Do you think a tax on fast food would make people eat cheaper, healthier food instead of fast food? America has a very large percentage of "overweight" citizens. Would a national Fast Food Tax solve this problem? Explain why or why not.
It's not that expensive. The Whopper itself is a buck and is like 1200 calories. Increasing it 2 or 3 bucks would be better.
Alcohol and tobacco both have taxes on them, and they're both bad for you.
Also, I realized that cheaper wasn't the word I should've used because fast food is clearly cheaper than healthy food, otherwise there wouldn't put a tax on it.
I think the government should interfere when it benefits the greater good. Small central government is a very large flaw, in my opinion.
I have to agree with Orion here. I mean, as much as I hate fast food, it is in no way the government's job to try to make people eat healthy. The fast food market has clearly established itself in the American mainstream - so what would taxation on this market sector hope to accomplish? Presumably, from the OP, it would be used to deter people from eating fast food. But the inherent risks of fast food are already there; if people don't want 300 grams of fat in their hamburger, then they'll find something else. What this tax would effectively try to do (if it were successful), would be to drive fast food chains out of business. But that's just ridiculous. Then again, I'm also opposed to the massive taxes on cigarettes, so whatever.
Yet another incident where big business was put before the People.
That big business gives tens of millions of people jobs. So think again.
Small central government is a very large flaw, in my opinion.
Large government is an even larger flaw. Government is designed to control a state, not make sure everyone has a chair to sit on. The larger, the more you have pay. When you have no money to pay, they throw you in jail.
If people all of the sudden got healthier, I would need to start thinking of new career choices. If everyone is in good physical condition, that would make it that much harder for people like me who actually take the time and effort to stay fit to be chosen over people who don't really give a shit.
I may be being selfish, but I say give the people what they want, they should not to try to kill themselves, and if they do, more resources to go around.
This is a horrible idea for several reasons. First, there is no legal description for what "fast food" is. Second, the main reason people eat fast food is because it is cheap, why would you want to take that away? Third, alcohol and tobacco are far more harmful than a cheese burger now and then.
Finally, if the government starts restricting what we can and can't eat with taxes than that is basically controlling our life. I would consider that an ABOMINATION! I personally would protest if not go into full scale revelation over tax on certain foods.
Fast food made America fat. That's more than a good reason to tax it.
That is a horrible reason. What is next, taxing desert, taxing food that is semi bad, taxing every food? It is not the government's job to tell you how to live your lives.
Than are you going to tax us for how we live our lives? If we don't exercise we get taxed? If I play on this computer for more than an hour every day will I get taxed? Will you tax people for there jobs not involving movement?
America isn't forcing its citizens to be fat. There's healthy choices out there. People are just too lazy to go and make themselves something healthy. Yea, I agree fast food is bad. And I just don't eat it. And there we go, problem solved for me. So, if you don't like fast food either, just don't eat it! Taxing it would be stupid, I agree with Orion as well.
Do you think a tax on fast food would make people eat cheaper, healthier food instead of fast food? America has a very large percentage of "overweight" citizens. Would a national Fast Food Tax solve this problem? Explain why or why not.
Either the people fix their own problems or they live with them. The government's job should not be to fix every little issue.
I agree with NoName. They can't MAKE you be healthy, it's not their problem. They can suggest, through ads and whatnot, but whether you listen or not is your choice.
If there's one thing the government is short on now, it's money. An extra ten cents on all the big macs'll help, considering how many fast food meals are served each day. It's stupid to use the tax as a healthifying tool, but as a way to get some extra money to pay off the debt, everybody wins. Nobody's gonna notice a ten-cent price hike on a fast food meal.
Also, sorry for the double post, but fast food is definitely important. Trying to turn all of our food into a health orgy will hurt our economy and our marginalized members of society - fast food is cheap, filling, and has a lot of calories, so people can stay alive on it for pocket change. Hell, a ten-cent price increase to give the government a bit more money will just have people asking for their dollars to be made into dimes instead of quarters every now and then. It'd only be a serious blow if someone made waaaaaaaay less than minimum wage - but we don't have sweatshops here, as far as I know.