everyone Is born an Atheist and some choose to become religious later.
That statement is as ignorant as saying every baby is born straight and later on learns to be homose*ual.
God is Spirit, not human. We are called by the Spirit of God to worsip, praise and learn His teachings.
A person can go to mosque, synagogue or church every day the doors are open but that does not and will never make her/him devout or devoted to God.
The true test for others, and 314d1 this can also answer your false statement aimed at me as an "inferior" being, to know if the person they meet is Spirit filled is the truth of the persons beliefs. If they deny the existence of the Spirit of God, they are not Spirit filled and if Christian, Protestant, etc. are not born again. The second birth is only a spiritual birth but the change for that person is profound, not emotional, mental or moral.
Futhermore, I don't need a man, priest or pastor to read the Bible to me nor do I require someone else to interpret what it says. I go to the Father directly because that is what the blood of Jesus Christ replaced. He is the High Priest and replaces the human priest that in ancient days I would have to go to with my peace offerings, grain offerings, sin offerings, etc.
I didn't have to talk myself into acting a certain way nor did I have to make myself stop bad or harmful habits but these and many more changes did occur very quickly for me and to me. I would think these changes in my life would constitute miracles especially considering how angry, cynical and condescending I used to be.
My spirit agrees with God even though I still sin. Speaking of sin, babies are born into sin but do they begin sinning immediately after birth?
No, babies usually learn about sin later when an older sibling has pinched them, or made a face at them, etc. That's why all babies and young children go to heaven until they're old enough to know right from wrong, good from evil.
No, they search for answers - we're unlucky enough to belong to a naturally superstitious race. If they find religion then they stop looking for other answers - and that Isn't right.
Are you talking about the dark ages, again?
Science, arts, culture, education all came about after the God of Abraham, Christianity and Islam were introduced. The only people alive today that naturally believe in superstitions choose that belief system unless they live in an impovrished society completely cut off from the rest of the world.
Now, have I tried to convert anyone with this wall? I have never tried to proselytize anyone. All I have ever done was to share my faith with others. This is what I'm called to do, that's all.