A couple girls beat a girl up with objects, and fists. Also a couple boys where on guard when they did it. She was unconscious when they were done. Theses people might go to jail for like 30 years. They planned to post it on My space and you tube. When the FCC took a look at the websites, they were filled with inappropriate material they said. This Material might cause other people to act like the girls did. the FCC claims.
I think that in thirty days is when they are going to make their final decision.
I bet that Myspace and youtube are not shut down because:
That would be taking away our first amendment rights. The sites are used world wide It was only a couple kids that did the crime
Roflerz. XD Well, your one of the few, many use the site. I know some people that are obsessed with it spending HOURS on it, kinda sad.
I think that if the wrong-acts were cut down on Youtube and Myspace it'd help. Also, I HONESTLY think that the only reason crap like this happens in myspace is because people let it happen to them. It may be the cause but they're the reason for the cause. And you get a disastrous effect.
they do ban the porn people on youtube, they just don't block their IP addresses so the people can just make a new one. and as for the fight videos, their are whole sites that collect those that they could shut down first. besides, youtube is international, so unless they got every country that uses it to agree on shutting it down, they can't. and you can't even get the diplomats to agree on what's for lunch, so good luck with that, FCC.
Wow, I can't believe the FCC is even attempting this. I seriously doubt this because there would be a large uproar over it. I mean, you know how many people spend their time on those sites? And just because there is some bad videos doesn't mean every video out there is like that. Also, if YouTube is shut, people are just going to create alternatives. And it would take forever to shut each and every one down.
Also, as for shutting down all mass communication and how that would stop anarchy... that would only encourage it! I mean, ok, all TVs are shut down, internet goes down, all mass communication goes down, fist off, people would go on about how that is taking away their rights. Second, you think people would think highly of the government after that? people would probably create a rebellion just because of that. That is not the solution. I'm sure one day they'll come up with a better solution, though.
On a more serious note, such internet phenomenon as MySpace can really be seen as little more than an extension of our behaviors as a community, which is to say largely frivolous. I've heard entire radio segments devoted to "hot MySpace goss" and "they cheated on me on MySpace". There are also TV programs based on highlighted YouTube videos etc. etc.
These have been embraced as part of mainstream culture, which means invariably it's going to have detractors. And if YouTube and MySpace were shut down (fat chance, they're both multibillion dollar industries, both in terms of amount of money generated and amount wasted in lost productivity), what would happen? Well, I expect one of the other sites that are pretty much exactly the same would rise to take its place.
Strop is right, most likely Facebook would become the new Myspace, as it is already somewhat popular I guess (I know a few 40-year olds who have one just to play Mob Wars).
lol, they'd get beaten and bombed if they closed down Myspace, and ESPECIALLY YOUTUBE! I also don't see any point in closing them. Like I've said before, you can kill someone with a lamp, but that doesn't mean people should remove all lamps!
They're not going to shut it down, don't worry. Although since Google is an American-based company, the FCC COULD force them to stop broadcasting. They're just not going to.
Of course they won't. Also, if the FCC attacks Google, they shall be ignored, In their eyes they need a good name, not "the Google killers". Google keeps me alive, without it some schoolwork may not happen.
Anyway, Google makes cash. Google can defend itself. xP