I got the idea from NoNameC68's post in Would it be illegal to? Honestly I find that under 13 year-olds not being able to sit in the front seat (shotgun) in Washington anymore pretty stupid. I was taller than my mother at that time.
Without wanting to sound like I'm sticking up for obese people - some people CAN'T help it - they either have metabolism/thyroid problems or some form of mental disorder which makes them eat excessively - this isn't the case for the majority of obese people who are just lazy but please don't lump everyone together as one.
Yes - it is a valid point. Although, throughout history obesity has been considered a sign of wealth and good life - it seems we have some deep-seated obsession with our weight.
Yes - it is a valid point. Although, throughout history obesity has been considered a sign of wealth and good life - it seems we have some deep-seated obsession with our weight.
True. Obesity was a symbol of wealth because only the wealthy could afford to eat so much and to live such an easy life style. However, obesity is a problem when it hinders the lives of regular people. There's a difference between being somewhat husky and fat.
All the new labour laws about racial discrimination which are ridiculously politically correct. All they do is piss of the white working classes who think they are being victimised, engendering more hate, not less. Its all wooly middle class nonesense.
Oh and while I'm here - there is a vast contingent of Health and Safety laws which the world could do without and indeed did will without for the past few billion years - I see no need for banning sports in school because some kid might fall and sue.
Oh and while I'm here - there is a vast contingent of Health and Safety laws which the world could do without and indeed did will without for the past few billion years - I see no need for banning sports in school because some kid might fall and sue.
How about the one banning peanuts because some kid might be allergic?
Just read about a council that chopped down some perfectly healthy trees in a park because they posed a health and safety risk of 'falling over or being struck by lightning'