ForumsWEPRDo you believe that homosexuals should be able to get married?

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48 posts

It is my opinion that they should be able to do anything that straight people can do. The fact that we are restricting them from getting married reminds me to much of the restrictions we placed upon women and blacks which most people would agree were terrible. I would also like to point out that I am not gay, I just believe in the freedom of the people.
Feel free to post the opposing side of this as always.

  • 276 Replies
15,053 posts

actualy it is in your genetics to be gay or not your base instincs are to mate and reproduce

9,462 posts

It is always a choice, there is nothing in your genetics, that says you'll be attracted to males or females. Humans are animals in a sense, and we emit pheromones. These pheromones are what attract us to each other, so we have every ability to deny that call.

Denying a feeling and choosing not to feel it are completely different things. Studies have suggested hormones during development effect how our minds and bodies develop in the womb. It's likely this is the cause of homosexuality. The fetus receives enough of a certain hormone so that the body takes on one gender role while the brain takes on another.
660 posts

There was a documentary on NGC about how women when undergoing their period released pheromones that attracted a mate that was suitable. So yes they are important.

ok sure there are some pheromones emmitted and yeah that makes some difference, but it's not ike the only time a guy wants to screw a girl is when she's on her period. not to mention the fact that women are in turn attracted to guys
995 posts

... Well they should be. It's prejeduced to ban marrage because you're different....

225 posts

If they want to be miserable like the rest of us I say okay.

36 posts

I think they should be able to get married.Its not like they are hurting us by getting married,and the men that get married are only hurting themselves(AIDS)
Btw im not gay...

1,714 posts

and the men that get married are only hurting themselves(AIDS)

Anyone who has had relations with more than one person, or the wrong person, has the chance of getting AIDS. It does not come from being gay.
3,085 posts

You are an idiot. Homosexuals aren't much more likely to get AIDs than any body else that has unprotected sex. A lot of homosexuals caught HIV 20-30 years ago because EVERYBODY was having promiscuous unprotected sex with multiple partners. I'd wager just as many straight people caught HIV too.

479 posts

Last time I heard, America was a free country. Shouldn't freedom be granted to ALL citizens regardless of race, gender, and sexuality? America fixed the racial and gender rights issues, I guess now we need to fix the sexuality issues. Homosexuals should be allowed to do whatever they please.

At a side note, there are multiple sides of the discussion. For example, "Marriage" is "Holy Matrimony" from the bible, and the bible was written in a time where homosexuality was frowned upon, more or less. And according to those "ancient texts", a marriage is between a man and woman. However, we live in a new age where freedom is permitted. So, that is probably why the government hasn't made much progress on the issue.

On a further side note, I am a non-religious heterosexual male with no dispute towards any religions or sexual orientations.

9,462 posts

And according to those "ancient texts", a marriage is between a man and woman.

...And one man and his sister, a woman's rapist and the raped woman, a kitchen condiment, 700 wives, 300 concubines, and more incest...The list goes on, but defiantly not two people who love and care for each other who happen to be of the same gender.

It's a good thing we don't follow traditional traditional marriage because I don't have a pig to pay my girlfriends father with.
4,005 posts

I don't believe in the bull, that whether you're gay or straight is from your genes.

Then perhaps you need to do quite a bit of research. In fact emerging scientific evidence supporting gender preference as a biological trait, not a personal, conscious preference is far more conclusive than what you put forth regarding pheromones and their importance in human mating preference.
5,001 posts

I'm very impressed with the way this discussion has gone. If only more of society thought this way, we'd live in a happier place. I don't really have a point right now, I'm only auditing.

But... I will say I am shocked, still, when I see politicians use horribly illogical notions to promote their Protected Marriage Act, or whatever it is. They will say things like, "A child should have a mother AND a father."

Oh..ok. So, all those single parents out there cannot produce a healthy, well-rounded adult. Or all of those children that grow up in orphanages, etc. I just could go on, and on.

9,434 posts

Pheromones in humans are about just important as the perfume or cologne somebody wheres. It gives off physical attraction, but most humans pick mates over things more important then their scent.
And then there's oddballs like me who rely quite a bit on scents when deciding whether people are likable or not... Not perfume/cologne scents either, but what they actually smell like at various times.

Studies have suggested hormones during development effect how our minds and bodies develop in the womb. It's likely this is the cause of homosexuality. The fetus receives enough of a certain hormone so that the body takes on one gender role while the brain takes on another.
Brain in this case not being the whole wiring, right? Since not all gays are feminine and not all lesbians are butch...
Also, sadface over all the various studies going on in places apparently usually exclude bisexuals.

ok sure there are some pheromones emmitted and yeah that makes some difference, but it's not ike the only time a guy wants to screw a girl is when she's on her period. not to mention the fact that women are in turn attracted to guys
Pheromones aren't only released by women and not only when they're on their periods...

I'm very impressed with the way this discussion has gone. If only more of society thought this way, we'd live in a happier place. I don't really have a point right now, I'm only auditing.
This, actually.

Oh..ok. So, all those single parents out there cannot produce a healthy, well-rounded adult. Or all of those children that grow up in orphanages, etc. I just could go on, and on.
Do people usually not point this out to the morons who talk about such in public? Really? O.o

... *is technically way off topic*
4,005 posts

when I see politicians use horribly illogical notions to promote their Protected Marriage Act, or whatever it is. They will say things like, "A child should have a mother AND a father."

Two things here. First of all, they HAVE to use illogical notions to support an illogical claim. You cannot logically purport something that is obviously illogical.

Secondly, children really should have a mother and a father. Or two mothers, or even two fathers. It is apparent that children receive much more personal attention and a greater variety of instruction with multiple familial role models. Not that single parents don't do a fantastic job. I know several personally that are fantastic parents and have raised wonderful children. However the real issue isn't the gender of the role models, it's the quantity and quality. Personally I think it's a shame we don't have more communal child rearing going on in modern society.

And then there's oddballs like me who rely quite a bit on scents when deciding whether people are likable or not... Not perfume/cologne scents either, but what they actually smell like at various times.

It seems to me that much of that isn't specifically pheromones though. I say this because the majority of pheromones released are rarely, if ever, perceptible as scents in and of themselves, and much of the recognition goes on at a subconscious level.

Brain in this case not being the whole wiring, right?

Not necessarily that, but it is suggested that our gender preferences are primarily instinctual. It is not yet proven whether this is purely a genetic trait or not, but there is a lot of evidence to show that it is in fact embedded in our genomes.

Also, sadface over all the various studies going on in places apparently usually exclude bisexuals.

I agree. I think that bisexuals are under-represented both in these types of research, as well as the GLBT community as well. However in this instance I suspect that the reasoning is to isolate exactly what determines sexual preference, then equate that to what is observed in the bisexual community. I would expect that when we pinpoint the exact genetic or mental cause that there will be a lot of research into the causation of bisexuality, not only to understand it better, but also because it will either validate or disprove our current research into gender preference.
100 posts

Just because your gay or bi, dosen't mean you have sex with everyone you met that's also gay or bi.
Most people just assume that, and it really annoys me. >.<

You would be suprised how many stereotypes people fit you in if you're bi.

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