ForumsWEPRThe Abortion Argument - V2

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3,085 posts

Yes, I realize that this thread already exists - 13 pages and over a month back.

I'd like to remake it, I don't see why an issue such as this should fall from our eye.

This time around I'd like to focus more around the legality and the taboo side of abortion. That doesn't mean we shouldn't still include the aspects of the original thread though.

Should abortion be kept away from the public eye? Or should it be something that we openly discuss?

Should abortion be legal everywhere? Under what circumstances? How could those circumstances be judged to be the right ones? Do we follow the 'lesser of two evils' idea or do we take a separate path?

I personally feel that abortion is a women's choice, if abortion is the best option in a situation then it should be the one that is taken. As a man I really have no say in what a woman does with her body. But what if I was going to be the father of a child she didn't want to give birth to? I'm not sure about those situations - should the father have equal say to the mother?

  • 160 Replies
130 posts

Your sperm are life, the eggs are life, so to say that 'life begins at conception' is a fallacious argument based outside of medical science.

Just wanted to point out that science is not a fallacy, as scientifical knowledge is the ultimate form of knowledge, as it's been proven empirically and legitimated intersubjectivally.

The ultimate decission with abortion is wether what you are "killing" is alive or not (thus you are not killing it) and to what purpose you are doing it (saving the mother's life, imposing your religion, doing the right thing, acting according to what you think...).
We can suppose an embryo is alive but, WHY? What is our definition of being alive (and to what point we can twist it so it says exactly what we want)?

IMO, it's all the mother's decission. Why condemn her to 9 months of pregnancy (crazy hormones all over, back pain, etc.), the painful process of giving birth to an unwanted child and educating/raising him (with all the implied both emotional and economical problems) or just to give it to adoption (with all the emotional isues there, plus the hormonal [some hormones are regulated via feeding the baby/being next to it/etc], not to count that the rate of people losing their parents hardly keeps up with the rate of people adopting, so you are condemning an anonymous child to a life of parentless suffering).
What about those other abortions the mother's body would perform if it was healthy, as it's naturally designed to do so? (Damaged fetus, Down syndrome, etc) Don't we have operations so as to remain alive (another cool thing our body does for us if healthy).
Maybe I'll write some more tomorrow, my fingers are aching.
Oh, nearly forgot: I see a lot of zealot-ism and de-information here, we should all know both biology AND religion so that we can understand the issue here.
4,005 posts

Just wanted to point out that science is not a fallacy, as scientifical knowledge is the ultimate form of knowledge, as it's been proven empirically and legitimated intersubjectivally.

I'm not saying science is a fallacy. I'm stating that that position 'life BEGINS at conception' is fallacious in nature, as we all know, through science, that life in fact exists long before conception ever takes place.
9,462 posts

government was put up to hold the majority of the morals of the people. Without government people would be able to go rampant and kill/steal from whoever they please. The idea of not letting people kill/steal from others is a moral.

That's also a matter of protecting the people, which is a job I think the government should be in.

This video echos a lot of my own views on this matter.
Political Compass Tag

Now this still leaves the idea of abortion as an iffy subject that may have no one easy answer.
4,005 posts

Interesting. I took the 'Political Compass' Test linked to from the video and was surprised to see that I tested near dead center between the ideals of Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama. Not quite sure how to take that.

3,562 posts

well my girlfriend and I were contemplating abortion because of an extremely late period.

and I have to say it is not cool to go through that. so first off make your lady take birth control.

anyway I think abortion is a plausible action when both parents feel it is not the right time to have a child (why screw up your own lives and that of a child?) thats my opinion at least

2,301 posts

I took the 'Political Compass' Test linked to from the video and was surprised to see that I tested near dead center between the ideals of Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama.
I came out with the same result. In fairness, for many of the questions, I was like: "Uh, I don't know stuff about economics."
9,462 posts

Interesting. I took the 'Political Compass' Test linked to from the video and was surprised to see that I tested near dead center between the ideals of Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama. Not quite sure how to take that.

Considering how much I agree with the video I guess I shouldn't be to surprised.
1,101 posts

its called adoption have you seen an abortion the insert a spinning blade that cuts and sucks out the babys brain have an adoption its a life they have there place in hell the abortionist murder is wrong and our flipin president is a flipin mex who jjumped over the border and like murder enjoys it turnd down help with the oil spill abortion is wrong and murder if you where aborted and lived by the grace of god you wouldhave hated abortion

Haha someone has been watching a bunch of those anti abortionist groups videos. Um yeah sure i would watch them if i knew they were unbiased, which i know they aren't... Btw buds, i did include adoption in my little speech. And you would be ignorant to think that most of the time adoption is going to be good for the child. But what bothers me the most about your above statement, is your morals on how a woman has to keep the baby after being r'ed.

1,101 posts

also gunsarefun....

Do you really think its Gods grace to create a baby based upon such a fantastic thing as r@pe... In fact here im gonna put you in your only little scenario here. You've magically become a female. Now then we'll skip all the gross scenamatics here, and just say you were walking home alone, and were r'ed. Now not only do you feel abused, dirty, and weak. Your also scared to go to the police out of fear. So your home alone, and a month goes by and you realize you havent had your period, and you take the test. You realize your pregnant, and with this rapists baby. SO now your holding half of that person who made you feel so bad about yourself, inside of you. For 9 months you must carry this, and you have to give birth. Lets put this in a even worse perspective, you cant care for a child like this because you dont have enough money. So now this child will not only never find out who is true mom is until hes probably a teen. And then after that realize that his life was based on r'e after talking with you about it. Yeah most people these days, unless your a psychopath (have no emotions) would normally destroy themselves over this. Like im not speaking for everyone, but if i was that child, that would be enough to make me depressed for quite a while.. Being the result of a r'ing incident.

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