the Olympian? It's a good book. I read it all from book 1 to book 5. And there's also the Darren Shan Saga and the Demonata, and the classics ; The Belgariad and The Mallorean.

Percy Jackson's about a boy called Percy Jackson who turns out to be a demigod and had to do many deadly things to fulfill a prophecy. Book 1's about Zeus' stolen light bulb, I mean lightning. Book 2's about his friend Grover got caught by a cyclop and the is about to marry it (Gay!). Book 3's about Percy and his friends going inside a labyrinth and try to find Daedalus. I don't remember what book 4 and 5 is about so I'll let you find out.

The Darren Shan Saga is about an ordinary boy called Darren Shan who's life is change when he goes to a circus with his friend, Steve Leonard and met a vampire called Mr Crappy I mean Crepsley, Steve got bitten by a spider, Darren becomes a half vampire, Darren's friend (not Steve) died killed by Wolfman, Darren falls for a girl, they battle the vampaneze Murlough(?), Darren goes to Vampire Mountain, Darren does the Trials of Blood, Darren fails, Darren run away, found out the about-to-be-Prince of the Vampire is a traitor, friend got killed again (still not Steve), kills all vampaneze around, Darren becomes a Prince, Mr Tiny comes and tell stuff, Darren finally got out of Vampire Mountain, Darren and Crappy I mean Crepsley goes out hunting vampaneze, Darren goes to school, Darren meets Debbie, Darren found Steve, Steve betray, Darren and friends vs Steve and an army of Vampaneze, Crappy dies, Steve got away, Darren found out Steve is the new leader of Vampaneze, Darren goes to future with Harkat, Darren got back from the future, Darren goes home, Darren and Steve : The ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN OF ULTIMATE VAMPIRE DESTINY, Steve is defeated and is injured badly, Mr Tiny came, turn's out Darren and Steve is Mr Tiny's sons, Darren trick Steve to kill him, everybody's happy, blablabla, Darren's soul almost got crazy, Darren becomes a Little People, Darren goes to Paradise.

And thus finish the saga of Darren Shan in 40 minutes.

26,390 posts

Percy Jackson's about a boy called Percy Jackson who turns out to be a demigod and had to do many deadly things to fulfill a prophecy. Book 1's about Zeus' stolen light bulb, I mean lightning. Book 2's about his friend Grover got caught by a cyclop and the is about to marry it (Gay!). Book 3's about Percy and his friends going inside a labyrinth and try to find Daedalus. I don't remember what book 4 and 5 is about so I'll let you find out.

3 is about Atlas, 4 is about the labyrinth. 5 is about, well, the end of the world.
1,078 posts

I rather enjoy Michael Scott's series called 'The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel.' He basically takes the folklore from many different cultures in the past to create the story, and centers it in a scenario where two twins of pure gold and silver auras have to save the world from ending. Nicholas Flamel finds the twins and trains them, and finds people to train them. People like Prometheus, Gilgamesh, and the Comte de Saint-Germain. Humans can be gifted immortality, thus the reason why Gilgamesh is involved.

106 posts

Best books:

hunger games
harry potter
percy jackson and the olympians
(if ur a gurl) cindy ella

you could also try manga comic books like prince of tennis, dragon ball z, or twin spica

433 posts

Oh have you tried the Septimus Heap series yet? If not they are really good if you like fantasy and magic related stuff.

9,439 posts

LOTR. It's got everything, except it's very long so you need to be a dedicated reader.

108 posts

I would suggest The Sword of Shannara series if you have never read them. The first book is kind of a knock off of lord of the rings ( or vice versa i don't remember which one came first ) but there is multiple books in this series and i loved them all. The author is Terry Brooks. Some of his books to read are:

The Sword of Shannara
The Elfstones of Shannara
The Wishsong of Shannara
Dark Wraith of Shannara
The Scions of Shannara
The Druid of Shannara
The Elf Queen of Shannara
The Talismans of Shannara
First King of Shannara
Running with the Demon
A Knight of the Word
Angel Fire East

I personally liked all these books.

Also if you have not read any books by Clive Cussler I would highly recommend it he is my favorite author. Clive is unique unlike most authors he actually does and has done some of the stuff in his books. He travels all of the world exploring and discovering lost lost places and things.
Raise the Titanic
Vixen 03
Night Probe
Pacific Vortex
Deep Six
Inca Gold
Shock Wave
Flood Tide
Atlantis Found
Valhalla Rising
Trojan Odyssey
Black Wind
Treasure of Khan
Arctic Drift
Crescent Dawn

Last but not least is Michael Crichton. This is another wonderful author and my second favorite. I don't think many people have heard of him but most know him seeing as he wrote the book Jurassic Park.

655 posts

Mr Crappy I mean Crepsley

rofl. Did you read the prelude of the Darren Shan series that is about Mr. Crepsley's life before he met Darren? I LOVE the Darren Shan series. If you like vampires, you should read the Vladimir Tod books. They're REALLY good too.
2,165 posts

Ranger's Apprentice is a fairly long series, set in a medieval world that somewhat resembles ours.
Dragonriders of Pern has a lot of books, but they're all rather old. I also read Destroyermen, an alternate history series of a WW2 destroyer being sent to an alternate earth.
There's also the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy which is really random. Apparently The Gunslinger series is nice, but I haven't read them.
Aaaand finally there's also the Sabriel series, which is fantasy.

All of them are rather long.

161 posts

The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. They are rather short but keep me entertained for hours on end.

Under The Dome by Steven King. It's a single book but it's over 1,000 pages and a very good read.

The "Gore" series are really good read as well.

53 posts

me and orson wells, great book made into a movie that claire danes and zac efron stared in. movie flopped but the boos amazing a must read!

54 posts

ok, the dragonlance series is by far my fav. out of any book series so if you like it then i know you will also like the legend of drizzt series by R.A. salvator! look it up!

1,608 posts

A song of Ice and Fire.

Very nice book and they have a tv serie.

Showing 61-74 of 75