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Everyone makes these, so I decided to try my luck. Please comment on what you think.

I use the people I'm friends with in the story, as well as random people I find compliment the story. All characters are from AG and are represented by their armatar. I don't have a title yet. The first post will be the first chapter.

  • 389 Replies
2,522 posts

More like the equivalent of the devil. He does have immense power; but at the end you'll realize we've already found his weakness...

Foresight *claps*
3,937 posts

When can we expect the next chapter?

2,522 posts

Very late tomorrow night.

3,937 posts

Excellent. Not to long a wait. Worth it. Keep it up!

676 posts

Yeah. Tomorrow night the final chapter of the cow story comes out!!!! Tomorrow will be a monumental day for AG writing!

753 posts

ArmorStories UNITE!!

2,522 posts

End of chapter four, titled, "entering the desert"

When they reached the banks, Rukia and DD collapsed into the stream and drank desperately. Commander however, upon seeing the party, hoisted his sword and splashed through the stream towards them. Nilo, in confusion, was passed by Commander, who proceeded to swipe off Nurvâs other ear tip. Cowmaster was in a state of shock, and Jeol backed up frantically against a shrub. Commander kicked Nurv down contemptuously, and noticing Nilo, stepped on him. He looked back at Rukia and DD, drinking deeply, and turned back with a sigh. He was immediately hit full-force by Cowmaster, who had recovered from shock, flown right into Commanderâs face, and thrown him into the stream. Spluttering, Commander tried to rise but was clawed viciously by an enraged Cowmaster. This stupid hawk is ruining everything, thought Commander. He threw his hands up blindly, and by a lucky stroke sent Cowmaster backwards onto the ground. But by then it was too late. Nurv, bleeding badly, and Jeol jumped onto him and began to pound him with their powerful back legs. Commander spluttered and flailed, but he was dehydrated and eventually grew still. The three stood back in awe and surveyed the scene; A large knight lying in the stream, with a fox and rabbit drinking obliviously behind him. When DD raised his dripping muzzle, Nurv confronted him.
âLeave, and we wonât kill you.â DD looked at Nurv for only a second, and then sprinted back into the desert. Rukia looked back at the retreating fox with distain, then turned back to them.
âNurv? Cowmaster? Jeol?â
âNilo.â They all turned to the ant, which dustily rose up, bruised and generally beat-up. âExoskeleton.â He said with a grin.
âOh my God! I could-â
âShut up.â And with that he headed in the direction DD had left.
âWait, where are you going? We need you!â Jeol exclaimed. Nilo looked back and shrugged.
âSorry, I need to get back to the hill and heal. Keep heading straight, and youâll be out of here in a few days. The adventurers watched the ant leave open-mouthed, before turning back to each other. Rukia grimaced.
âWe have a lot of talking to do.â
End of chapter four

676 posts

NOT NILO!!!! Poor Nurv. No ear tips. But they're battle scars so the chicks will dig them

3,937 posts

Another great chapter, but it was shorter than the average chapter.

4,689 posts

Dang. Well Commander went down swinging. Maybe sloth will bring him back as a zombie! BRAAAAINNNNZZZZ!

2,522 posts

Currently working on the next part, I've been on vacation

4,689 posts

Yay the story will continue!
btw Im serious about that zombie thing.

