A couple girls beat a girl up with objects, and fists. Also a couple boys where on guard when they did it. She was unconscious when they were done. Theses people might go to jail for like 30 years. They planned to post it on My space and you tube. When the FCC took a look at the websites, they were filled with inappropriate material they said. This Material might cause other people to act like the girls did. the FCC claims.
I think that in thirty days is when they are going to make their final decision.
I bet that Myspace and youtube are not shut down because:
That would be taking away our first amendment rights. The sites are used world wide It was only a couple kids that did the crime
They should shut them down, because quite frankly, they only hurt our society. Granted, the FCC would have a HELL of a time shutting down all the social networking and video sharing sites, but they should do it nonetheless. If they do that, Americans might stop being so fat...
Flag They should shut them down, because quite frankly, they only hurt our society. Granted, the FCC would have a HELL of a time shutting down all the social networking and video sharing sites, but they should do it nonetheless. If they do that, Americans might stop being so fat
that would mean shutting this down [armor games] that is
people are idiots is a fact. people like that are stupid beating someone up like 3 on 1 ya that makes you cool. Ive gotten beaten up like 3 times defending people like that girl who got beat it up. Im still disgusted what some people will do to look cool. But back to the topic they wont shut it down because their is no direct evidence saying myspace made them do it or youtube made them do it. Its a argument thats very hard to make
Not really though, because wed all have to sacrifice, the whole world would sacrifice for the good of the world, which really doesnt make that much sense. I hope they dont shut it down coz i love youtube D:
The sacrifices we would make would be almost nothing in comparison to the good it would do humanity. Myspace, YouTube, and other such sites are becoming a place where people viciously attack one another. The intent was good, but then again, so was the intent of communism. Eliminating them, while we sacrifice some personal freedom, would help keep us all safe.
I don't know about Youtube. Theres almost nothing wrong to the stuff besides idiots that look at things there not supposed to, but then again, we'd have to kill the net to stop that. THAT would equal however million children, buisness owners and people that like there computers attacking xP [Kind of scary, if you count how many of those there are]
Also, Myspace is being idiotic. You think I could care less what someone TYPES to me? I wouldn't care. If someone said they were killing me, I wouldn't give a crap beause I know there lying. Unless I'm stupid enough to give valubal information away, and I'm smart enough to keep my account on private, its just a fun way of sharing.
You want to take the telephone away, too? I think then we'd become ignorant and know nothing of whats going on in the world.
Its just the matter of people that are stupid enough to do wrong things. Maybe they dont' deserve it, but its NO REASON to be cracking down on the sites that started it. If I called someone through a cell fone, said I'mma hurt them and they commit suicide, you think there getting rid of cell fones? [Yes, am spelling "Phone" wrong xP] Anyway, Its sad, Technology is a part of an Americans life, along with sugar. You add that and you get fat people. No wonder were so obese, I'm just glad I eat healthy.
Safe Vs. Kinda Safe [Or completely, if your not stupid] while knowing whats going on in the world with communication
Not sure, I don't think shutting stuff like that would kill.