ForumsWEPRRight to Bear Arms

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2,420 posts

Should we still keep it? Is it applicable to life the in the 21st century? Would it affect the economy if we make arms illegal?

  • 95 Replies
4,104 posts

I believe Switzerland is a nuetralist nation.... Why would they need a military?

Most neutral nations have armies, they just don't fight wars.
2,763 posts

The reason most American have guns is to protect themselves against other Americans that also might have guns. But yet you have higher homicide rates than in Canada where we don't have many guns but feel equally safe. There is something wrong with this picture.

1,627 posts

I believe in the right to bear arms, and I fully intend to do so as soon as I am of legal age. However, I think that there should be extensive security checks as to make sure that you have committed no felonies or violent crimes. I also feel that gun related violence should be punished more harshly than other forms of assault.

603 posts

Most neutral nations have armies, they just don't fight wars.

You are right.
Switzerland has armies, but they choose to remain neutral because they have a 'barrier' so to speak(The Alps). But the think is, they have a whole bunch of guns and other devises in the mountains, just in case a country decides to invade them
1,810 posts

I believe in the right to bear arms, and I fully intend to do so as soon as I am of legal age

Agreed. I am planning on using that right as soon as I can.

However, I think that there should be extensive security checks as to make sure that you have committed no felonies or violent crimes. I also feel that gun related violence should be punished more harshly than other forms of assault.

Also agreed. But most criminals don't get their guns legally anyway, but this could help somewhat.
1,627 posts

While I might be stepping into the realm of science fiction here, and it might be going a little bit TOO far with gun control, there should be an electronic signature for every gun, so that when one is used in a crime, it could instantly be traced back to the original owner, and then the criminal could be caught from there.

1,810 posts

While I might be stepping into the realm of science fiction here, and it might be going a little bit TOO far with gun control, there should be an electronic signature for every gun, so that when one is used in a crime, it could instantly be traced back to the original owner, and then the criminal could be caught from there.

just a bit too sci-fi. That would take a lot of money that the government doesn't have right now. So, even though that is a great idea, there is no resources that can see that come to society...yet.
30 posts

While I might be stepping into the realm of science fiction here, and it might be going a little bit TOO far with gun control, there should be an electronic signature for every gun, so that when one is used in a crime, it could instantly be traced back to the original owner, and then the criminal could be caught from there.

Cool idea but that would take forever to go through every gun in the US and put a sig on it.
1,434 posts

When the Constitution was written, the Founding Fathers knew they had to create a country that would be able to always be the most modern country, able to change its government to fit the needs of the time period. But this fluid government would need a fail-safe, something that could be used to ensure the safety of the people in the case of a tyrannical government seizing power. Right after our right to say what we want, the Founding Fathers granted us the right to protect and revolt so we can make sure we can say what we want.

In any era, in any situation, the 2nd Amendment is one of the most important pieces of US law.


1,627 posts

the Founding Fathers granted us the right to protect and revolt

Absolutely not. The FF gave us the right to protect ourselves from those who were trying to harm us or take our rights. They did not condone the violent overthrow of the government unless it was completely backed by the people.
539 posts

While I might be stepping into the realm of science fiction here, and it might be going a little bit TOO far with gun control, there should be an electronic signature for every gun, so that when one is used in a crime, it could instantly be traced back to the original owner, and then the criminal could be caught from there.

Even if it were possible, what about the bright sparks who destroy the murder weapon? Unless the bullets are traceable to a particular gun, someone could use a gun to shoot someone else, destroy the gun and if questioned, they lost the gun while out hunting.

Besides which, the illegal gun trade in America is huge. Nobody really knows just how many mass produced guns are in circulation, let alone the home-made variety.
40 posts

"[i]A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Well that says it all. I do believe we should still keep it. It is applicable now in the 21st century now more than ever. We have so many "bad" people out there in this day and age that owning a gun and being able to carry it with you is so important.

I think that the government should allow the use of fully automatic rifles and submachine guns. There is no point in owning a rifle that shoots one bullet at a time. What if you miss? And there is really no difference between the two. A bullet is a bullet. It kills. Having a fully automatic gun will not increase the likeliness of someone getting shot. It will just allow quicker follow up shots. And if people are worried about "bad" people and criminals getting their hands on these type of guns, why not just let the police use them too? It's just an idea. If you're going to let us have guns, let us have the freedom to do so as the 2nd amendment permits. A gun is a gun no matter what. If a rapist comes at you and you have a pistol, and you shoot him...what if the shot is not powerful enough to stop him? In that situation a fully auto rifle would be more preferable. In all honesty, if you won't let regular citizens own these kind of guns, let the enthusiasts...They're the kind of people that collect, target shoot, show off, and prize their guns more than anything.

I'm sure any one who disagrees with me will say so. This is what I think and you can totally disagree with me on it because you too, have not only the right to bear arms, but the freedom of speech. Yes, that's right. We the people.

1,627 posts

Having a fully automatic gun will not increase the likeliness of someone getting shot. It will just allow quicker follow up shots

Ummm, no. Have you ever heard of just spraying fire? With a single shot that is impossible. However, with fully automatic weapons, it is possible to kill a whole room of people in just a matter of seconds.

Okay then. What happens if a person shoots at cops with automatic weapons. It would be extremely dangerous for the cops, and law enforcement deaths will go up.
5,552 posts

Okay, really, there's two sides to this argument.

1) Guns are dangerous and shouldn't be used without proper training


2) People have a right to protect themselves/their family.

If you outlaw guns, the number of guns that are around will be reduced. However, for all who don't follow the laws, they will still have guns. All that does is take away the average citizen's ability to protect themselves because the criminals will still possibly have guns.

I think that the government should allow the use of fully automatic rifles and submachine guns.

Quite frankly, that's just a stupid idea. There's a line between personal defense and asking for a boat-load of trouble.

What if you miss?

You shoot again, if needed. Most criminals don't want to personally harm you, they want what you have. If you're going to fight for it they don't want to risk their lives for stealing your furniture (most anyways).

Having a fully automatic gun will not increase the likeliness of someone getting shot.

How do you figure. For one, a fully automatic gun is very likely to hit everything in the general direction you're pointing. Bullets can ricochet and go through plaster walls, hitting things in other rooms.

A gun is a gun no matter what.

There's quite a difference between a 9mm handgun and a M16.

If a rapist comes at you and you have a pistol, and you shoot him...what if the shot is not powerful enough to stop him?

I HIGHLY doubt he'll keep trying to **** you if you've already shot him. I think you're seriously underestimating just how damaging getting shot is. This isn't Cod where you shoot someone with 10 bullets and they keep on going as if they weren't hurt at all. They also don't just magically heal after 10 seconds either.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I HIGHLY doubt he'll keep trying to **** you if you've already shot him. I think you're seriously underestimating just how damaging getting shot is. This isn't Cod where you shoot someone with 10 bullets and they keep on going as if they weren't hurt at all. They also don't just magically heal after 10 seconds either.

Do you even really need to shoot? Wave the darn thing in his face.

I used to oppose gun laws in America, but seeing that there's no way to outlaw them totally anymore without upsetting the balance between criminals and victims, people should have a right to bear arms, just not the ridiculous ones like the automatics people keep mentioning. CoD fanboys.
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