ForumsWEPRDEATH PENALTY - your opinion

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273 posts

Dear armorgames community, ...

... you all know what death penalty is (hohoho!), but do you also know what your opinion to death penalty is?

Well, if u dont know, leave, think and come back if you have your own opinion, dont dare just to copie others opinions.

Oh well, my opinion comes first obviously, but first of all i want to kill a wrong reasoning in many of your heads:

Prisoners need something to eat and drink, of course, and all of you think now 'why not just killing this guy, he maybe killed someone and now he eats our food and drinks our water!' Well guys, prisoners work, so they dont cost us somethin, they kinda help uz, one them helps generally more than one of you, kk? Dont let me hear kill that guy, the money he'd cost could be mine!

Oh well my opinion... kill that prisoners. What said Ghandi? Eye for eye and the world is blind. Lol funny! I mean, how dare he to tell such a nonsense? Doesnt matter. Why not a beautiful list for my clever arguments?

> Who wanted to get killed? Yes, exactly, no one =>

The murderer hurts also the friends, the family of the victim. And whooops, a friend or a relative takes revenge! Lolol, we have another young murderer, oh dear... Why not just go let the magistrate decide what happens? Ouch! Big story. Also the murderer dies, and really no one wanted to get killed.

Well well, the murderer should get killed officially by a deathsman or even one relative or friend of the victim if he wants, then everyone had his revenge and hey, who wants to take revenge then? All not (enough) reasoned acts of revenge means for the man who has taken revenge the death, punto. And the next day pasts away as if nothing had happen...

Oh and yes, sry for my english dudes :P I hold my opinion basically, i will define it clearlier after some opinions with celver arguments will appear (and contra-arguments for the my basically hold opinion, lets see if you think something is already at beginnin stupid :P)

  • 131 Replies
3,085 posts

If it was like an 'eye for an eye' then sex offenders would get sexually assaulted (which I assume already happens in most prisons anyway - don't drop your soap in the shower...)

16,587 posts

Its fair, If the person was that bad then punishment is that bad.

1,707 posts

Here's my opion: I believe the death penalty should be romoved because of two reasons mainly.

#1. The death penalty is to light for a serial killer/rapist. Why would you want to put the guy out of his misery of being in jail. WHy wouldn't you want him to suffer for life.

#2. Theres always that chance that you're going to fry an innocent man.

P.S. Sorry if this is a repeat, I didn't really read many posts.

1,903 posts

It's not a repeat, mate, and yeah, while I think those guys should suffer, we're still footing the bill while EVERYONE is in prison, that's why, -I am moderately ashamed to say- I believe everyone with a life, or death sentence should be met outside the courtroom with a noose (after saying their goodbyes, of course).

My reason: It gets done. Easy as that, they were dead anyways, and would have simply been a drain of resources to keep alive.

1,707 posts

while I think those guys should suffer, we're still footing the bill while EVERYONE is in prison, that's why

At least they work sometimes on the side of the roads making ditches and cleaning garbage.

I am moderately ashamed to say- I believe everyone with a life, or death sentence should be met outside the courtroom with a noose

I can't help but say that's humorous.
1,633 posts

I am moderately ashamed to say- I believe everyone with a life, or death sentence should be met outside the courtroom with a noose

Hanging is lame.

Guillotine is the way to go.

although, I would rather see a guilty man go free than an innocent man go to jail.
2,301 posts

#1. The death penalty is to light for a serial killer/rapist. Why would you want to put the guy out of his misery of being in jail. WHy wouldn't you want him to suffer for life.
I'm quoting this because, in my mind, a serial rapist/murderer is pretty much the worst thing imaginable, so it's a good place to start.

Why wouldn't I want him to suffer? Because I'm a good person. I don't want harm to befall others, even if I have no logical incentive to prevent it. I wouldn't want him to suffer for the same reasons I didn't want his victims to suffer. That, and the risk of killing an innocent is too great (i.e., there is one).

Does a serial killer/rapist deserve punishment? I don't think so. I don't think anyone deserves punishment for anything, ever. Not death, not imprisonment, not a slap on the wrist, not a stern talking-to. Would I kill him to prevent a rape/murder? Without hesitation. Would I kill him to get revenge for past crimes? I would rather die.

This is the question I've been meaning to ask: For those who think he does deserve punishment (most of you, I'm sure), what would you say if he reformed? After years of rapin' and murderin', what if he realized the wrong he did, stopped such crimes, was very sorry, and tried to live a normal life. Would he still deserve punishment? Why or why not?
4,220 posts

Guillotine is the way to go.


Can you say painless?

Burning at the stake is pure execution.

At least they work sometimes on the side of the roads making ditches and cleaning garbage.

Small time offenders do that, only nonviolents. Triple murderers don't do that.

Well wrongful inprisonment sucks, there are people that have died in prison like that.

Wrongful imprisonment happens in all societies for all crimes, and they serve entire sentences for crimes they didn't commit. Unfortunately things like that happen. We can't always get it right, that's impossible, but with the death penalty, they get decades on average to prove their innocent. Many spend 30 years on death row before being executed.

Unless you live in Texas. Then it can range anywhere from 248 days to 24 years, hehe. That's with full appeal. The average is 10 years.
1,903 posts

Well, I would have thought it was shorter in Texas, we are, after all the execution capitol of the world.

4,220 posts

Country maybe. China has more executions every year than all the recorded executions by the state of Texas ever.

China = serious with crimes that the death penalty is totally uncalled for

Apparently we've had five this year and have one planned in eight days.

Lol, why am I so interested in these things? xD

/off topic

3,826 posts

I say we bring back prisoner pits like you would find in medieval Europe. Large, deep trenches dug around a town or castle in which prisoners were just thrown in for a given period of time. Meanwhile, since they had no indoor plumbing, it made a great reservoir for human excrement. I would also like to make a special pit for those heinous individuals who run the yellow light when I'm already committed to the intersection trying to make a left turn. I'm firmly convinced this type of action should be a crime against humanity.

28 posts

hey, just jumping in on the topic.
My view? death penalty is being correctly implicated in the majority of the states. my standing is that if a person is proven to have murdered another human being (in cold blood, not out of self defense) they also should be put to death however in the most painless method possible. now before I get a mob of people getting on my case, hear me out.

we can all agree that the right for a person to live is essential and immediately given to every human (now, I'm not talking about abortion here that's another topic). when you kill another human you are intentionally violating that person's right to live. In order for justice to be brought that person's violation of their rights must be corrected. By providing equal compensation (life = life does it not) you have corrected that violation and righted the wrong.

I am not a proponent for painful executions, but death can be accomplished without pain (such as lethal injection). the victim of the murder may of not even had that courtesy of a quick death. but a life for a life seems fair enough to me.

74 posts

I believe we should bring back public hangings in Great Britain. It would lighten up an otherwise boring weekend and discourage criminal activity in the younger generation. I believe Murderers and sex offenders should be subjected to it.

I agree completely! I'm not so sure that it'd discourage crimes much more; people will always commit such crimes, hang the punishment. (Pardon my pun)
27 posts

We have a national death penalty. It's called getting old under the Obammy health care plan. You get old, they do away with you.

1,714 posts

We have a national death penalty. It's called getting old under the Obammy health care plan. You get old, they do away with you.

We are talking about the real death penalty, not sarah palins drug trip while "reading" a proposed health care bill.
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