This topic is based upon your personal opinion on whether abortion is wrong or right. I personally believe that it is wrong, and have many reasons for it. You may challenge me if you wish, but please make sense!
i think pro choice is like what rafterman said, its like its not exactly right or wrong, but its still not my place to decide for anyone else what is right for them.
but im definitely pro choice. im a dude, cant get pregnant. that would be like " hey, you dog, stop smellin other dogs butts, or like, i'll arest you and whatever"
It's the word 'choice'. Choice implies more than one option might be taken, not just abortion, though pro-choice would by default support it.
It's more of a "It's my body, I reserve the right to do what I want and think is best for me." What that person wants and thinks is best might well be a child.
Of course, depending how you see it, supporting abortion as a choice would make you pro-abortion, but personally, pro-abortion sounds like you want every conception to end in one.
Pro-choice has never equalled Pro-abortion. Such a standpoint would be insupportable (if we aborted every foetus then we wouldn't last more than the next 60-70 years, would we?). Pro-choice is exactly what in says on the tin. We are proponents of choice - not proponents of abortion.
Well then, do we have three different categories then? Pro-Abortion Pro-Life Pro-Choice
No. Nobody is pro-abortion all the time. And if they are, please don't elect them, I've grown rather fond of humanity.
Personally I believe it ceases to be a part of the mother's body at or soon after conception. Yes, it is still totally dependent on her, but so are babies after birth. So are the old people in nursing homes. So are people who have various genetic defects. I still think that their life belongs to them, not their mothers. Yes, I know it is only a fetus without memories or thoughts, but it hasn't been given a chance to think yet. If you leave it alone, it will automatically grow- our biology isn't meant to give us the choice. I only accept abortion when the child is killing the mother- after all, she has a right to protect her own life.