It is my opinion that they should be able to do anything that straight people can do. The fact that we are restricting them from getting married reminds me to much of the restrictions we placed upon women and blacks which most people would agree were terrible. I would also like to point out that I am not gay, I just believe in the freedom of the people. Feel free to post the opposing side of this as always.
Not really, because people use that term as an insult, and that's offending to homosexuals because it's like they're not as good as everybody else so calling some one that is insult. It's almost like dehumanizing somebody.
Well we're going to be voters so I guess it's our job to get some people with common sense, decency into office. I would say honesty but they're politicians.
Well ufortunately the law says that church and state are to be seperated and therefore in a perfect world relifion wouldn't matter, atleast that's american law.
i'm not paticularly against it but i hate it when people say being gay is a choice i've never seen a straight man instantly turn gay because he just figured he likes men
other than that i say they could marry if they really love each other
The second we have politicians who are strictly religious, Church and state have mixed. Having a religion is too big of an influence, you would have to be perfect to be able to judge a law with impartiality.
It is a choice, it's based on who your happier, my friends would disown me for saying this but relationships aren't just about sex. You have to have compatibility and some people are simply more compatible with the same gender.
It is a choice, it's based on who your happier, my friends would disown me for saying this but relationships aren't just about sex. You have to have compatibility and some people are simply more compatible with the same gender.
Most people are more compatible with the same gender and prefer to spend their spare time with them, rather than the opposite sex. Relationships are physical, mental and emotional. Sexual orientation is more about physical attraction to another human being, and who you are attracted to is not a choice.
It is always a choice, there is nothing in your genetics, that says you'll be attracted to males or females. Humans are animals in a sense, and we emit pheromones. These pheromones are what attract us to each other, so we have every ability to deny that call.
Pheromones aren't all that important when it comes to humans, they're mainly used in less complex animals to tell other animals of they're species that they are available for mating. Humans usually go about other ways of finding out if somebody is available.
Anyway, homosexuals are a minority that are frowned upon by a lot of people. Many homosexuals go through harassment and embarrassment. I don't know if your school does the day of silence, but mine does, and it was made in memory of a kid who was killed, simply because he was gay. Most people would not go through a life of homosexuality if they had a choice.
You can't change what you want in life, people hide it. But they can't change it. As for pheromones look it up, humans emit them too, they actually did a documentary on it.
There was a documentary on NGC about how women when undergoing their period released pheromones that attracted a mate that was suitable. So yes they are important.
As for that what I mean t was you have a choice, it's just not one that can be made multiple times. I don't believe in the bull, that whether you're gay or straight is from your genes.
Pheromones in humans are about just important as the perfume or cologne somebody wheres. It gives off physical attraction, but most humans pick mates over things more important then their scent.
I don't believe that being gay or straight is on your genes either, but I don't think that it is a choice. There doesn't come a time in your life where to make the choice what gender you want to be attracted to, it just happens naturally.