how is recycling not reliable?
I explained all this.
it is just using what would otherwise sit forgotten used for much needed material to feed the demand.....
1. Most "green" goods made from recyclables are over priced.
2. You are still creating pollution when you transport, sort, refine, and recreate recycled goods. Not only do you create pollution, but it's also very costly.
3. There is little demand for recycled goods.
The exceptions are metals and glass.
plus plastic doesn't biodegrade, or at least an incredibly slow rate, in the process releasing deadly chemicals,making it a top to remove from a landfill >.>
You do understand that there's a difference between throwing plastic in the middle of the woods and throwing it into a land fill right?
Landfills are lined with thick layers of clay and lining, which means the chemicals and trash are very low threat to anyone. You have better chances of being eaten by land sharks than finding landfill chemicals in your water.
The only real problem with landfills is that they take up space. That is a problem, but recycling isn't the solution, at least, it wont be until it's more reliable, which it isn't.
yes, but thats only with biodegradable material. anaerobic bacteria eat and break down this material, producing methane in the process, which powers the power thing... but not everything there is able to be decomposed, so why not remove it to increase the efficiency of this 'ower source'.
Because landfills are places to remove garbage, not create energy. The energy is just a happy bi product from landfills.
Before you make any more comments, please read my posts. I will have likely already answered your question.
I'll be honest, I don't find much of a problem with the new law.
I addressed some of the issues.
Although I don't think there should be a reward either,you're doing something that is doing both you and the planet good, shouldn't that be a reward in its self?
No, because self gratification should never be offered as a reward from someone else. If you're going to reward someone, it must be through the physical realm, not a mental one.
However methinks that a law such as this one, would have more effect in metropolises such as New York, Tokyo, Shanghai, Mumbai, Moscow, etc.
Not if the laws bankrupted those cities.
Recycling is payed for through taxes. Recycling is unreliable. Why pay taxes for an unreliable system?
And as the article states, Cleveland isn't the first city to implement this system.
I understand, but this is the first time I heard about this law. Just because other cities implemented this law doesn't mean the law does justice.