I got the idea from NoNameC68's post in Would it be illegal to? Honestly I find that under 13 year-olds not being able to sit in the front seat (shotgun) in Washington anymore pretty stupid. I was taller than my mother at that time.
Why are we discussing the national anthem and what's put on our coins? Just because a coin says it doesn't mean it's a law. You don't have to trust God just because a coin says so.
I'm probably missing something in this discussion, as usual, but this is about laws, not stuff that the government is putting on our currency.
False. "In god we trust" was not added on until the red scare, 1950s.
Go search and see whenever they added IN GOD WE TRUST to coins.
Why are we discussing the national anthem and what's put on our coins? Just because a coin says it doesn't mean it's a law. You don't have to trust God just because a coin says so.
Your right Ernie, but there's a law what says a piece of metal is a coin or not, and that law says a coin has to say it. It doesn't really affect anyone's lives, so that's your point that I agree with.
The point about putting it in the pledge would affect people if you were forced to say it. But your not forced to say the pledge, or you could just say parts of it, so it really doesn't affect anyone.
Anyway, there's better laws that could go in here besides this one. Like:
In Florida, USA, unmarried women who parachute on Sundays can go to jail.
Go search and see whenever they added IN GOD WE TRUST to coins.
Let me rephrase that. It wasn't the official motto until the 1950s.
Why are we discussing the national anthem and what's put on our coins? Just because a coin says it doesn't mean it's a law. You don't have to trust God just because a coin says so.
Its promoting religion. Its more like an advertisement, you don't have to listen to it but it attempts to make you go there way.
Finally, adding "In god we trust" on all the money and putting "under god" right between "one nation" and "Indivisible". Did anyone notice that when they added it, they put it between one nation and indivisible?
America is the city on the hill after all.
I mentioned this in another thread, but if you own a store, it's illegal to own round doorknobs.
but if you own a store, it's illegal to own round doorknobs.
Wait, why?? All these "dumb laws" are the result of many problems that surface in the state, but what happened that made it illegal to own round doorknobs?
The coinage doesn't specify WHICH God is the one America trusts in - it could be the Christian one, one of the Pantheon or even the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Let me rephrase that. It wasn't the official motto until the 1950s.
Your making it like someone came out of the 50's chasing down the communists and creating some subversive thing. It didn't happen that way. The motto was born into USA history almost from the very beginning. That's the point. Do you even know what the star spangled banner is? It's the official athem of the USA. It says right in it, Let this be our motto, In god we trust. They put that on coins. Here's a coin from 1870's. LAW made In God We Trust an official motto way back in the 1860's:
And anyway, talking about Round Door Knobs is far more interesting than breaking this thread down into another God vs. Atheists topic.
Obviously that's German, and since the Unification of Germany didn't happen until 1871, a year after the coin photo above, then you lost the point, whatever point you were trying to make. Which means it's time to talk about door knobs, lol!
I think the point was that many nations and governments have used some variation of "In God We Trust" thing. Doesn't really mean diddly squat.
On to some dumb laws: In Thailand it's illegal to leave the house if you aren't wearing underwear. Also in Thailand it's illegal to step on the nation's currency.
Here's one from Turkey: All married women must get their husbandâs permission if they wish to have a job, they must live wherever the husband wishes to reside, and they must forfeit all jointly held assets upon divorce from her husband.
Don't worry Israel, you aren't immune to idiocy either: It is forbidden to bring bears to the beach.
How about Greece? All electronic games are banned. Looks like you Greeks shouldn't be here
And Australia. I see a lot of you Aussies on here: Children may not purchase cigarettes, but they may smoke them. It is illegal to walk on the right hand side of a footpath. Taxi cabs are required to carry a bale of hay in the trunk. It is illegal to wear hot pink pants after midday Sunday. Bars are required to stable, water and feed the horses of their patrons.
Wow Australia. I'm thinking you guys win this round
Wait, I forgot Canada. Citizens may not publicly remove bandages. It is illegal for clear or non-dark sodas to contain caffeine. Businesses must provide rails for tying up horses. Wooden logs may not be painted. When raining, a person may not water his/her lawn. Itâs illegal to climb trees.
And the law that makes Canada home to the all-time winner of bonehead laws: If you are released from prison, it is required that you are given a handgun with bullets and a horse, so you can ride out of town.