A couple girls beat a girl up with objects, and fists. Also a couple boys where on guard when they did it. She was unconscious when they were done. Theses people might go to jail for like 30 years. They planned to post it on My space and you tube. When the FCC took a look at the websites, they were filled with inappropriate material they said. This Material might cause other people to act like the girls did. the FCC claims.
I think that in thirty days is when they are going to make their final decision.
I bet that Myspace and youtube are not shut down because:
That would be taking away our first amendment rights. The sites are used world wide It was only a couple kids that did the crime
Stupid Dr. Phil Bailed The "Head Hancho" From That Group Out. I Think That's Horrible! She's Apperently The One Who Started The Fight!
Well; I Don't Think That's Right That There WAS A Bail - They Should Of Arrested Them; That's A Crime! Even If They're Under Supervision, That's Still Makes No Sense!
But This Is Different; They Can Deny It But It's All On Tape.
You Know What; I'd Be Happy If They Did Ban MySpace And Youtube, That's What Else This World Is Comming To; CYBERBULLYING!!!
Cyberbullying? This wasn't cyberbullying, this was regular bullying and putting it on the internet.
I was bullied as a child and it didn't kill me, all it did was make me mentally unbalanced. Tbh, there's nothing wrong with bullying. Makes the kids stronger.
(Because this is the AG forum, I must emphasize the point that this was satire...)
Megamickel, I hate to be a downer, but, I know of some cases of cyberbullying causing some major damage to kids pysche to the point of suicide. There was just an article about it in a military newspaper I read.
Well you can't blame Myspace for a girl sending gossip and then she gets beat up over it. That would be like blaming Marie Curie for the atomic bomb.(yes I took that from another thread)
This is not a test, repeat this is not a test. Said topic has been necroed. There is a necromancer on the lose. Please evacuate the thread. You can find easy exits at the top of the page.
Wow, awesome. Necroed by spam, and then more spam saying it should be locked. Note to people who apparently don't know: Saying that something should be locked a number of times does not lock the thread. Telling a mod, does. If there is nothing but "Lock this" to say in a thread, shut up. If there is nothing but "necromancy" to say in a thread, shut up. If you have nothing but "wow, this is stupid" to say, please do shut up.