Just to clarify clearly in case you missed the title, the topic is about The Freedom to Smoke Tobacco.
I suppose this is my fault, I misspoke. What I meant was not that people might misunderstand the topic, but that your arguments would be supported. Just talking is weak, in a debate you should always link out to the source where you got your information.
The debate can indulge on the questions i've noted but this can be free flowing, and general if preferred. It would be of great interest to hear about personal experiences.
Kay. I was used to smoke when I was younger, I didn't care about it as much, but now I cough every time I come near the stuff. Hate it.
The first large picture says carbon monoxide. It is one of the three deadly components of cigarettes and causes a wide range of negative health issues.
Again, you'll have to excuse me. I misunderstood the picture(this is part of why we link, for some context). I thought it was just of the components of the cigarette, and not the potential poisons. Carbon monoxide had no subtitle, so naturally I thought that meant the pic was saying it was not poisonous.
I was referring to the addiction. The addiction is not a true biological need because it can never be fully satisfied nor is it necessary.
This is applicable to several other things separate from addiction, but I see where you are coming from here.
I'm slightly startled by this question - of course I didn't make this up. This is a real account of my mother who died five years ago due to a heart condition possibly related to smoking.
I'm sorry if I offended you or something with the question...but this is the internet, after all.
Also it's pointless to even begin to generalise this one story into global facts. Everybody has different smoking patterns and levels of addiction. My mother just tended to have a strong addiction.
I would think that you would just want to set things up with some information then go into stories about it. I did not mean for you to generalize your story, I meant for you to, you know, post facts that are applicable to everybody instead of just your one story.
So if you're saying it should be legal for a mother to smoke in a car next to a toddler who cannot comprehend the dangers then let's make it legal to use children as footrests and household slaves. Let's show no consideration to them when blasting loud music from our disco speakers or storing dangerous chemicals in ground cupboards.
You are misrepresenting the case. Household slavery of children is child labor and slavery, that's wrong and illegal. Footrests, that just makes no sense(although you're just using it as an example). They differ from the case at hand in that they can be prevented. Smoking in public places is wrong, smoking in restaraunts and businesses is wrong, but if they can't smoke in their own home, where are they going to smoke? Do you want them to drive all the way out to the middle of nowhere just to smoke a cigarette? I understand your point, but I'm saying that this sort of thing is unpreventable, and that to smoke around your children is your choice. You can just go outside to smoke, and that would be fine if your kids are indoors. You can crack a window in your car and that would make it so that the smoke does not stay in the car. Yes, smoking(including secondhand smoke) will decrease your lifespan, but it is the parents' decision whether or not they smoke around their children and it should not be illegalized. Is it wrong? Yes. Should it happen? No. Should it be illegal? No, because it would just be Prohibition all over again. Do you see what I'm saying, here?
Congratulations for your dad. My mother tried once and failed. My stepmother gave up smoking but for some unknown reason she started again. Nicotine causes huge levels of biological stress when breaking the habit.
Yeah, my dad said it felt like his skin was crawling and his lungs were burning. He had to have a straw with him at all times, and he would just pull it out and breathe in it for a few minutes whenever he got the urge to smoke. Once he actually turned back home from work when he forgot his straw because he needed the thing.
What causes smoking in the first place? If that can be targeted then people will eventually stop smoking all together because there is no benefit to starting it.
What causes smoking? Curiosity and peer pressure, I suppose. But you can never eradicate those things, you're being a bit idealistic and not realistic. Smoking is inevitable in this world, the only thing you can do is not to do it yourself. Once you start smoking, it's very difficult to stop.