Me and my girlfriend never kiss around kids because we don't think it's our place for them to have to ask about homosexuality at such a young age.
They're exposed to heteronormativity at a young age. They've seen princes kiss princesses in Disney movies. Why should their exposure differ based on sexuality?
Avorne, "homosexuality in general" is not a feminist issue. This thread is about gay marriage in particular, which is a feminist issue.
The Bible says a lot of a crazy things, like Pi = 3 and that those who work on the sabbath should be punished heavily, I'd take anything the Bible says with a mountain-load of salt and a good wall to bang your head on.
I think having gay marriage will just promote homosexuality!
Bahh, how can you promote a sexual orientation? You can't just 'turn' homosexual all of a sudden and the only reason for an increase in the number of homosexuals will be the fact that closeted people don't have to fear being persecuted or discriminated against because of their sexuality and so can openly be gay. Anyway, what's wrong with homosexuality? I don't think there's anything wrong with it at all and I've yet to be proven otherwise.
And why don't you follow the other 600+ commandments? Why don't you kill witches, blasphemer, kids rebelling against their parents, people working on sabbath etc.? Seems to me like you're cherry picking to support your homophobia.
And when I heard about them allowing gay marriage my family and I were like GAARRR WE GOT TO KILL THEM ALLLL!!!
Of course he's trolling. It is otherwise physically impossible to be that stupid.
Doesn't gay marriage fall under homosexuality in general?
Check this out: Women's rights falls under civil rights in general. However, few would consider civil rights in general a feminist issue. It's too... general. Feminism focuses on a particular aspect of civil rights (though the ideas are in no way exclusive). Similarly, the entire topic of homosexuality is broad. So broad that it can't really be called a feminist issue in a meaningful way. It is related to feminism, but it's related to just about everything.
The legal right to homosexual marriages is a feminist issue. While the rhetoric surrounding the issue is about societal views on homosexuality, and rightly so, from a legal standpoint gay marriage is not an issue of equal rights based on sexuality, but equal rights based on sex.
The legal right to homosexual marriages is a feminist issue. While the rhetoric surrounding the issue is about societal views on homosexuality, and rightly so, from a legal standpoint gay marriage is not an issue of equal rights based on sexuality, but equal rights based on sex.
I'm still not seeing how it's a feminist issue unless your focusing specifically on lesbians getting married.
I'm still not seeing how it's a feminist issue unless your 0focusing specifically on lesbians getting married.
Neither do I.
Oh, and I just read an acrticle about that topic:Bible condemns a lot, so why focus on homosexuality? (This is adressed to pyro1. I think you aren't a troll but you arenât defending the Bibleâs values. Youâre using the Bible to defend your own.)