Outlawing abortions just push expectant mothers in to more underground, non-regulated "back alley abortion clinics" where they have a higher chance of them dieing along with the baby.
Even then, it is the mother's fault if she dies because she took the risk. It was her option.
And when there is a risk of dying along with the baby, and when abortion is illegal, abortion percentage would still most likely go down by A LOT.
If the mother, then, must have abortion in this way, as I said, smart mothers would not even take the risk.
Fetus are also only potential human life. There is a good potential that the baby could have a miscarriage. Abortion is also only preventing potential human life. As I have said before, a fetus is only one step closer than a sperm and egg.
Why are you talking about fetus? A fetus is created AFTER the father's sperm joins the mother's egg cell. I am talking about when condoms kill sperm.
Think of it this way: The sperm is one half, the egg is the other. When they join, it creates a whole, and that is when conception occurs. Before conception, neither the egg or the sperm are human life yet.
So, killing sperm is not killing human life.
sure lets deny this kid of real parents! or maybe no parents at all! YAY!
Would you rather they be dead? I would rather not have parents than be dead.
BTW, when I say "overpopulation" I am referring to orphan overpopulation.
You keep going on and on about human life but have yet to give a definition.
Human life begins when conception occurs.
It may not be human life in your opinion, but I think that it is human life. At the very least, it will be human life in the future.
Human life is not senses; it is not having a brain, sight, smell, hearing, feeling... It is when the baby is forming in the mother's womb.