Yes, I realize that this thread already exists - 13 pages and over a month back.
I'd like to remake it, I don't see why an issue such as this should fall from our eye.
This time around I'd like to focus more around the legality and the taboo side of abortion. That doesn't mean we shouldn't still include the aspects of the original thread though.
Should abortion be kept away from the public eye? Or should it be something that we openly discuss?
Should abortion be legal everywhere? Under what circumstances? How could those circumstances be judged to be the right ones? Do we follow the 'lesser of two evils' idea or do we take a separate path?
I personally feel that abortion is a women's choice, if abortion is the best option in a situation then it should be the one that is taken. As a man I really have no say in what a woman does with her body. But what if I was going to be the father of a child she didn't want to give birth to? I'm not sure about those situations - should the father have equal say to the mother?
Well, the father should at least take responsibilty and acknowledge their role in the creation of the child, even if they don't want one. What the mother decides is up to her, but the father should have some say too. People shouldn't get an abortion just because they were irresponsible. Generally, when people talk about having an abortion, people think that you must've done something taboo, and therefore people are afraid to discuss it. Of course, in cases of assault or health reasons, abortion should be allowed.
Abortion IMO is not a sin, and is not immoral, because you are not taking a life. Technically a fetus is not ALIVE, and it doesn't feel anything. In religious view, before somthing is born, i don't think it can have a soul just yet.
It's all about how you see the fetus, do you see it as alive, or dead before being born?
I believe abortion is a woman's right to a point. In the abortion debate, and I know we'll see this here, everyone is a zealot with their point of view. Their either 100% pro-abortion or 100% anti-abortion. Personally I prefer the more line in the sand option as I like to call it. Basically pick a point, let's say about 2.5 months into the pregnancy for example and say that up until that point one can have an abortion and after that point only in the case of medical emergency (either she gets it or she dies).
Now, the real question comes in where to set the line. The best idea, in my mind, is early on in the pregnancy before the organisim begins to develop a brain or features and the mother has had time to realize she's pregnant and consider her options. I'd say 2 or at most 3 months would be reasonable. There should also be councling to make sure this is what she really wants and an up to one week waiting period (medical emergency abortion not included). In my mind, that sounds reasonable and fair, abortion is legal, but only early in the pregnancy and the mother has been given the facts of the matter to make her mind up over the course of a few days, not an emotional decesion.
Abortion as a societal issue is a strange one. It can definetly be considered murder later on in the pregnancy when the baby is begining to form and can interact with its environment. But, the question is, when does it stop being a simple parasite and start being a baby. (Well, it could technically be a parasite for 18 years but that's another issue). Anti-abortion people see abortion as murder, pure and simple while pro-abortion people see it as a woman's rights issue. Again, I can only speak about my own beliefs on the issue but as I see it early on in the pregnancy it is a woman's rights issue and mid to later on in the pregnancy it can start to become murder unless it's an either or case, basically the mother will die unless the fetus is aborted.
Should the father have equal say as the mother. That depends. If the father is willing to care for the child then he should, it is half him so to speak and although it is growing in her body he does have rights to that child. However, if the mother wants an abortion and he wants her to keep it he should have to sign a contract saying that he will take the child and care for it with no expectation of help from the mother or face prison as most likely a state jail felony (1 year I believe). That should make sure the only fathers making the mother keep the child are the ones willing to take full responsibility for that child, even if it is proven later not to be his (there has to be reason to believe the child would be).
So, to sumarize my views on this issue abortion should be legal to the 2 or 3 month period unless carrying the child puts the mother's life in significant risk (more than from a normal pregnancy). For women considering abortion they should make their wishes known to the facility in person and take a counciling session to help they weigh the pros and cons one week before their appointment. The father should have say in the matter but only if he is willing to take full responsibility for the child without any aid from the mother past delivery. If he demands she keeps the child and then abandons the child he should have a warrant for his arrest and if found guilty (he most likely would be) face a prison term not to be less than 1 year and not to excede 5 years and a fine not to be greater than $10,000 (standard felony fine). So, sound resonable?
It fits into politics well and to some extent - religion. As far as I can see it's a well-placed and relevant debate about a subject that potentially effects a lot of people.
@TexanProvo TL;DR Anyways. abortion is a sin because you DID gave the order to KILL whatever was forming inside. The ones who believe abortion is normal OR practice the abortion are ignorant people. Why did you had sex without knowing the consequences? (Don't know how to spell that) Why did YOU had sex without protection? (AKA a condom)
If you did one of those above that got pregnant, then it's YOUR PROBLEM. Now, thanks to YOUR ignorance, your parents have to pay high sums of money to help "kill" the little fetus inside your belly.
I agree with Texan on this issue. My personal view is pro-choice. It's the woman's choice, but if the father is willing to take care of it then there is no need to get one. Also, I agree with his choice of time period. Two to three months is an ideal time period to get one.
Whether or not a fetus should be aborted should however be dependent on the reason as well. If the baby can be taken care of, and is able to live a somewhat good life, then the baby should be allowed to be born. But if you know the baby will not have a chance in life, then maybe abortion isn't the worst thing. Of course, you have another option, which is adoption.
Why did you had sex without knowing the consequences?
This is of course, a good point. But human's are in fact animals, and sex is high up on the list of needs. It happens to the best people at one point in their lives. And sometimes condoms go wrong. They break, stuff happens. Even when the necessary steps are taken, nothing is guaranteed.
Unintended pregnancy has been observed in nature, there are actually certain species of primates that engage in prostitution (I thought that was funny at first too lol, oh and by primates i mean exept humans) for bananas, i saw it on animal planet, quite interesting... TO THE POINT, abortion is entirely up to the mother, if it were made illegal, it would violate the constitution and your civil rights.
Well certainly abortion violates right to life, right to liberty, right to the pursuit of happiness, which I recall are a little something like "inalienable rights" or something. Btw, an abortion clinic recently closed in Birmingham, because they performed abortion unsedated due to the fact they lost the key to the medical cabinet.
Btw, an abortion clinic recently closed in Birmingham, because they performed abortion unsedated due to the fact they lost the key to the medical cabinet.
Now that's pretty scary... they should've closed for sure.
But if the baby was unintentional and can't be given the good life that it deserves, should the mother not have the right to choose whether or not to abort? Of course, I believe it should be considered a last resort. Adoption should be considered first if it's truly unwanted.
Yes. Adoption. It's free. Hmm... put it up for adoption or kill it... hmm...
I agree, it's the much better option. It's just that women tend not to want to go through the full nine months of pregnancy and then have to give birth to a baby they don't plan on keeping, apparently it's emotionally damaging. However, not being a woman, I don't really know.
That certainly seems to be the problem these days, people being to lazy to look out for other people's needs. That, and of course the multitude of women lied to or pressured into abortion.