It was just the way society worked back then. Hardly anyone in a place where slaves were accepted would probably think nothing of it being wrong since they were only 3/8 of a person. We need to stop criticizing the wa we were 150 years ago and start focusing on racis today.
Though i will admit, the confederate flag is quite awesome =)
If slavery didnt happen then and wasnt made illegal because we found out the true destructiveness it could be it could happen now and combined with our ecenomy that wouldnt be too good
Slavery was, and has been for centuries, a very common practice. Humans have been possessing other humans since the beginnings of war and raids. That fact aside, let's focus on slavery in early American history.
First and foremost it was a common and sensible economic practice. Slaves are a cheap workforce which increase profit which is in turn put back into the economy by way of goods and services purchased. This increases exports, local economics, and the GNP. From a purely fiscal standpoint slavery is indeed good for business.
The overwhelming majority of slave owners treated their slaves quite well. They had plenty of food, more than adequate shelter, and many owners attempted to educate their slaves. This is more than many free people had at the time. After all, if your slaves were malnourished, sickly, abused, or lacked enough rest then they would not perform their duties on par with those that were.
Also, there were many slave owners who were bigoted, immoral, and abusive, and their slaves suffered greatly for it. While these people were by no sense the majority, they definitely gave those who owned slaves a terrible reputation. Guilty by association, as the saying goes.
These things aside I disagree with slavery, I find it reprehensible and disgusting. Although I must admit that I did not live at the time so I have a purely modern indoctrination on the subject. I think that had I lived then, and owned large amounts of land, I would have been a slave owner, although one of those who treated my men with respect, civility, and care.
I think the blacks need to stop getting their panties in a bunch about it. Sure, we took you as slaves like a 100 years ago, whatever. Doesn't mean you deserve special rights or anything.
Just wondering what made you put that last sentence?
I know many people (who shall remain nameless) that would take it the wrong way and call me racist and just fricking annoy me about my entire life and that is not a joke
Hate to break it to you but EVERYONE is racist. We all make decisions based on first impressions and stereotypes. This is racism. It may not be hatred or overt bigotry, but we all do it and we do it frequently.
Slaves are great. I love them. They work for me and I make money, so screw them. They should be grateful, I give them food and shelter.
Joking aside, racist slavery isn't right. It is great for the economy, slavery as a whole anyways, but doing it based on skin color is a little bit amoral. Remember, we're all dark red on the inside, and we all bleed the same.
However, I would agree with forced labor by means of punishment for crimes. Certain crimes (namely non-white collar crimes) merit punishment, and sitting in a jail cell doesn't do much. I say they should get punishment, and still remain a productive member of society. They wouldn't get paid more than food, water, shelter, and typical prison stuff for 40 hours a week. Give them some money beyond 40 hours, and it would be incentive for them to contribute even more.
Although I wouldn't exactly call it slavery, at its heart it isn't much more.