This game i learnt from friends on gaming forums... there are other variations of this game and if there are on this forum then i do apologize. anyway the game goes like this:
There is a hill and you have to do everything and anything to capture it... once you have captured it you simply say "My Hill" Starting....NOW!
I calmly rip your defenses to pieces, pick up a tank and smash your face in. Then I get into a helicopter and rip out your flag before reclaiming the shop and suing you to death. I have now fitted it with shield generators and missile launchers too. A couple of gunships are refitted to guard the place. My shop. No-one's hill.
I uncover the conspiracies and lies beneath your case. Your lawyers are sentenced to prison and you are banned for owning a hill for the rest of your life.
That was actually just lack of attention. Or did you go to last post, then wait an hour and 45 minutes before posting? Anyway, I hastily upgrade my aircraft to provide much better performance, enough to kill 2 dragons in a minute. My shawp!
the dragon-pepole come from "the imaginationalists."in revenge for damaging their planet(and nerdsoft havimnng a HUGE empire) they EMP the force feild,tame the dragons,kill nerdsoft,and claim MY HILL