ForumsWEPRHomefront (the video game)

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928 posts

Now before you flip out saying put it in the video games section or something.

This isn't about the video game coming out, this is about what the game is about. North Korea Invades the US. In other words a discussion about whether or not it could really happen.

In the game (Not yet released btw) North and South Korea become one and are renamed: The Greater Korean Republic. They are led by Kim Ill Oun (or what ever) and take over Japan and most of Asia, South Asia, and Australia. Then they have a "communication" satellite that ends up launching an emp (electro magnetic pulse) attack and invade the country.

Like I said, do you think that North Korea would (could?) do that?

Hope I get the link right (The video, if your old enough, can tell that better than me: [url=]

  • 47 Replies
928 posts

Another point to add is the date that everything is happening. According to the trailer the year when they dominate the US is 2027 or something like that.

2,520 posts

Nah this wouldn't happen for one reason, that they'de get taken down before they got this far.

4,220 posts

According to the trailer the year when they dominate the US is 2027 or something like that.

I could only hope for it by then.

Perfect chance to try and make my mark on history. xD

Or get shot in the face. >.>

Well, if our government was weakened by then, there is a possibility. I didn't see when it was.

There is a chance that we could have some pacifist idiot in office, and that would make us screwed. Now that there's a plausible timeline, it *could* happen, it's just unlikely.
5,061 posts

Wow Orion....

Well the trailer talked about how GKR had well over a 1000 nukes, I don't care how much of a pacifist any leader is no country would have let it get that far.

4,220 posts

I don't care how much of a pacifist any leader is no country would have let it get that far.

It's possible they could try for peace before it's too late.

I said it's possible, just highly unlikely. We don't know what the world would be like then.

Besides, it might not be NK. The possibility of a scenario similar to that is always possible, just about as likely as an asteroid hitting the earth in ten years. I.e. not even close to lilely.
5,061 posts

You came close though only 9 decades off, there are several asteroids that are hurtling through the galaxy towards our solar system we just can't predict their paths well enough to know if they'll hit us. I watch way to much NGC... :|

But I digress, considering this has been happening, I highly doubt peace was an option anymore, for god's sake they conquered half of Asia.

4,220 posts

I highly doubt peace was an option anymore, for god's sake they conquered half of Asia.

It took Japan to attack us before we did anything during WWII. They had done the same, committing genocide in China.

That's why I say it could happen. Maybe not NK, but someone.

Then you and me and most people on here would end up fighting for our lives. Doesn't matter who, if they'd succeed, we'd be screwed.

So yeah, we can only hope we maintain integrity. It's most likely that way, but stranger things have happened.

You came close though only 9 decades off, there are several asteroids that are hurtling through the galaxy towards our solar system we just can't predict their paths well enough to know if they'll hit us. I watch way to much NGC... :|

Apophys anyone? lulz
5,061 posts

:/ Hey now, no pointing out my fatal grammatical flaws, schools out for the summer and apparently my brain went with it, trust me I can churn out paragraph long sentences.

I've always thought invading this country would be a pretty bad idea, from the statistics I know; 25% of the legal adults within the united states own a gun, 50% live in a house with a gun. Now factor in any illegal aliens with guns, gang owned guns, stolen guns, kids who own hunting rifles, etc. and you have a massive amount of armed people who probably aren't gonna be happy with you trying to take over their country. It's something to the equivalent of trying to kill a momma grizzly with toothpick.

4,220 posts

It's something to the equivalent of trying to kill a momma grizzly with toothpick.

Hasn't stopped anyone before. lulz.

But I think we can agree that it would be suicide.

:/ Hey now, no pointing out my fatal grammatical flaws, schools out for the summer and apparently my brain went with it, trust me I can churn out paragraph long sentences.


That was random.
5,061 posts

Oh crap, I thought you said apostrophes, see what happens when you skim read, let this be a lesson kids.

4,220 posts

Oh crap, I thought you said apostrophes, see what happens when you skim read, let this be a lesson kids.


That's the funniest thing all day for me. xD

Not in a mean way or anything.
408 posts

This will never happen for a variety of reasons;

First of all, South Korea would not join with North Korea without them first abandoning their "Communist" ideas. North Korea, with what the current and future leadership looks like would never do this. Kim Jong Ill and whoever replaces him (his son, which one I'm not sure) love having Godlike power over their people and are not going to give it up. This means North Korea would have to invade South Korea to take power and that's a war they cannot win. North Korea invades through the DMZ, basically a giant mine field leading towards machine guns = many NK troops dead. Then they will break through and by that time the U.S. and South Korean forces will be pulling back to more defensive locations abandoning the "speed bump" bases closer to the north. While this looks like a retreat, it isn't. While their doing this USAF B-52 bombers will be being deployed from Barksdale AFB and other bases alongside F-16 and F-22 fighter escorts, many already located in Japan. These fighter jets join their Jappanesse and South Korean collegues and slaughter the North Korean Air Force (if there is one) while the three Naval forces alongside other allied navies (United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, the list goes on and on) bombard the invading North Korean troops while turning the North Korean surface fleet into a submarine fleet. About twelve to fourteen hours later the B-52s arrive and release their payloads over the DMZ cutting the invading North Korean troops numbers in half.

