This is a bit of a forum game, but at the same time it has the capacity to result in a bit of poetry, so it goes here. I'm going to supply a line of poetry, and the following poster is to create a poem using the line I gave as their first. Along with their poem, they supply a line for the next person to write poetry on. No restrictions on the type of line or poetry; just keep the line open ended.
The rope has been cut, how lucky that man with his head through the noose. His life has been saved, but by who, who would save a wretched man sentenced to death?
The bullets were fired, this man the target. but the bullets miss, he escapes. What could have caused this? or is it again, who?
Instead of reaching conclusions I find illusions Things that aren't real Misleading my mind This wasn't the deal. This isn't what I was supposed to find.
The dead body on the floor This wasn't the condition upon which we swore No one was supposed to get hurt You weren't to kill anyone How this situation I want to invert You weren't a hired gun.
Innocent and harmless Now because of your mistake we have to confess You blew the whole mission Don't blame me You put us in this condition How is this what I was to foresee?
Nature's call, run away from home, live free, without any wall, without problems, and in the forest roam.
People will run away from you, 'coz in that bearskin you look like hell, they'll give rewards to that whom slew the ugly man in the forests thrown away and repelled.