
240 39522
3,817 posts

The so called "Evil" antagonist of the Bible. The question comes to this: Why is he the evil one? He killed a mere ten people in the Bible, possibly more to around fifty at most, while God, the supposed good one, killed billions. The only "negative" thing he did was rebel against god, but it was a just rebel. Who would want to live under that tyrant?

So the question comes down to: Why do Christians think Satan is evil?

  • 240 Replies
3,817 posts

Then why was it given to us? And is it possible that snake was an agent of god?

Because Christians needed to make up a story to explain death and all that, as well as why snakes go on there bellies.

If the snake was an agent of god then why did he punish us?
3,437 posts

Because he needed to give us a reason for our original sin. If he'd said, "okay, Adam and Eve are just going to fail, I'll just pin original sin on everyone," then we'd be up to our ears with threads asking "What's with original sin?"

That doesn't answer the question. I mean that makes it pointless. Why justify anything if he already knows the justifications? Why even make earth if he knew it was going to suck?
753 posts

That site isn't backing up the claim that the Snake was Satan in any way, it's just continuing the assertion.
Best not to use creationist websites when trying to form a logical argument, It's like what they said about tv "it will rot your brain".

There is no point to trying to prove the snake was Satan. It's like trying to prove 2+2=4. It's pointless.

I did say.. EARTHLY if you recall.
Why did he design us to sin then?

He most certainly did not. He made us not to sin, yet we sinned anyway. Why would he not for see this and not stop it you may ask? Because he also saw himself promising free will, I suppose.

Bedtime hurray! Talk to you guys tomorrow.
3,437 posts

He most certainly did not. He made us not to sin, yet we sinned anyway. Why would he not for see this and not stop it you may ask? Because he also saw himself promising free will, I suppose.

But he knows we will sin, so by creating us he knew we would sin. therefore he made us to sin.
3,817 posts

There is no point to trying to prove the snake was Satan. It's like trying to prove 2+2=4. It's pointless.

Its more like trying to prove 2-1=400... It says nowhere the snake is Satan.

I did say.. EARTHLY if you recall.

Last I checked the Garden of Eden was considered to be on earth, and every beast in Edan could speak...

He most certainly did not. He made us not to sin, yet we sinned anyway. Why would he not for see this and not stop it you may ask? Because he also saw himself promising free will, I suppose.

So an omnipotent being failed to do his job right?
81 posts

Actually that post may be considered trolling, thus you are trolling now.

well your posts ARE trolling. you pull things out of your butt and present them as fact, and you disregard what everyone else says. so No, Im not trolling because I wanted to kyouzou to elaborate, rather you are trolling because you dont add anything what so ever to this presented topic which was started just so someone could get 666 posts.
5,061 posts

If the snake was an agent of god then why did he punish us?

Jealousy, fear, etc.

At that point we were relatively young in our existence, and he feared that we could become akin to him, after all we were supposed to live forever in the garden. So he sends down the snake to convince us to do the one thing that he told us not to do, and kick us out of Eden. Effectively eliminating the threat posed by us, and at the same time looking like good guy.
198 posts

Agreed with NoobsforDummies and im not even Christian :O
Epic Pwn.

3,085 posts

1.) God makes the world, eventually leading to everyone that has ever lived, including you.
2.) Adam and Even bring sin into the world, making all of us sinful and condemning ourselves to eternal punishment. You don't seem to get the ourselves part of that sentence.
3.) Eventually, Armor Games becomes a website on the Internet.
4.) You call God a douche on it.

1. God didn't make the world because he doesn't exist, therefore your first point is rubbish.
2. So, your God judges every single person based on the actions of 2? Sounds like a prejudiced douche to me
3. Can't argue with that one
4. If God existed then refer to my second point - he would be a very large, omnipotent and malevolent douche with some serious issues.
9,462 posts

If you are a non-Christian, you don't believe in hell.
If you are a Christian, you believe in hell, but you've already found the answer anyway, so the only people who have to worry about it are the non-Christians, but since they don't believe in hell there's no point in trying to convince them to save themselves unless they become a Christian.

What about the Muslims?

1.) God makes the world, eventually leading to everyone that has ever lived, including you.

Your point being what? If God is omniscient there would have been no really point doing it. He would have known how things would have turned out and could have skipped to the end of the process or run the whole thing though his mind. If you say he made it for us and we screwed it up then this is what God would have seen ahead of time meaning he made the system to fail.
But even without all this, I see no reason to worship him or anyone for what they create.

2.) Adam and Even bring sin into the world, making all of us sinful and condemning ourselves to eternal punishment. You don't seem to get the ourselves part of that sentence.

Well really can only restate what I said above and what Avorne said.
God made it, foresaw everything. Thus knowing ahead of time that Adam and Eve would bring sin into the world, indicating this is what God planned. Also punishing everyone for the mistakes of two people is pretty pathetic.

Actually thinking about it since they wouldn't have had the capacity to know that eating the fruit was wrong until after they did it, even punishing the people who actually broke the rules doesn't make much sense. But as I've illustrated the reasons for punishment seem to be rather selfish on Gods part.

3.) Eventually, Armor Games becomes a website on the Internet.

Okay?...You want me to worship the creators of Armor Games as well?

4.) You call God a douche on it.

Can't recall saying douche specifically. Do remember calling him a petty genocidal bloodthirsty tyrant, if he exists and is as the Bible depicts him.

Or didn't you ever read the Bible and see that Adam and Eve brought sin into our world?

I've read it, that's why I don't think very highly of that depiction.

Maybe you should think about what you say before you say it, instead of blabbering whatever crap you can think of at the time.

Cheesecake, Transformers, Star Trek, %^&%&^ can't say on the forum (what do you expect I'm a guy),.. Oh was I blabbering again?
4,005 posts

Or didn't you ever read the Bible and see that Adam and Eve brought sin into our world?

I've read the Bible probably more thoroughly than any Christian on this site, or many others for that matter. That includes 3 different versions, and the book of mormon also. I've also read the Qur'an, the Torah, the Tao te Ching, the Bahagavagita and many of the other Vedic texts.

You know the one thing that they all have in common? They are FICTION. There is not one bit of actual evidence for any of them being the one true path to God(s) as they claim (although the Tao seems like the most logical basis for a religion, as it's simply philosophy and common sense).

The simple fact of the matter is there is no proof for any of it. And regarding hell, I hope you christians remember that your current idea of hell was invented by the Catholic church in the 8th century AD. Seems like God wouldn't have left that out until 1300 years ago if it was so important...
9,462 posts

(although the Tao seems like the most logical basis for a religion, as it's simply philosophy and common sense).

If I remember correctly it was never intended or desired by it's originator to be a religion.
Showing 226-237 of 240