ForumsWEPRSchool Encourages No Best Friends

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agewanted=all">This article talks about a school who's goal is to encourage children to befriend everyone they can, rather than hold certain friends above others. Simply put, they discourage children from getting too close to a single other person.

If a teacher spots two children who do seem very close, they will not break the friendship, but they will watch over them closely. As soon as one of the children feels hurt or if any of the other children feels hurt, the teachers take action by talking to parents to help their children with future relationships.

I already raged about this to someone over the phone, that way I would be able to type all this without telling Christine Laycob to go fuck her god damn self, that fucking whore. But I won't say that because I'm a good, responsible, moderator.

I understand that some people don't have a single best friend, but should teachers encourage children not to have them?

Do you have a single best friend, or are you good friends with everyone? Do you agree with what these teachers are doing?

Bonus: Tell us a story about a memorable moment you have had with one of your best/good friends.

  • 41 Replies
815 posts

It seems what the school system is trying to do is make a army of loving drones, this could be a way to combat bullying because there would be no best friend to team up with? Also maybe there trying to make the students not dependant on one person?

I disagree with what they are doing, I don't have 'one' best friend i have a group of mates we are all pretty close and we all have our ups and downs with each other.

The most memorable moment that i have had with my mates is when we went camping with his step father and his uncle and we slept in a double decker bus, well we all fell asleep and forgot to turn off the generator and the bus caught on fire from the lower deck and the kids were sleeping on the top. I woke up to find myself inhauling smoke and unable to see and my mate screaming get out, i quickly ran out to find the bus was on fire and my mates still in the bus my friend kept on screaming and soon my other mates ran out. As soon as i got out of the bus i turned into 'Survival mode' and started dragging away explosive objects from the bus. The bus was soon completely engolfed in flame and we had to retreat into town, i realised that if my friend hadnt of woke up we would of all been dead, i saw my friends cry that day i realised that i was in a near death experience, i havent cryed at all about that day the day that myself and my friends die i find it really wierd that i can kind of shrug it off.

Sorry for the long post :/

844 posts

Well a long time ago(in a galaxy far,far away lulz) me and my friend really hated our teacher so we gave her a 'worst teacher ever award!" then she sent us to the office all day!And the pricipal said 'not to hang around with eachother" which i totally disagree with, but anyways me and my friend had some fun! XD FUCK! THE PRICIPAL!!

3,437 posts

What these teachers are doing is plain wrong. It is human nature to devlop friendships with others and, yes, some friends will become closer. I have a best friend, we've been friends our entire lives. I remember one time we snuck birthday cake before it was time to eat it at her party lol.

676 posts

This is dumb, especially if it is to combat bullying. If you are the one being bullied and have no best friend, then there's no one to stand by your side. Plus, without a best friend, who do you talk to in bad times and just talk about anything. I feel best friend is one of the most important roles in life.

4,220 posts

They hate the human race. They should kill themselves.

How the hell else are we supposed to develop complex and deep relationships with people? This is BS.

I don't have a best friend who I've had my entire life. I've never lived in one place longer than a few years, so friends come and go for me.

The last place I lived I fit in better. My friends and I would go hang out after school and go to baseball games on the weekends.

These people obviously don't want that. For what? Less bullying? The bullies will always gravitate to each other, no matter what. Telling kids who do nothing wrong to not have a social life is BS. They'll have no one to back them up when someone else starts picking on them.

I always protect my friends. Even if I'm not capable on fixing, I still stand up for my friends, against anyone. With such a system, discouraging people from having good friends is a recipe for disaster. No one can be friends with everyone.

9,462 posts

People socialize on different levels. Some people are more comfortable in small groups or just around a single person and others are better in large groups. To force a person who does better with just a hand full of people to interact on such a level in a large group could actually hurt that persons ability to socialize.

As for trying to trying to use this as a way to prevent bullying, I don't see how this will work. Group activities and preventing kids from having good friends isn't going to make two people who don't get along, get along with each other.

My friends and I would get together almost every Friday. We would usually order a pizza and rent a movie, after the movie we would sit around and play video games.

639 posts

i have a best friends before i ask any of my other friends to hang out i always ask him first, but he just tore his acl playiing basketball

996 posts

It's an interesting concept, but I doubt it's gonna work. We, as humans, need the personal attention a close friend offers. There's nothing wrong with it either. We learn how to deal with cliques when we're young, and I'm not liking how adults keep trying to stick their fingers in everything. Some things are better left how they are. But, I can see the faults in this way of things as well. All my best friends hurt me in a way that can't be easily mended. But I still have three close friends that I can bear my soul to without judgment. I certainly don't want to deprive my children of this.

1,751 posts

Yeah. A nerd baing frends with everyone, even with those boys that disobey the law, drink at age 13, take drugs, go around with weapons ect. And vise-versa.

excelent idea. Wonder how long the nerd will stay alive.

Like BentheBozer, when I was in elementary school I had a goroup of mates instead of a single best friend. Now that I went to middle school* my best friend is the only remanant from that group of mates.

*-Israel: Elamentary school: 1-6 grades
Middle school: 7-9 grades
High school: 10-12 grades

9,462 posts

All my best friends hurt me in a way that can't be easily mended.

We shouldn't try to shield our children from every form of pain. We learn and grow from some of it.

I am curious to hear what their B.S. explanation for this was, schools always come up with such clever speeches to "justify" all there **** decisions.

So would I.
1,989 posts

Schools are stupid all up. Friends are friends so what's so bad about Best Friends?

Children need to experience getting their feelings hurt. It's the way of life. In the big bad world , There are the a holes in the world.

The Children will get hurt then get over it as I said it's life.

Schools are getting way too protective and so are parents.

109 posts

Not all teachers are dumb. For example, my physics teacher is one guy I will never forget. But in the case of schools doing stupid things, I find it's really affecting elementary schools. They seem to be taking everyone's individuality away while at the same time telling all those little kids that it's good to be different. Ironic.

As for the friend case... now that just pisses me off. People have the right to be friends with who they want. Some personalities don't mix.

3,896 posts

They are the biggest retards I have ever heard of. Big whoop if someone isn't as close to you as someone else. It's all natural to like one person more than another.

4,689 posts

Just another stupid thing schools do. :P My school put in a wellness program to try and get kids healthy. They took out all soda machines and vending machines and makes kids get birthday treats checked out ahead of time to see if it is healty enough. Really if kids are learing from these people no wonder the world has so many problems.

184 posts

If school discourage friends then that's just stupid. Even the principal must have a best friend right? That's just wrong to not have a best friend. Best friend is where we tell our experiences on something, share our thought and emotions. I totally disagree with the fact of discouragement of best friends.

Btw, I have 4 best friend and the followings are the best moments of me and my best friends.

BF #1: When he broke his arm I help him and after a year or 2, when I broke my leg he help me.

BF #2: Our constant contest of mocking each other. In the end we ended with laughter.

BF #3: Me and him are like the opposite of each other but still we're very close so there's a lot of best moments with him.

BF #4: Well I have just befriended him this year so there aren't that many. We both share the same interest of games. Even though he kept on making jokes about me I'm OK with it.

*The BF above are males no females cause I'm a bit touchy about being a BF of a female...though I do have few female BF in a game and 1 in real life. All have lost contact.

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