
240 39519
3,817 posts

The so called "Evil" antagonist of the Bible. The question comes to this: Why is he the evil one? He killed a mere ten people in the Bible, possibly more to around fifty at most, while God, the supposed good one, killed billions. The only "negative" thing he did was rebel against god, but it was a just rebel. Who would want to live under that tyrant?

So the question comes down to: Why do Christians think Satan is evil?

  • 240 Replies
2,520 posts

If said creator was all loving as he claims to be, then he would have a lesser punishment than eternal torture for doing what he felt was right.

Satan knew he was wrong, he simply was jealous. Get your facts right please.
Interesting, how does that fit into the concept of God being all for free will? There are also examples of people being killed by God not for disobeying his commands but for others doing so. For instance all the first borns being killed because the pharaoh wouldn't release God's people. Also regardless of the reason according to the Bible, these are deaths that are a direct result of God. So your argument that God doesn't kill people is in error since reason is not a factor.

Free Will means you choose your own path. It does not mean the path you choose will no bring its consequences.
4,871 posts


You know how hard it is to drive home a point to you? Very.

Satan is the Prince of the Earth he has the power to influence our decisions and is responsible for every death in human history. Why? "For the wages of sin is death". Sin=death Satan wants you to sin so that you will die (in both a literal and figurative way) and join him in his eternal suffering.

Also he rebelled against God and is therefore the epitome of evil.

2,520 posts

Well, nothing really fits into the concept of God giving people free will if he says that if you CHOOSE not to worship him you're going to hell... It may be a choice, but weighted choices such as that do not constitute free will.

I would want to go the hell anyways, popular notions of heaven bore me.

There are hardcore atheists out there, but its hilarious because it's obvious you just want to be a rebel. If there was a "atheist heaven" exactly like God's heaven, you'd be all for it. Of all people here, you may be the most close minded.

Free Will is that you can choose not to follow him. It has repercussions. That's life man grow up and smell the real world.
3,817 posts

Those were because the people were so evil that God removed them from the world; I'm talking the most evil the world had ever experienced.

So evil that an omnipotent being could do nothing other that commit genocide? What had they done to deserve that? The only thing that would be logical would have been if they, every man; woman; child; donkey; tree etc all had committed genocide in some form. Witch they did not do, but God did...

Satan knew he was wrong, he simply was jealous. Get your facts right please.

First: What is right and what is wrong is for the person to decide. To me, it seems like Satan was a right hand man. If Adolf Hitler's right hand man started a revelation against Hitler, those loyal to Hitler would think that the rebel was cruel, but the Jewish people he would be saving would think of him positively.

Second, if he was jealous, then isn't that a good thing? Since god is jealous, and god is supposedly all good, than that trait is positive and good for Satan to have.

Free Will means you choose your own path. It does not mean the path you choose will no bring its consequences.

Chose your own path. Death and torture or slavery. Great choices from an all loving god...
4,871 posts

So evil that an omnipotent being could do nothing other that commit genocide? What had they done to deserve that? The only thing that would be logical would have been if they, every man; woman; child; donkey; tree etc all had committed genocide in some form. Witch they did not do, but God did...

It's which not witch, you do that a bunch.

Now he could either take away their free will or kill them; I personally would rather die than be forced to do something as extreme as love someone.

First: What is right and what is wrong is for the person to decide. To me, it seems like Satan was a right hand man. If Adolf Hitler's right hand man started a revelation against Hitler, those loyal to Hitler would think that the rebel was cruel, but the Jewish people he would be saving would think of him positively.

Lucifer was God's musician and was one of the three named angels in the bible; he is extremely powerful.

Comparing God to Hitler? Whatever. Satan had other angels follow him, the demons.

Second, if he was jealous, then isn't that a good thing? Since god is jealous, and god is supposedly all good, than that trait is positive and good for Satan to have.

God is jealous in the way a man is whose wife has had sex with another man and betrayed him.

Satan is jealous in the way that a man is jealous of his boss who is superior to him in all ways.

Chose your own path. Death and torture or slavery. Great choices from an all loving god...

