I've seen a lot of threads talking about religion in this section of the forums, and it seems that some people think it has a bad effect on the world and we should try to get rid of religion, whereas others believe religion hhas an overall good effect on the world.
In this thread, my aim is to discuss these two views, because I want to know what people think, and why they think what they think
Now I've created a very short survey here and would love it if you could take a couple of minutes answering it. Just answer as many questions as you want.
In a few days, I'll publish the results and we can discuss them. I hope I'll get plenty of participants
and for all you Christians out there... SERIOUSLY??? SERIOUSLY????? I mean really guys? An all-knowing God who causes suffering and pain to TEST us? LMAO SERIOUSLY??? NOTHING wrong with that picture?
Lol I believe that if a God exists and if he is a christian god who is Omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevelent, and he truly is a merciful who loves us dearly as the CHRISTIANS state not the philosophers who think that omnipotence negates omnibenevelence, I think it'd be quite stupid, idiotic even, to place humans under the test/suffering for our sins if he already knows the result of such tests. If he already knows the result couldn't he simply pick out the people that are to pass his tests and save them without the suffering for those who failed? More merciful I think...
and don't you think that God is too humanized to be a diety...? I mean a jealous God? An Angry God?... Why does the old testament God change so much from the New testament God...? I mean did he go through puberty?
And what about heaven..? Pearly Gates? Golden pillars full of riches and shit? I mean does it really matter if the whole thing is made of rare metals found on EARTH or if it's just made of wood if they're gonna live eternally in bliss? Don't you think the heaven is too biased on human desires?? and what are you going to do for eternity? I think my pastor says that we will praise him for all eternity and we will truly love it... I mean is that based on our decision? cause I think even if I did believe in God... doing that for eternity might get boring and less like a reward with each passing millenia...
And what about free choice...? If God knows of all choices and decisions is that truly free choice? or just an illusion of choice... which circles back to why the hell are we here in the first place lmao
Why did Jesus die for our sins? I know it's symbolic for the sacrificial lamb and all that jazz... but wouldn't it have been better if Jesus remained and created utopia on earth in which we are taught to be good and not sin (not by force but willingly) and then brought up to heaven rather than this cesspool of ugliness that is society today? I mean doesn't it chance a lot of things to have a good teacher in how we turn out in the end? Or is God just itchin' for us to fail? lol
I got a few more questions but I'll see how these turn out
Lol I believe these questions need to be answered before something becomes a "religion" lmao I'm not really being picky about small text and stuff... I'm asking you on some basic things... which you don't seem to be able to answer... so umm I don't believe in God... and I'm not an atheist cause I'm not going to claim I have an answer... I just don't like how Christians put God in everything
U see it has started wars in the past and has caused people to seek religous freedom often by coming to america and now religion is fueling the fire in the middle east that is the Radical Muslim Extremists.
Dude the religion is flawed... Nothing more to say about it... I especially love the Catholics in how their religion is just whatever is convenient to them goes... I mean religion itself is pretty stupid in how little logic there is in them... I hate how religious people have a proud air about them as if they accomplished something great and then when shit hits the fans they're all like "God will provide, God is testing us" Well fuck that God isn't gonna do shit for you, Actually act smart and doing say "God provided this opportunity for us" for every stupid silver lining you see and drain all your effort into failing...
I hate how christians seems to hate me for asking some QUESTIONS about christianity when I told you what I believed about christianity.. I mean do I have to have the truth for yours to be retardedly false? Ffs
I especially love the Catholics in how their religion is just whatever is convenient to them goes
Cafeteria Catholics, as they are popularly known. Those do exist, however try not to generalize religious folk, as there are many completely respectable ones. Although religion often cannot answer for itself, it seems pointless to make such comments against it when you cannot even solidify your own convictions.
all your effort into failing...
Meh your effort to gain attention is looking like a pretty big fail as well.
Holy shite I'm getting mauled by christians... dude seriously? I haven't been fuckin getting attention to myself, this isn't even half of my problems against Christians.... I haven't said there aren't repectable catholics... the fucking religion itself is flawed dude... seriously? I mean why are there such petty people who pick at my fucking words?
Since apparently this forum is filled with people who like to pick at my every single word I speak that is convenient to them and not answer my questions (which christians apparently love to do) I can guess that you guys can't answer them and move on to elsewhere.
I'm not a christian if that's what you mean. You are embarrassing yourself by being overly-outspoken in a forum for debate, then when you are engaged, you whine like a child and run away. Bad form for a debut it seems.
I don't see why we should be separated by our beliefs. Everyone has the right to believe what they want to believe. I dont support racism or separation of religions. Everyone is equal in my belief. We are all humans! Why should we waste our life by hating and discriminating people.