
173 19812
166 posts

any muslims out there??

  • 173 Replies
3,085 posts

How on earth is this a 'No Kids' thread? If you're old enough to choose yourself a religion then you're old enough to defend it.

1,573 posts

This is not a no kids thread. This is a "if you have a thought say it with thought" thread. As are most threads here. Sure you get a few oddjobs like me and a fair amount of lil ones saying stuff they dont know about, but on the whole I have been taught by the young and old on this site.

And am I seriously seeing the same religious debate on this thread. Looks like some trollkid is kicking up dust by trying to justify christianity... ha.

This isn't an attack. Secondly, if you go back and look at the OP on the threads you say are "against religion" you will see that it is in fact religious people initiating these discussions, and then claiming to be attacked when someone shows demonstrable evidence that what they are saying is incorrect and/or fallacious.

Same ol bucket of fish there then...

To MrWalker, where's your proof that homose*uality is genetic?

Erm... it is. There are processes that your body uses to say "hey this person smells good and Im attracted to them"... and the process doesnt care who or what gender. This is clouded by things like religion.
47 posts

im muslim and to prove it i'll
tell u things i know
tattoos are haram
ramzan is coming
love marriages are haram
eating pigs is haram etc.....
@darkestnight so where u from pakistan???

3,085 posts

Ahh, assalamo alaycom. Awaddo ziyarat masjid. And remember, not all Muslims are born in Asia, nor for some are there families - some are western converts.

4,005 posts

BTW, I do need a shrink. Just can't find anywhere. Guess I'll just go to the school counselor.

I would recommend talking to your parents and finding and independent psychologist (not a psychiatrist) to talk to about your issues. A psychologist will be able to talk with you and help you understand what it is you are going through and, if needed, may refer you to a psychiatrist to pursue the possibility of medical treatment.

As for the age groups in the debate, it seems that many age groups are represented in these discussions and frankly I'm happy to see so many young people willing to discuss and debate their beliefs and opinions. It is through debate that we learn about opposing view points as well as our own convictions.
379 posts

As for the age groups in the debate, it seems that many age groups are represented in these discussions and frankly I'm happy to see so many young people willing to discuss and debate their beliefs and opinions. It is through debate that we learn about opposing view points as well as our own convictions.

well said
909 posts

This is what my dictionary says and it's the only definition I've ever seen/read for:
superstition |ËsoÅpÉrËsti sh Én|
excessively credulous belief in and reverence for supernatural beings : he dismissed the ghost stories as mere superstition.
⢠a widely held but unjustified belief in supernatural causation leading to certain consequences of an action or event, or a practice based on such a belief : she touched her locket for luck, a superstition she had had since childhood.

I will accept your stand because God and His power is supernatural. Just understand that my definition of superstition is more idol/idolotry worship that is made by human hands plus believing in all of the other things like not breaking a mirror or you'll have 7 years of bad luck, etc.

My general comment of these types of threads attacking religion, that I find very amusing, wasn't aimed at your questions or comments, (Mr.Walker) until now, when you falsely assumed that I was taking all atheists qestioning as personal attacks. I'm far more mature than that and far more self aware and self assured than to wear my heart on my sleeve and get my feelings hurt over these questions. If I personally felt attacked I simply wouldn't waste my time by participating on these threads.
If you'll reread my comment and the two pages of comments, or so, that I was responding to then, yes religion was being attacked.

As far as homose*uality is concerned, I have stood up and left several congregations when the preacher begins his sermon on this subject, and saying it's a sin.
I also disagree with ministers that preach that Women have no place in teaching men, e.g. College/Career Men's Sunday School classes or any other Adult Men Bible study group.
I'm currently unaffiliated with any local church because of my strong stands that I feel led by God to feel strongly about.
So, no I don't think a human child learns how to be homose*ual, I believe that the baby is born with an extra y or x chromosome and naturally I would find this facinating if there is scientific proof.

3,817 posts

My general comment of these types of threads attacking religion, that I find very amusing, wasn't aimed at your questions or comments, (Mr.Walker) until now, when you falsely assumed that I was taking all atheists qestioning as personal attacks. I'm far more mature than that and far more self aware and self assured than to wear my heart on my sleeve and get my feelings hurt over these questions. If I personally felt attacked I simply wouldn't waste my time by participating on these threads.
If you'll reread my comment and the two pages of comments, or so, that I was responding to then, yes religion was being attacked.

Soo why were you whining about me disn' you or something?

As far as homose*uality is concerned, I have stood up and left several congregations when the preacher begins his sermon on this subject, and saying it's a sin.
I also disagree with ministers that preach that Women have no place in teaching men, e.g. College/Career Men's Sunday School classes or any other Adult Men Bible study group.
I'm currently unaffiliated with any local church because of my strong stands that I feel led by God to feel strongly about.
So, no I don't think a human child learns how to be homose*ual, I believe that the baby is born with an extra y or x chromosome and naturally I would find this facinating if there is scientific proof.

In other words you disregard everything you don't like in the Bible. Great strategy.
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