Now that the invading NK troops are being bombed into submission by the bombers remember those U.S. and South Korean troops that retreated south, well, their advancing now towards the scattered and terrified North Korean invasion force. The NK soldier has been told the North Korean army is invincible and will conquer all who stand before it. He believed this, but then his friends stepped on landmine after landmine, were torn limb from limb by machine gun fire and then the bombs started to drop. I picked the B-52 for a reason, their payloads are massive even compaired to the B-1B and Stealth bomber, they are the USAF's heavy bomber and there are a lot of them. Now, the North Korean soldier is learning he can be defeated and the well fed, rested and unbombed U.S. and South Korean troops are advancing north, aided by Marines from the United States, Japan, Great Britain, Australia and other nations from the east and possibly west. Within one week the North Korean invasion force will have surrendered and Kim Jong Ill will be cowering in Pyongyang waiting for, if he's lucky merciful U.S. troops, or if he's unlucky, angry South Korean or Jappanesse troops.

Well, let's say Kim figures what I just said is what would happen when he sends his invasion force south. We'll assume he has a nuclear weapon and he decides to soften up his enemy first, perhaps force them to surrender to his great self through use of the nuclear bomb. He fires at the U.S./South Korean base near the North Korean border and the weapon is a success. With that large base gone he sends his invasion force south to victory, right. Wrong. If North Korea fired a nuclear weapon at South Korea and especially if it worked he would have less than an hour left on the face of this Earth. Deploying a nuclear weapon is serious buisiness and if he did so the U.S. would have no other option but to retaliate in kind and fire on Pyongyang with one of the weapons from the U.S. stockpile. Kim might have a nuke, but I can guarantee you it is nothing compaired to a modern U.S. nuclear weapon. 5, 10, 15 megatons of nuclear annihalation would hit his capital and in less than an hour the Second Korean War would be over in a flash of horrid white light.

Second, this is according to a recent article I read a week or two ago. Apparently, due to economic reasons and the devaluing of North Korean money affecting the people's savings (they do have them), the people are starting to love their dear leader less and less. Kim could order his people to war and face a rebellion, possibly even a military coup by officers smart enough to know their great leader is sending them to their deaths for nothing better than his ego. There is even a chance that North Korean troops could break through to South Korea and surrender to the first South Korean soldier, American soldier or even reporter or buisinessman they find to escape their "Worker's Paradise."

Third, China would not want to work with North Korea, in fact, they could join the South Korea, U.S. and Japan in fighting against the North. Think about it, attacking U.S. forces especially is economic suicide, they know that. Who buys all their cheap crap, the U.S. Also, while the Chinesse leadership want more power, they don't want to share it with a lunatic like Kim Jong Ill. They know a war with a still strong west is suicide as even a near billion man army is no match for bomber fleets, long range missles and selective bombing. Plus, they need to keep their people working, busy people don't complain. Anyway, when China makes their move for power, they aren't going to need North Korea nor want it.

And finally, invading the United States is nearly impossible for a country like North Korea, China, or even all of Asia. The U.S. is stable and has the Pacific ocean in between it and Asia. There are only two ways this Asian army could get to America, by sea or by air. They haven't got the aircraft to get that many troops to the U.S. and if they did American and NATO fighter pilots would have a field day shooting them all down. It'd be less a military action and more of a massacre. If they came by sea, well, more of the same. The U.S. Navy and the other NATO navies would sink their fleets no problem. Destroyers, submarines and fighters would make quick work of their naval fleets. And even if they could reach the United States, we still have the United States military, the police AND the armed PUBLIC. There is an old quote by a Jappanesse admiral that basically says it is impossible to invade the United States as there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass. Gun ownership in the United States is high, and I don't mean shotguns and handguns. Semi-Automatic rifles like the AR-15 (Semi-auot M16), Steyrs (semi-auto AUGs), AK clones and the list goes on and on. All of those publically held semi-automatic firearms guarantee this nation can not be invaded as the American people could carry out an insurgency that would overpower any military.

While the situation is basically impossible this game still looks interesting. I'm going to go and see what else I can find out about it. If it's coming out on the PS3 maybe I'll pick up a copy.

5,061 posts

First off, it is possible that SK joins NK if they're a economically destitute and NK offers to help them for a price. Next it takes place in the future where the US dollar has quite literally died, so all the high tech weaponry, yeah not so much...What exactly did you mean by more modern? NK's nukes were researched, tested, and developed in the last two years.

928 posts

Tested in the Ocean near China.

5,061 posts

Isn't that a great idea? Irradiate the very place that your food comes from....

But from what I saw on the news, they were testing it in underground caves.

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