
240 39186
3,817 posts

The so called "Evil" antagonist of the Bible. The question comes to this: Why is he the evil one? He killed a mere ten people in the Bible, possibly more to around fifty at most, while God, the supposed good one, killed billions. The only "negative" thing he did was rebel against god, but it was a just rebel. Who would want to live under that tyrant?

So the question comes down to: Why do Christians think Satan is evil?

  • 240 Replies
909 posts

I haven't seen a flame war in this thread. I'm very impressed with the curtesy shown and thoughtful questions posed.

The problem with keeping silent is that the silence is often misinterpreted as &quotermission". If Christians, for example don't speak up and share their knowledge of the Bible then, that's the same as "hiding our light under a bushel". Light in many parts of the Bible is considered the same as truth.

In Isaiah 38:18-19, after a long and bitter experience, similar to Job's, King Hezekiah prayed and praised God because he finally realized that it's only while we are still alive that we can thank God out loud or, praise him.
18) "For the grave cannot praise you, death cannot sing your praise; those who go down to the pit cannot hope for your faithfulness.

19) The living, the living...they praise you, as I am doing today;"

9,462 posts

I don't think you guys understand. The Devil is the "owner" of Hell. Hell is a bad place for where bad people go to. Now, the owner of a place where bad people are is . . . Good? No. That can't be right. I got it! Bad! >

And what makes the Devil bad? As in the example of the OP Satan's actions in killing are far outweighed by God's and even those few deaths Satan shares the credit with God.

If Satan is evil and God is preforming the same acts but on a much larger scale, then what does that make God?
3,817 posts

The problem with keeping silent is that the silence is often misinterpreted as &quotermission". If Christians, for example don't speak up and share their knowledge of the Bible then, that's the same as "hiding our light under a bushel". Light in many parts of the Bible is considered the same as truth.

Then do you find it weird that Lucifer comes from the word meaning light?
9,462 posts

Then do you find it weird that Lucifer comes from the word meaning light?

In fact it's from Latin (lucern ferre) meaning light bearer. So I guess if we take that light means truth then the Devil is the truth bearer.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

God is omnipotent so why didn't he just defeat Satan and his demons?

1,573 posts

God is omnipotent so why didn't he just defeat Satan and his demons?

Its all part of his pwan. To pwepare the world for the believers.
3,085 posts

It seems the only crimes that Lucifer or Satan or The Devil or whatever you want to call them (I realize that Lucifer and Satan are considered separate entities by most people) are guilty of is that of trying to let people know the truth about God or telling them that God shouldn't reign all mighty and get so wound up over some fruit.

166 posts

Satan, is in fact a fallen angel, banished from Heaven.
and Satanism is not worshipping the bad, killing people as sacrifices to Satan. No.

2,420 posts

And what makes the Devil bad? As in the example of the OP Satan's actions in killing are far outweighed by God's and even those few deaths Satan shares the credit with God.

[quote]I don't think you guys understand. The Devil is the "owner" of Hell. Hell is a bad place for where bad people go to. Now, the owner of a place where bad people are is . . . Good? No. That can't be right. I got it! Bad! >

Did I make myself clearer. You are right about the fact that the Devil did kill less people than God, but Christians who are blinded by the other "job" of the Devil, disregard all that.
909 posts

Then do you find it weird that Lucifer comes from the word meaning light?

Not at all because he was God's most powerful angel, a created being.

In fact it's from Latin (lucern ferre) meaning light bearer. So I guess if we take that light means truth then the Devil is the truth bearer.

Isaiah 14:12, "How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!
13) You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.
14) I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.'"
Before Satan's fall he was known as Lucifer but now he is only interested in out shining God. He misinterprets the Bible because he truly believes he will win the final conflict. Jesus won round one and the next conflict will be Satan and his two henchmen so he thinks he will be 3 times as powerful as God, in his mind.

God is omnipotent so why didn't he just defeat Satan and his demons?

He will, when heaven is ready and the very last person on earth has made a decision to either follow or reject Jesus' plan for salvation.

Its all part of his pwan. To pwepare the world for the believers.

I think this is what you meant: "Its all part of his plan. To prepare the world for the believers."
If so, who's plan?

It seems the only crimes that Lucifer or Satan or The Devil or whatever you want to call them (I realize that Lucifer and Satan are considered separate entities by most people) are guilty of is that of trying to let people know the truth about God or telling them that God shouldn't reign all mighty and get so wound up over some fruit.

I'll have to break up this run-on sentence.
Christians are taught that Satan goes by many names so I have no idea what you're talking about when you say "most people consider Lucifer and Satan as separate entities"?
Satan used a sincere motive to tempt Eve,(Genesis 3:1-4),"you will be like God." It wasn't wrong for Eve to want to be like God. That's what all Christians are supposed to do.
What makes her action a sin is that she decided for herself to do what God had told her,(and Adam),not to do. She didn't see the harm in gaining the knowledge of good and evil and being like God.

That's the danger with listening to Satan's misinterpretations of God's Word,(or, Bible). He can sound very convincing and make his way appear more desirable because he wants us all to be like him.

Satan, is in fact a fallen angel, banished from Heaven.
and Satanism is not worshipping the bad, killing people as sacrifices to Satan. No.

I agree with your first sentence but I don't understand what you mean with last one?

Did I make myself clearer. You are right about the fact that the Devil did kill less people than God, but Christians who are blinded by the other "job" of the Devil, disregard all that.

Blinded by what other job of the Devil?
3,817 posts

Not at all because he was God's most powerful angel, a created being.

Witch god knew would "betray" him. Would it not be strange to name something he would know he would consider an enemy light bringer?

I'll have to break up this run-on sentence.
Christians are taught that Satan goes by many names so I have no idea what you're talking about when you say "most people consider Lucifer and Satan as separate entities"?
Satan used a sincere motive to tempt Eve,(Genesis 3:1-4),"you will be like God." It wasn't wrong for Eve to want to be like God. That's what all Christians are supposed to do.
What makes her action a sin is that she decided for herself to do what God had told her,(and Adam),not to do. She didn't see the harm in gaining the knowledge of good and evil and being like God.

So you are saying she had the incorrect context. How does that work now when everyone has a different context?
5,642 posts

Satan was just a fanboy. I think god over-reacted.

ALMIGHTY-UBER-GOD:"HELL NO YOU AINT NOW GO DIE D:<" *throws s(a)tan off of heaven*

Seriously man. In the old Testament god was a total douche, I wouldnt' be surprised if that's how it was meant to be.

3,817 posts

One thing I'm uncertain of is if angel have/had the same right feelings etc. of humans. If that is so, God had no clue Satan would do that.

He is theoretically omnipotent. Thus he would know.
844 posts

what kind of conversation is this and satin is EVIL >=( ITS KINDA WIERD HOW IT SAYS REPLY TO SATAN

3,085 posts

Evil is all a matter of perspective. Don't make a statement like that without considering what you're saying.

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