Learn something new every day... I didn't know that Israel allowed gun ownership. Mind you, it isn't something that has cropped up in conversations as gun ownership here in the UK was tightened beyond belief after the Dunblane massacre.
I had a customer a couple of years ago who was part of the armed response unit for the police and he was explaining how strict the controls are for them to handle the guns, let alone the controls for them opening fire.
Thankfully the black market for firearms is relatively small here in the UK and most available are decommissioned firearms that have been illegally reactivated or replica firearms.
I don't own a gun or any kind of weapon really, and never see myself wanting to. But I can understand the right to bear arms.
I don't believe a man should be able to walk down the street with a firearm though. IMO they are to be kept inside your home for self defense in situations where someone may be breaking and entering or collected for pleasure and fired at a gun range.
A person should only be able to walk the streets with non-lethal weaponry IMO. Say a taser/pepper spray/airsoft gun/knife
But no machetes/swords/firearms that shoot real rounds
A person could own handguns/hunting rifles without a special license but they would need to be registered in a federal system (in case they are stolen, or who knows what) and a person could own automatic weapons like submachine guns with a license that would be given by the government, however they would only be allowed to be fired at a range.
To hunt you need to be a certain distance from residences and the hunted animal must be in season or be targeted for population reduction.
I'm not very aware of gun law. But if everything I just stated was true. I think it would be the perfect system.
Uh-uh. Then what is the point? Most fights that involve murder and robbery happen in the street. If your little robber owns a handgun(s), an airsoft gun won't dazzle him. Even if it did, he just has to shoot once. On another note, I proudly accept the right to bear arms, and I am sure to use that right as soon I'm old enough.
Oh I know. Meant to change that to "less lethal weaponry" before I posted :P
Uh-uh. Then what is the point? Most fights that involve murder and robbery happen in the street. If your little robber owns a handgun(s), an airsoft gun won't dazzle him. Even if it did, he just has to shoot once. On another note, I proudly accept the right to bear arms, and I am sure to use that right as soon I'm old enough.
Up here in Canada a man doesn't have the right to a handgun. Yet we seem to manage just fine. Do you really think you live in such an uncivilized society that you are at risk of being mugged wherever you go?
We Canadians don't have a right to a handgun? Wow, thought I could. Is it that we need a licence and need to be registered or are they just flat out illegal?
We Canadians don't have a right to a handgun? Wow, thought I could. Is it that we need a licence and need to be registered or are they just flat out illegal?
In order to have a handgun you need a permit, to be a member of a shooting club, register your gun, and you are only allowed to carry your handgun between your home and the shooting range.
A handgun is considered a "concealed weapon" here and you can't walk around the street with one.
The average Canadian gun owner only has a hunting rifle or a shotgun. Which anyone can have, but ONLY for the purpose of hunting.
Further research finds a Canadian can get a permit to carry a concealed weapon such as a handgun on the street. But the permit is extremyely difficult to acquire and is usually only issued to armored car personnel.
You apply for the permit once. If you are rejected it is a permanent rejection and you can never apply again.
The second amendment is fundamental to protect the rights of the American people. It is essential to protect us from the government. We may not need it right now but who knows what the future holds.
"What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?" Thomas Jefferson
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." Cesare Beccaria
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." Cesare Beccaria
Okay it's got quotation marks. The guys got a fancy name. Provide me evidence to back up his claims. You would need to prove to me that in America, fewer assaults/robberies occur because the victims have guns .
"What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?" Thomas Jefferson
So carrying a gun in Wal-Mart is your constant warning to your government that you can't be bullied? That quote would be much better used to explain why we have a right to protest. Not a right to carry weapons. You having a gun would not stop your government from oppressing you if it wanted to.