Please, anyone making any statement should at least write a reason for his thinking. For example Pederbey's article. It did nothing to contribute to the disscusion.
I saw them on a video which showed the Jews repelling down on to the Turkish ship. These Turks were just disguised as bringing humanitarian aid into Gaza. The reality is that they were bringing weapons to arm the militant crusaders. There were like several slingshots and some bags of marbles. Ouch! Good thing those Kosher bullets found their targets. Does anyone else feel safer now that this Turkish plan has been foiled? I certainly do!
I'm personally from Israel. The news got it all wrong. Let me explain: Israeli Soldiers came on to the ship, because they were transferring stuff to Gaza(No matter what it is) illegally, meaning without permission from Israel.
The Israeli Soldiers just wanted to stop them from going there without permission, so they went on the ship to try and make them surrender. The Turks IMMEDIATELY responded without warning with iron poles and chairs and started hitting the Israeli Soldiers.
Luckily enough, all of the Israeli Soldiers survived. It was the Turks fault that they chose to attack us and lost 10 people.
Don't take me wrong, I have NOTHING against Turkey, I think they are a great country. BUT the people on the ship didn't think twice before acting...
I'm personally from Israel. The news got it all wrong. Let me explain: Israeli Soldiers came on to the ship, because they were transferring stuff to Gaza(No matter what it is) illegally, meaning without permission from Israel.
The Israeli Soldiers just wanted to stop them from going there without permission, so they went on the ship to try and make them surrender. The Turks IMMEDIATELY responded without warning with iron poles and chairs and started hitting the Israeli Soldiers.
@yonkid, I'm sorry but Israel was totally wrong. For starters, the ship wasn't even in Israel's territory meaning they could have veered away at any instant before they left international waters.
So you don't know what their real destination was. That's why it was wrong of Israel soldiers to go down on the Turks like that. The Turks are not citizens so they had no right to board the ship like that.
The Turks fought with slingshots at invaders, PIRATES, as their right by international law, so they got SHOT??! What ever happened to tasers? You'd think with all that history of Adolf Hitler and the concentration camps, that Israel wouldn't be so touchy on the trigger finger.
Honestly, even if you are from Israel, I don't see how you could defend this thoughtless massacre.
Honestly, even if you are from Israel, I don't see how you could defend this thoughtless massacre.
Don't pass judgement before we have an official investigation report.
Israel had been telling the vessels to stop for days and they ignored it. The soldiers should have used tasers however it is clearly the "aid workers" fault that any of this happened.
But Israel had no legal right to tell them to stop, and the Turks had every legal right to ignore them. The Turkish ship never crossed into Israel's border. We have no idea whether they would have turned around before reaching the border or not. They were never given the chance. This whole incident was illegal.
I am really sick of Israel - its government and its laws are all corrupted. Attacking ships that weren't even at YOUR border? sick and low.
So explain to me that Cuban missile crisis then? Israel believed that letting the ship through would have hindered heir control of the Gaza Strip and maintaining safety of the regions close to it. The "humanitarians" attacked first and the soldiers fired back in self-defense. Could they have been smarter about where the ships were sure, but hindsight is always 20-20.
Israel shouldn't even have control of the strip. It should be shared - which would resolve all the pointless deaths and crises that surround the dispute.
Israel shouldn't even have control of the strip. It should be shared - which would resolve all the pointless deaths and crises that surround the dispute.
Your opinion but clearly not the opinion of the Israeli government; I don't know enough about the issue to actually have an opinion on it but either way they do technically control the land.
Well the Israeli Government wouldn't want to relinquish control would they - 'Oh... Erm.... sorry Palestine, here you go, you can have the strip. Wanna go grab a beer and a bacon sandwich?'