Death or Life. I choose life.
3,817 posts

Satan is the Prince of the Earth he has the power to influence our decisions and is responsible for every death in human history. Why? "For the wages of sin is death". Sin=death Satan wants you to sin so that you will die (in both a literal and figurative way) and join him in his eternal suffering.

Yet god created sin and thus is responsible for every death as well. I can't remember the original text, if there was some, that said Satan wanted you to sin, but it is not something we talked about in Bible school. Could you bring them up por favor?

Also he rebelled against God and is therefore the epitome of evil.

He rebelled against a genocidal, pig headed, little kid playing with an ant farm. How is that evil?

There are hardcore atheists out there, but its hilarious because it's obvious you just want to be a rebel. If there was a "atheist heaven" exactly like God's heaven, you'd be all for it. Of all people here, you may be the most close minded.

In Christian heaven you basically say "Wow. Your huge god. Yep. Your aw some and all that..." for eternity. How would that happen without a god? And I would not, as it would take worshiping god to get there. I would just drive around in an iron chariot (As they are god proof) and join Satan in the rebellion.

Free Will is that you can choose not to follow him. It has repercussions. That's life man grow up and smell the real world.

" It is free will. Take the apple or the orange. The apple is poisoned though" great choice.
4,871 posts

Yet god created sin and thus is responsible for every death as well. I can't remember the original text, if there was some, that said Satan wanted you to sin, but it is not something we talked about in Bible school. Could you bring them up por favor?

God created good logically sin is the opposite of good so by knowing good you would know sin.

1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"
2 The woman said to the serpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.' "

4 "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. 5 "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

Genesis 3

Satan is responsible for the first sin; he wanted them to sin.

He rebelled against a genocidal, pig headed, little kid playing with an ant farm. How is that evil?


" It is free will. Take the apple or the orange. The apple is poisoned though" great choice.

Kill or don't kill; killing will get you killed though.
3,817 posts

Now he could either take away their free will or kill them; I personally would rather die than be forced to do something as extreme as love someone.

Or, he could have done something less extreme than murder everyone, including the innocents, like putting them in a separate planet for a few years or community service. Why would genocide EVER be acceptable?

Lucifer was God's musician and was one of the three named angels in the bible; he is extremely powerful.

Comparing God to Hitler? Whatever. Satan had other angels follow him, the demon

That is not much of an argument, Hitler's right hand man would have followers as well.

God is jealous in the way a man is whose wife has had sex with another man and betrayed him.

Satan is jealous in the way that a man is jealous of his boss who is superior to him in all ways.

That is your interpretation. The Bible merely says "jealous" thus can be interpreted as anything.

But with your view, anything god does is good, even if when some one else does it it is bad.

Death or Life. I choose life.Death or Life. I choose life.

I choose death over eternal slavery.
3,817 posts

God created good logically sin is the opposite of good so by knowing good you would know sin.

Lets say there is a planet far away that never has war. It would be peaceful without knowing war, you don't need one to have the other.

1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"
2 The woman said to the serpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.' "

Not Satan

4 "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. 5 "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

He told the truth, didn't he? No reason to force him to eat dirt. Even though he doesn't eat dirt. How did he move before his punishment, anyway?

Kill or don't kill; killing will get you killed though.

Yes, don't kill. Not even if there is a guy with a knife going after your wife, never kill or you will be killed. Don't worry, god can kill just fine. It is just you who can't kill.
4,871 posts

Or, he could have done something less extreme than murder everyone, including the innocents, like putting them in a separate planet for a few years or community service. Why would genocide EVER be acceptable?

What? That's illogical and pointless what do you want him to do put them in camps where they are brainwashed into loving him? It's the same thing sir.

That is not much of an argument, Hitler's right hand man would have followers as well.

It wasn't an argument; it was a statement.

That is your interpretation. The Bible merely says "jealous" thus can be interpreted as anything.

But with your view, anything god does is good, even if when some one else does it it is bad.

You're quite insufferable you know. Murder is nearly always viewed as wrong while killing in war is generally not. You don't get context (not just in the bible) which is of utmost importance in any circumstance.

I choose death over eternal slavery.

Your opinion is yours and death shall be given to you.

Lets say there is a planet far away that never has war. It would be peaceful without knowing war, you don't need one to have the other.

