ForumsThe TavernShould Homework be banned?

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I think Homework should be banned because we are home to enjoy time away from school and us students don't want to drag our school work home.

My parents don't like the idea of homework because they think that when students get home they should be able to relax not do more school work.

Do the users of AG agree that Homework should be banned??

I sure do agree!

  • 275 Replies
8,231 posts

i still think that homework should be banned, so once i leave school i can hang out with my friends instead of sitting in a chair writing things down.

259 posts

I wish it was. But it never will be.

3,139 posts

i still think that homework should be banned, so once i leave school i can hang out with my friends instead of sitting in a chair writing things down.

Would you prefer an extra two/three hours of school per day?
Or perhaps a full extra year to get the work covered?
160 posts

yes, because school should stay at school


317 posts

People are just lazy or the work is too "hard" as they say.

6,672 posts

the fact of the matter is, is that unless you want MORE time IN school and to have the teacher hold your hand throughout all of high school, then go ahead and cheer for no homework.

homework gives you practice on your own to LEARN and practice whatever it is you are learning in class. if homework was banned i garentee you that you would be in school for an extra hour maybe more. it teaches you responsibility. what are you going to do in college huh?

9,438 posts

what are you going to do in college huh?

Most colleges don't care about homework at all. Not collected, not graded. It's just for your own benefit. Your grade is based on exams/tests/quizzes.
13,657 posts

Most colleges don't care about homework at all.

Though it is generally a very good idea to get it done, considering even the best professors are going to miss something in the texts, and this will be what they ask about during the exams.

And while some are not particularly good at homework, it is either that or extra hours as it has been mentioned a hundred times already.
Instead of banning the homework, I wouldn't mind if it got to be accepted that some does their homework at home just fine, and others should be kept after school or given a possibility to actually practice on what they need, instead of being forced to do homework they don't understand.
Sadly, this is probably an ideal that will never be properly possible, due to the conservative view many teachers and almost every politician has of the learning system.

Involving many of the new media would ease up the stress in many students, while the more traditionally able students would gain good doing through the traditional workings.

Homework does suck, though, but this doesn't mean it should be banned.
6,672 posts

Most colleges don't care about homework at all. Not collected, not graded. It's just for your own benefit. Your grade is based on exams/tests/quizzes.

your point? heres what a college professor will do.

they will assign lets say 25 pages of reading for the week. the entire week you do nothing but listen to his lectures and go home to your dorm. the next week, he tests you. not on anything he said in the lectures but on only the reading. i know, ive taken a couple college classes.

point being, people who think homework should be banned arent responsible, mature, or disciplined, most likely because the people who are complaining are in either middle school and high school.which is why homework is in place, to prepare you, and teach you those things. which is what high school is for, to prepare you for college more or less.
5,552 posts

I just think that you shouldn't be graded on it and that it should be optional. Math homework is just practice, English homwork is usually just reading or writing an essay, and the same goes for most classes. Generally, it isn't anything new. I don't think it's fair for you to be forced to do something that you already know how to do on the basis of &quotractice" or "studying." If I already know how to solve that problem, why should I spend 30 minutes doing 50 of them?

6,672 posts

I just think that you shouldn't be graded on it and that it should be optional.

thats how my school is actually, we are on standards based grading, so homework doesnt count for any of our grade and its strictly tests. however, it isnt based on percentiles or points like the typical grading system is.

so instead of 82% being a B, you are graded by the following Adv-advanced, P-proficient, PP-partially proficiant, and BU-beggining understanding.

and at the end of the quarter, the teachers take all those grades and pull them together to determine our grade
493 posts

I think it should be banned because if there snt any homework, how are atudents taking hard programs such as the international bacheloreas(IB)going to cope with the things they get?Plus homework is just like revision and can be helpful if done correctly.While I am speaking on these lines, Iin no way like homework at all and never want to do it but hey, thats what procrastinating is for.

Also, if there wasn't any homework, what would be the point of school? You wouldnt learn anything because you would simply read a few paess at school, do some exercises then go home and derp on the tv.

493 posts

You do school work all day why should you have to do more when you get home. There should DEFINITELY be no homework on weekends. The only exceptions is if you don't finish something in school or if it is an elective class

And you think that every school and uniersity will follow that?No, because homework can be used to evaluate your school grade and for your own benefit.Plus homework over the weekends isnt a choice.When you get to uni, you will be expected to make a 4 page long essay on a book analysis of lets say "To kill a Mockingbird" and your thoughts about it.If you arent used to that kind of thing from now, I would say good luck at KFC.
32 posts

Ban homework, but extend school.

1,344 posts

If homework were banned, it would be much more difficult to retain knowledge. Also, I don't think that it should be banned. If schools got to a place where students didn't NEED homework but they still got the same test scores and retained just as much knowledge, then it would be fine. To ban homework now, before society has developed a better technique for retaining information would be illogical.

Extending school would probably do no good. As I said before, we need ways to retain information, and if homework's not a good idea, then we need to find another way.
I don't think that extending school will help us if our goal is to remember as much stuff as we can with homework, without it.

However, I have almost no complaints about homework. Sometimes it's boring and it takes a long time. I dislike that, because I'm pretty lazy. And sometimes it's just busy work; I already know the lesson and I don't really need to do it.
But other than that, I don't mind. Having homework is absolutely fine with me.

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