1] Religious wars are just another kind of war. israel and palestine is really just a war about land! It is like me saying I own a piece of land and you saying you own it too.
But instead of being civilized and coming up with a diplomatic solution we decide to continue a war that has been going on for a century. Because of religion...
2] Again, fear of hell stops many bad things from happening, just like fear of government.
And plenty good things from happening. For example, a women needed emergency treatment. She was Muslim, so her husband would not let the male doctor see here to give her the treatment, for fear of hell. A lot of time was lost, but they finally came up with the solution of covering up her body except for a small patch of skin. Fortunately for her, she lived, though it was far closer than it would have bin. And as shown by statistics, it doesn't help with with criminals at all. And what of the illogical fears, such as your believing that your friends and relatives of different religions will be tortured forever?
3] Trying to please something, gives your life purpose... besides, that is not in fact a drawback - some people really like it! Again, this is an opinion.
You could try to please something physical, maybe your wife or a rich guy or something, and you will get far more than you will from giving your life to a metaphysical being. You still get the purpose and you could really like it to!
4]Who says our thoughts are clouded? I could say that your thoughts are clouded with preconcieved notions about how the universe came into existence.
I have no preconceived notions, if you would provide a logical theory with this little thing called EVIDENCE then I would be forced to acknowledge that you have the most likely theory. But since you don't have EVIDENCE and I have a little EVIDENCE for "the big bang" I think I will stick with EVIDENCE, as EVIDENCE runs science.
5]Religion and non religion are used as political tools.
When? "The god that isn't there hates fags!"? "We are an atheist nation, so stop abortion!"? (Although I am for abortion, I am just molding them after Christian campaigns I have seen).
6]Muslims do not hold back science. In fact, a Muslim man invented math!!
I am speaking of religion in general, and that depends on witch "math" you go by. I think the Aztec or Mayans had a form of math before the Muslim fellow.
7]In islam, there is no compulsion into islam. [2:256
Once again, speaking of religions in general, and of course the ones I am more familiar with. I had forgotten that
2:6 As for the Disbelievers, Whether thou warn them or thou warn them not it is all one for them; they believe not.
2:7 Allah hath sealed their hearing and their hearts, and on their eyes there is a covering. Theirs will be an awful doom.Allah had stopped non Muslims from believing. Oh well, I guess I will have to settle for that awful doom I was promised.