Do they know that what they are doing is right though? You need both to understand one which was why the serpent (Satan) had Eve eat the fruit.

Not Satan

The serpent is Satan.

He told the truth, didn't he? No reason to force him to eat dirt. Even though he doesn't eat dirt. How did he move before his punishment, anyway?

The a sense yes but in reality Eve would be spiritually dead.

Yes, don't kill. Not even if there is a guy with a knife going after your wife, never kill or you will be killed. Don't worry, god can kill just fine. It is just you who can't kill.

The sin or crime doesn't matter all are punished it's up to you to do the right thing.
3,817 posts

You're quite insufferable you know. Murder is nearly always viewed as wrong while killing in war is generally not. You don't get context (not just in the bible) which is of utmost importance in any circumstance.

Context differs from person to person, I have a quite on it somewhere...

"No man ever believes that the Bible means what it says: He is always convinced that it says what he means. -- George Bernard Shaw"

Killing in wars is considered fine, but not the terrorist style of god. He wipes out entire villages. It is more like dropping nukes on non-combatant cities to get one soldier.

What? That's illogical and pointless what do you want him to do put them in camps where they are brainwashed into loving him? It's the same thing sir.

Are you saying prison is pointless? You are saying that it is OK to jump out of an airplane with a nuke on your back but not to throw someone in a prison cell?

Do they know that what they are doing is right though? You need both to understand one which was why the serpent (Satan) had Eve eat the fruit.

If they didn't have any war, then they would think of it as part of there culture thus "right". If your culture had sex every day, then you would think of it as "right". If your culture murdered babies for the fun of it, you would think that as "right". Right is relative.

The serpent is Satan.

It didn't say that in the verses you showed. Show the verses where it says so, please.

The a sense yes but in reality Eve would be spiritually dead.

But not dead. He told the complete and utter truth.

The sin or crime doesn't matter all are punished it's up to you to do the right thing.

Yes, but according to the Bible I would go to hell if I shot the man going after my wife and I would be spiritually dead for sinning, according to you.
9,462 posts

That wouldn't be in the Bible. Bad logic.

Of course, what were you thinking? There obviously no bad logic in the Bible like, people being turned into pillars of salt, talking snakes, a global flood, healing spit. The whole Bible is completely logical.

Those were because the people were so evil that God removed them from the world; I'm talking the most evil the world had ever experienced.

As stated before not everyone killed by God was killed because of them being evil.

He is able and willing, yet tests us for our worthiness. Wether you agree with that or not, you know that's what's taught to Christians. Think Avorne, you're better than that.

A test that the answer is already known is no test at all.

Free Will is that you can choose not to follow him. It has repercussions. That's life man grow up and smell the real world.

That is when the consequence is unavoidable. In the case of God the consequence is imposed by God as such could be avoidable if God chose for it to be so.

Let's say a girl walks down a dark ally and a rapist jumps out and rapes her. Is it her fault for walking down the ally or is it the rapists for committing the act?

The only thing that would be logical would have been if they, every man; woman; child; donkey; tree etc all had committed genocide in some form. Witch they did not do, but God did..

Even this wouldn't make much sense. "They are all killing each other, I'm going to go kill them."

You must realize that it is because of Satan that God killed all those people. God did not sin, obviously, it was Satan. He convinced Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. He was punished in Genesis, and will be dealt with in the last days.

It's clearly not very obvious, and really it all comes off as sounding like special pleading. Also the Bible doesn't say the snake was Satan.

God is jealous in the way a man is whose wife has had sex with another man and betrayed him.

Satan is jealous in the way that a man is jealous of his boss who is superior to him in all ways.

Oh so when the guy down the street from me caught his wife in bed with another man and killed them both, that guy was behaving like God and is really a good person for that?

It pretty petty either way, just one takes it to more of an extreme.

Death or Life. I choose life.

die free or live on your knees. Liberty or death?

God created good logically sin is the opposite of good so by knowing good you would know sin.

So God didn't want Adam and Eve to know him?

Satan is responsible for the first sin; he wanted them to sin.

As I said before it doesn't say the snake was Satan.

Kill or don't kill; killing will get you killed though.

Unless your God.

What? That's illogical and pointless what do you want him to do put them in camps where they are brainwashed into loving him? It's the same thing sir.

