This topic is based upon your personal opinion on whether abortion is wrong or right. I personally believe that it is wrong, and have many reasons for it. You may challenge me if you wish, but please make sense!
Seriously 314, you are just arguing semantics and completely avoiding the real debate.
Aww but the real debate ends up being a tedious mix of " I believe fetus(Although they usually use the false word "baby" is a person" and "I believe a fetus isn't developed enough to be considered a person". This is much more fun!
Okay, so... what I am wrong in, I am. I'm not extremely knowledgeable in science. But as far as I can guess, a fetus is still a baby, it just cannot think or feel pain yet. It is not a "erson"; that was a mistake. Fetus is just a scientific term for a future baby. Am I right? Because I might not be. BTW, how do you upload pix from your computer...?
Well when it comes to this sort of thing i'm nuetral a women should hav the right to have the kid if they want but on the other hand that will give the girl a reason not to use stuff to prevent it but in all honesty it really depends on the girl carrying the baby weather to abort it or not
See, I've often heard that abortion is wrong because it destroys potential life, but then again isn't donating eggs destroying potential life as well?
I don't consider donating eggs to science wrong, because most likely the study will be for a good cause. It will not be destroying life uselessly. Abortion, on the other hand, is usually, in my opinion, useless; scientific study of eggs is not useless.
I don't consider donating eggs to science wrong, because most likely the study will be for a good cause. It will not be destroying life uselessly. Abortion, on the other hand, is usually, in my opinion, useless; scientific study of eggs is not useless.
Aren't most aborted fetuses donated to science anyway?
In answer to the point that I said that abortion because of r-ape isn't so bad, and therefore some "murder" is not as bad as other "murder":
I didn't mean it wasn't murder. What I simply meant was that it was at least more of a reason to have abortion. It is still killing (in my opinion), but I would rather it be because of r-ape than because the mother willingly slept with the father.
Also, I am not clear on the condom subject. Aren't condoms worn to keep out the mother's egg cells? Then how would it be destroying life, and not merely preventing life? And can't condoms break, therefore making them unreliable?
Aren't condoms worn to keep out the mother's egg cells?
No, condoms are worn over the penis to stop the sperm from entering the woman. Also, they are typically equipped with spermicide, a drug which kills sperm. I might also add that sperm is human life, ergo condoms kill human life.