2,522 posts

BTW I had a plan before you even mentioned it just relax

2,522 posts

âSo you see? You have to come back!â Nurv nodded slowly as Rukia finished her account of the warrenâs plight. After about an hour of talking, they had come to the conclusion that Sloth did indeed orchestrate it all, and that he planned to destroy the warren.
âNow we know why that stupid fox was after us!â Jeol added, and Cowmaster snickered. They were at a loss as to what they should do, as they didnât know if Sloth would honor his word and leave the warren if he received eternal life. Rukia was insistent that he would not, and was about to strangle the three of them for being, in her opinion, so naive. They had thought about sending Cowmaster back to aid the warren, but him and Nurv were inseparable and the idea was null. At last it was decided, with the newfound knowledge of Windshift to aid the warren, they would all press forward in an attempt to find the city and retrieve immortality. Aware that they were very much in the middle of a desert with no guide or heading, they set up a camp on the banks of the oasis and Cowmaster rose into the skies to take stock. Commanderâs prone body was still in the stream, but the three were too scared to try and move it, only watching as Tibbers jumped all around the armored frame. After a few hours, Cowmaster alighted, ecstatic. He had seen the end of the sand, maybe a two-day hike across the rest of the desert. In a rush to be out, they all gathered together and, hearts full of hope, set off.
* * * * *
The sun had just risen on the middle warren, and Windshift was making some precautionary rounds through the various tunnels. Secretmapper was still in a fitful and stressed sleep, so he was attempting to do as much good as possible. He nodded a greeting to Kawaii, who mumbled grumpily on his way past. He came out the front entrance and sat next to Lycanac, ever vigilant.
âA lovely morning, no doubt?â Windshift mused as life began to spring up all around the warren. Flowers, closed against the cold of night, opened in all their colored glory, and dew shone on the grass. âShall we go for a bit of a graze?â Lycanac condoned, and they moved out into the open fields surrounding the warren. The cool, wet grass was a delicacy, and they were soon full. They were just about to head back to the mouth of the warren when they noticed someone had been watching them. Gliding over to them, wraith-like and cold, was Sloth, lord of earth. The rabbits were tempted to bolt, but being two of the toughest in the warren, they held their ground as the figure stopped before them.
âI am Slothâ
âNow, I must have a word with you. Three of your warren members, Nurv, Cowmaster, and Jeol, had left earlier, is that not so?â The rabbits nodded. âAh yes. Well, It seems I have need of them, for a little errand that needs running. Now, if you could send some rabbits, or whatever you have in there, after them, Itâd be much appreciated.â Windshift and Lycanac exchanged wary looks, and then Windshift turned to Sloth and spoke.
âWho are you? Under what authority do you have the power to come to us, out of nowhere, and tell us what to do? It seems you are in no position to do such.â Sloth writhed in some sort of shuffling dance, an immediate motion that threw the rabbits in some sort of panic. Sloth gritted his teeth, and after a few seconds it abated.
âYou fool. I have no authority?â Suddenly the sun was hot, and the leaves were greener. Time stood still, and some strange limbo fell over the meadow. The two rabbits floated upwards, and everything went kaleidoscopic, in some strange whirlwind. The rabbits caught their breath and came crashing to the ground. Sloth smirked.
âNow. About the rabbits.â
âWeâve already sent a doe.â
âWell thatâs not good enough. Send more, or I will destroy you all.â There was a tense silence as the rabbits looked at each other. At last, Windshift turned.
âVery Well.â
* * * * *
It was night in the desert. It was cold as well. A single breeze blew steadily through the endless sands of the western desert, and ruffled the brush of the oasis it happened upon. The refuge was still and silent. A single frog, floated downriver from the misted forest, croaked as it hopped onto the bank. A few flies were hovering just above the surface, so it swam over and snatched them out of the air. What had they been buzzing over? It noticed it was next to a large, shiny heap, what the flies were buzzing around. The frog hopped up onto the heap, testing it out. IT was hard and spiky, no place for a frog. It was about to hop off the mound when a tremor shook the ground, and the heap moved. Like a great whale beaching, Commander rose to his knees, then to his feet in a shower of water. He took stock of his surroundings, quickly remembered what had happened, and started unbuckling his armor. Underneath the waterlogged armor, there was a tunic drawn over his large chest and muscles. He stretched, relieved to be lighter-armored, and taking up his trusty sword, started in the direction the tracks were going. Itâd take more than some rabbits to take him down. The next time they met, it would be over. Before heâd gotten far, he noticed DD was next to him.
âThanks for the helpâ Commander grunted, and they progressed together into the desert night.

3,937 posts

At least your character is still in the story. Mine came and went

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