So jail is illogical? Putting them someplace else where they could no have any influence on this world would still allow them to continue living and doing what the please. But instead the choice was to just wipe them out.

You're quite insufferable you know. Murder is nearly always viewed as wrong while killing in war is generally not. You don't get context (not just in the bible) which is of utmost importance in any circumstance.

War is often viewed as wrong because of the death it brings. Unfortunately because of out limited ways it is often unavoidable. But God supposedly doesn't suffer from such limitations, so why is it unavoidable for him?

Also your context seem ever more self imposed as nothing more then special pleading for the situation.

The sin or crime doesn't matter all are punished it's up to you to do the right thing.

Unless your God.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Angels are creatures of good, spirits of love, and messengers of the savior Jesus Christ, so I really cannot understand why they turn bad some times.
They already have the knowledge of celestial things, therefore if they know the omniscience, omnibenevolence, omnipresence, omnipotence, justice and holiness of God why should they reject and fight Him?

2,520 posts

So evil that an omnipotent being could do nothing other that commit genocide? What had they done to deserve that? The only thing that would be logical would have been if they, every man; woman; child; donkey; tree etc all had committed genocide in some form. Witch they did not do, but God did..

Yes they were all killing each other so...
First: What is right and what is wrong is for the person to decide. To me, it seems like Satan was a right hand man. If Adolf Hitler's right hand man started a revelation against Hitler, those loyal to Hitler would think that the rebel was cruel, but the Jewish people he would be saving would think of him positively.

Second, if he was jealous, then isn't that a good thing? Since god is jealous, and god is supposedly all good, than that trait is positive and good for Satan to have.

There are most certainly differently different kinds of jealous. AS in God is jealous of our love, while the devil is jealous of God's power. Satan wasn't saving anyone. Who did he save?
Chose your own path. Death and torture or slavery. Great choices from an all loving god...

Choose your own path: Just be nice and get everlasting life, or turn against him so he has no choice but to punish you. Just don't murder, steal, commit adultery, etc. It's not that hard to get into heaven and that's how God wants it.
Of course, what were you thinking? There obviously no bad logic in the Bible like, people being turned into pillars of salt, talking snakes, a global flood, healing spit. The whole Bible is completely logical.

You see though young one that an all powerful being makes all that possible. So if you don't believe in an all powerful God, then that is the only illogical part of the BIble. So thanks for wasting time.
Yes, but according to the Bible I would go to hell if I shot the man going after my wife and I would be spiritually dead for sinning, according to you.

That is true, but listen to what I'm saying please. God would send someone going after his wife to hell (no he didn't have a wife it's figurative) unless he repented. If you don't shoot the man going after your wife, he will go to hell if he doesn't repent.
2,520 posts

As stated before not everyone killed by God was killed because of them being evil.

Oh yes why else were they killed?
A test that the answer is already known is no test at all.

Well the fact that the answer is known and many fail just shows that we're just a bunch of idiots I guess :P
That is when the consequence is unavoidable. In the case of God the consequence is imposed by God as such could be avoidable if God chose for it to be so.

Let's say a girl walks down a dark ally and a rapist jumps out and rapes her. Is it her fault for walking down the ally or is it the rapists for committing the act?

None of that makes any sense, but: An all loving God says, just be nice and you'll go to heaven. A guy murders and rapes his whole life and goes to hell. Who's fault is it?
die free or live on your knees. Liberty or death?

Well I'm not on my knees right now so let's restructure that good sir.
So God didn't want Adam and Eve to know him?

He said if you know good you know sin, not the other way around silly. So if you know God you know Satan, but if you know Satan you don't have to know God.
So jail is illogical? Putting them someplace else where they could no have any influence on this world would still allow them to continue living and doing what the please. But instead the choice was to just wipe them out.

Why put them in jail when they were going to die anyway and go to hell?
As I said before it doesn't say the snake was Satan.

Well he is so you can either stop dragging it out or embarrass yourself by trying to find otherwise.
Unless your God.

God has never done something wrong. Name one instance he has, and we, to our faith, will refute it. That you don't agree is not our fault. I find it hilarious that you are critiquing someone who you say you don't even think exists.
Showing 16-30 of 240