How come some people have to work harder to achieve paradise than others? Are not all humans equal under the eyes of Allah? At least until they commit a sin, surely.
Wait a second... Islam means peace. Where religion wars came from then? Aren't from islam those wanting to kill people for making comics about islam? Please clarify.
They don't. Just because someone has more tests than others, doesn't mean they have to work harder and get the same. See what I mean: In islam, we believe that you get rewarded and punished for everything you do... either in this life or the next. So, if you do alot of good, you will get a better life here or in paradise (we believe that there are many levels of paradise). If you do alot of bad, and still get the best in this life, it is worse for you than being punished in this life, because you will be punished in the next.
Wait a second... Islam means peace. Where religion wars came from then? Aren't from islam those wanting to kill people for making comics about islam? Please clarify.
NO! Muslims were offended, but we never wanted to kill because of it. The people who killed were not following the islamic principles... just like someone saying "so all christians are killers - I just saw a man come out of church and shoot someone!!" It is simply NOT true. All christians are not bad and neither are muslims.
The Holocaust was a religious war against Jews and it had nothing to do with islam... that is where religious wars come from - tyranical people with power.
They desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper.
While Islam is indeed a religion mostly of peace - you cannot deny that it contains some approval of violence.
Islam and christianity are not that different. the original christianity was almost word for word the same... with the exeption of accepting the prophet muhammed.
You must realize, this particular sign (which is waayy overused) was revealed during a war!! It was forbiding muslims to kill anyone who said they belive in one god!! It is like a U.S. general telling his soldiers during the Nam war that they cannot kill anyone who says 'America is great!' They were in war!
World peace. Religion peace. Peace by every name...
Did you know, there was an old woman who would dump her garbage on the prophet every day when he was walking to the mesjid(islamic prayer place). He would simply keep walking and wash himself off. One day, no garbage fell! He walked to her door and knocked. A woman answered the door, and he asked her where the other woman was. The lady answered that she was sick in bed. The next day he brought something to her, and she asked him why, and how he knew she was ill. He said " i was walking and nothing fell on me... I knew something had to be wrong."
Between Israel and Palestine?? Gaza is all that is left of Palestine and you think it is the Palistinians fault? Israel is the one mass murduring Gaza? Even the U.S. is admitting that Gaza is suffering for what happened during the holocaust...
There are 5 major interpretations of Sharia, right? Hanafi, Hanbali, Jaafari, Maliki and Shafi'i - correct? Which interpretation is correct? Is it one of the tougher ones - the one that sentenced a multiple rape victim to 200 lashes? Or one of the more lenient interpretations? How can anybody tell? After all, although the Qu'ran is supposedly uncorrupted - it is still open to much interpretation and the idea of Sharia which is taken from it cannot be called 'correct' with any certainty.