ForumsWEPRWW3... Who would win?

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1,373 posts

The title says the most but I will repeat it. If there would be a WW3 what country would win?

  • 213 Replies
168 posts

america would win.. our army is not the best in the world, but we have nuke shelters, and our large number of paranoid people will help by sharing their supplies. Also there are such patriots that would form militias and brutally kill any invaders.

1,434 posts

America has a distinct advantage. There is nobody on our continent that is unfriendly and poses a threat. So what? The United States also has the most powerful navy on the surface of the planet. think about it. Venezuela? a meager boil on america's nicely toned ass. cuba? What is cuba? New Florida? Probably. China? They can only have one child, and the parents kill their kids until they get a boy. Thats a quadruple population fall. China just has cheap labor. You know who else had cheap labor? Persia. wanna know what happened when persia decided it was time to mess with the people with the most powerful navy on earth, of whom were allied with the best soldiers on the planet? They lost 200,000 men, and killed 300, for a rocky outcropping.

So yah, even if, Europe needs the US, and the US needs Europe. I've said this a countless number of times previously, interdependence is becoming such a large part of international relations, world war three is not a profitable prospect.

Still, russia is scared shitless of us now (anyone say 3rd world?) and if they fire one primitive nuke we'll hit them back ten fold with a nuke the size of a pen that'll make the Kremlin a nice pile of dust that should be vacuumed away.

the terrorists? Dickless cowards hiding in caves that zealously dont listen to reason.

Iran? Don't you mean Modern-day persians? just do all the fighting in greece. We'll win.

China? there's a tiny island off the coast of China. It's called Japan. We have occupied that island with a heavy amount of troops for over fifty years now. It's a quick boat ride into Manchuria and then south to beijing.

Democracy wins, facism, theocracy, and Communism fails.

583 posts

Too many people automatically assume america would win IMO.

3,437 posts

Too many people automatically assume america would win IMO.

Let's say this BS situation comes to be. You do realize the cost of goods would sky rocket? Many goods would have to be produced on the home front if not almost everything. That would drive costs up. Furthermore China can drum up a 200million man army. That is roughly two thirds of the ENTIRE American population. Training doesn't get you much when an enemy can bring up those kind of numbers. Oh let us not forget that Americans are NOT the topped trained military force many think they are. Fun fact: Many Americans attend CANADIAN military colleges in order to learn tactics and battle planning. So short of nuking everyone to hell (which would be suicide in itself) America wouldn't win.
3,086 posts

America seems to be the most paranoid fuckers on he block so who knows?
many people hate them.
i think that Australia would be safe for the most part as we have not pissed of so many people and we have no nukes so we wouldn't be seen as a threat for nuclear war. not to mention that in the whole war with Afghanistan Australia have lost about 24 people while America has lost thousands.

79 posts

not to mention that in the whole war with Afghanistan Australia have lost about 24 people while America has lost thousands.

Well America are obviously going to lose more troops down to probability.

Australia has 1445 troops in Afghanistan so that means if they have lost 24 men their mortality rate is 1.66%.

The Americans have 78430 troops in Afghanistan they have had 1244 men killed so they're death rate is 1.58%.

1.66% is higher than 1.58% so your the point your trying make is wrong.
815 posts

Afganistan is not a very good subject to compare to ww3 as it is a insergency and not a connventual war, either way Australia is screwed from any convential attacks, lets did say China did start war Australia has billion dollar trade deals witht them for coal and other materials it would make sense for China to invade and mine themselves to increase the war machine it would be a easy fight as we would most likely stop tradeing with them if they decleared war on USA/UK.

1,133 posts

Let's say this BS situation comes to be. You do realize the cost of goods would sky rocket? Many goods would have to be produced on the home front if not almost everything. That would drive costs up. Furthermore China can drum up a 200million man army. That is roughly two thirds of the ENTIRE American population. Training doesn't get you much when an enemy can bring up those kind of numbers. Oh let us not forget that Americans are NOT the topped trained military force many think they are. Fun fact: Many Americans attend CANADIAN military colleges in order to learn tactics and battle planning. So short of nuking everyone to hell (which would be suicide in itself) America wouldn't win.

I think your looking at this the wrong way wolf. If China did come to America then we would lose for sure but at present are navy is alot bigger than theres so they really have no way to get to us.
3,437 posts

I think your looking at this the wrong way wolf. If China did come to America then we would lose for sure but at present are navy is alot bigger than theres so they really have no way to get to us.

The navy be dam*ed. America can go to China and they'd still lose. China isn't as backwards as people think, they're an innovative nation that is industrializing at an unprecedented speed. Let's not forget who in there right minds would want to fight China? The UK? Canada? I'm sure the UK would jump on board but unless the reasons are superly fantasticly amazing Canda would stay the hell out. That being of course if we had a Prime Minister with backbone. Now, frankly Americans are over confident in their military. The American military is NOT the best. And as I said before 200million people is what China can bring. And don't even count on the bloody Japanese, ever since WWII they don't even have an army. FURTHERMORE the Japanese are not permitted to engage in OFFENSIVE warfare. You know what the Japanese military consists of? A few thousand men. That's all. We're not even taking into account all the Red Tape this would involve. What with Sanctions, the U.N flipping it's lid (not that the U.N would do much). The third party countries who would take advantage of this. Point being, if, by some magical stretch of the immagination, this situation ever came to be China (and allies) would kill America.

Food for thought: China is more popular on the world stage than America.
79 posts

Food for thought: China is more popular on the world stage than America.

I totally agree with you.

Also, a China-U.S war would be like WWII in Russia where the Soviets sent wave after wave of men against the Nazi's slowly wearing them down.
3,437 posts

Also, a China-U.S war would be like WWII in Russia where the Soviets sent wave after wave of men against the Nazi's slowly wearing them down.

Not to mention America wouldn't be able to produce at the proper rate. Much of the manufacturing done for the states comes from China, Japan, India and places like that.
1,133 posts

Here is the current situation. If we were to atack China we would lose but if China tried to atack us they would lose seeing as our navy is so much better than theres and we would stop them from even getting here.

3,437 posts

Here is the current situation. If we were to atack China we would lose but if China tried to atack us they would lose seeing as our navy is so much better than theres and we would stop them from even getting here.

Let me try to spell this out for you clearly. IF this BS situation were to come about there would be a lot of preparation involved which means that China would increase it's navy to accomodate an invasion. However, wars are hardly fought like this anymore, and the navy isn't as important. Most likely America would be caught of guard and regardless I'm sure the Chinese would find away past the bloody American navy and land enough troops. However, this is all wild speculation and not likely to happen by any magical stretch of the immagination because China and America are remarkably one mind on a lot more things than you would believe.
1,133 posts

Let me try to spell this out for you clearly. IF this BS situation were to come about there would be a lot of preparation involved which means that China would increase it's navy to accomodate an invasion. However, wars are hardly fought like this anymore, and the navy isn't as important. Most likely America would be caught of guard and regardless I'm sure the Chinese would find away past the bloody American navy and land enough troops. However, this is all wild speculation and not likely to happen by any magical stretch of the immagination because China and America are remarkably one mind on a lot more things than you would believe.

True this is purely speculative. While we are discussing the unlikely let me say that if China was to atack Canada we would help you out.
3,085 posts

Perhaps your Navy may be better than China's but wars aren't fought solely on Navy and, indeed, even the best Navy could be overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Don't forgot that China could easily use it's air force and Navy in a combined attack that would be effective if it came as a surprise.

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