This topic is based upon your personal opinion on whether abortion is wrong or right. I personally believe that it is wrong, and have many reasons for it. You may challenge me if you wish, but please make sense!
I just murdered millions of "could be hitlers/einsteins" last night. At what point, hiden, do we draw the line?
By killing a murderer with the electric chair you are killing his sperm and therefore killing millions of chances that the next jesus could be born from his loins. And in killing those sperm you kill the would be childs chance of making life...
Where does it stop? Where is your line drawn hiden?
You're selfish, cruel, and irresponsible because you want to force women who don't want children to carry their baby to term. Why irresponsible? I'll answer with a proposition:
You people really need to get over what I said. I said I didn't WANT to kill babies, HahiHa. You went out on a limb calling me
....selfish, cruel, and irresponsible....
for no reason. Get your facts straight before you go openly insulting someone.
So.. by your logic - miscarriages are evil. After all, you suggest that any removal of a joined sperm/egg from a womans body is wrong - I'm assuming that extends to miscarriages. Unless it doesn't - in that case, if we made laws outlawing abortions, women would simply take pills, fall down flights of stairs or get falcon-punched in the stomach to make them miscarry.
Itâs murder, plain and simple. Whether you kill someone at two weeks old or fifty years old, it makes no difference. The argument put forth by MRWalker82 is laughable. By that logic, anyone who is murdered doesnât have a soul. So you can just run out and kill anyone you want, because God knew you were going to kill them, so he didnât give them a soul. I canât believe anyone would buy that line of crap. The only choice a women should have is whether or not to be responsible. Once there is a new life inside her, she should not have the option to terminate it.
It�s murder, plain and simple. Whether you kill someone at two weeks old or fifty years old, it makes no difference. The argument put forth by MRWalker82 is laughable. By that logic, anyone who is murdered doesn�t have a soul. So you can just run out and kill anyone you want, because God knew you were going to kill them, so he didn�t give them a soul. I can�t believe anyone would buy that line of crap. The only choice a women should have is whether or not to be responsible. Once there is a new life inside her, she should not have the option to terminate it.
It isn't considered murder by law - therefore it isn't murder at all - we've covered this. Also, it isn't killing a human it is terminating an embryo/foetus. And keep your gay little souls outta this - this is serious business and not a time for weak-ass fairy stories. It is a group of cells - life in potentia is not within itself life.
Considering the massive number of disabilities and faults with my body - I wouldn't have minded if I had been aborted. Also, the number of aborted foetuses that survive isn't even in the tens let alone the hundreds. While I'm here I'd also like to point out that they were EXTREMELY LATE-TERM abortions - usually around the 24 week mark which is illegal in most countries and the very last cut-off point in others.
I've noticed that everyone in favor of abortion has already been born.
Of course silly, unborns and nonexisting persons can't have an opinion. Ever thought a bit about this argument? I guess not. -.-
Is someone on an oxygen tank and independant being? What do you define independant as?
This someone is dependent of the oxygen tank - but what I meant is that a baby shares the blood of the mother. It's a part of her. The guy on the bed isn't part of the oxygen tank.
Considering that I wouldn't be aware of it at all - nor would I feel any pain? Yes, I'd be absolutely fine with that - not that you'd be able to ask me.
In a very real sense, "life" does not begin at conception since both egg and sperm are "alive". However, the potential for a new and distinct human being begins at conception.
Perhaps this'll end all the childish arguments about when life begins?
There is no argument. As long as Abortion creates an opportunity to gain cash... well let's just say that it will always be existent. If you say not really. Just think. Almost every politician is selfish. Needless to say some doctors are too. Abortion = cash, that's all that matters, right? (Rhetorical, and not my opinion.)