ForumsWEPR[concluded] Was Jesus real?

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1,133 posts

This is not about whether or not he was the son of God but whether he actually existed.Most atheists agree that he did live but there are some who don't so what are you're thoughts?

  • 453 Replies
59 posts

And by the way I'm jewish so I dont go to church but I got a question to you christians why don't you pray to God? Why his son(or so you say)?
i pray to both but god mainly. He is the one who created us after all
560 posts

I agree. But I still dont understand why some prat to Jesus. God is the one who is well, God.

9,504 posts

There is the matter of the holy trinity, which is the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. For the religious, they are one and the same. Quote me if wrong, of course.

4,005 posts

consider what i said. He rounded all of the animals from HIS world which at the time was mesopotamia. That doesnt mean that animals everywhere else died off.

Again, completely impossible. Even if it was a localized flood it would not have been possible for such an event to occur.

How is this disproved? Do you have a source?

Other than DNA sequencing, which I don't have the links for, here's a nice little list:

About the insects
About fitting the animals
About the age of the animals
About the size of the animals
About caring for the animals
About evolution after the flood
About flora

Here are just a few basic objections which render the idea of the Noahkian flood impossible.
254 posts

considering that the ten commandments were smashed and then somehow recopied, this could happen. Plus, the bible stories were also passed down orally before the time of moses. Another thing, King James rewrote the bible to fit what he thought and people still believe that it is completely the truth

Partly true, God gave Moses a brand-new set of tablets.
Also, regardless of what King James rewrote the modern translations are of greek, hebrew and aramaic documents. Dead sea scrolls, the Septuagint etc.

technically i am considering that i believe science and religion go hand in hand.

Very well but which do you regard as the primary truth?

I believe he was real. He wasn't god's son though. And by the way I'm jewish so I dont go to church but I got a question to you christians why don't you pray to God? Why his son(or so you say)?

Frank is right, they are technically the same person.
59 posts

I agree. But I still dont understand why some prat to Jesus. God is the one who is well, God.
i think its just a matter of how you put info from the bible together. Some priests and nuns would disregard what ive stated as blasphemy and rubbish. Other reasonable priests would consider it as a possibility. Anyways, they pray to jesus, becuase thats who christianity revolves around. Even when they pray through jesus, they pray to god as they are basically one and the same.
9,462 posts

for the most part, it does. A rocking doesnt always rock, does it? same for everything else in life.

Can you show me anything verifying that good things happen to good people more then anyone else?

yes only because i am one of the few people who actually make a connection between science and religion. Everyone else is one or the other. The fact that you dont consider and you just accuse me of being ignorant is actually foolish of you.

Wow, and your calling my replies ignorant and foolish? Not only is it the former but also incredibly arrogant. This seems very much like someone saying "I'm not crazy, everyone else is crazy."

a lot of scientific theorems can be objected as well. heres a link this time:[url=]

Yes and science has the intellectual honestly to admit when it was wrong. The whole process is set up to weed out and improve out knowledge. It's not just baseless assertions like what your making.

BTW can't get your link to work.

why not? why would a channel devote itself to telling you their opinions instead of facts? Just because it's TV doesnt mean its false.

I never said just because it's TV that I automatically rule it out. however that doesn't mean I just accept what they are saying as fact either.
59 posts

Very well but which do you regard as the primary truth?
this is the tricky part, but as god created our universe and all of these laws that apply to nature, i believe in religion over science. When it comes right down to it, its how you react to a decision, not how much you know about it.
4,005 posts

well religion is based off of spirtitual thinking, not hard facts. I have given my theorems on bible stories to the extent that they make sense in the scientific world. In that sense, what is science, but the exact same thing? Science starts with a theory and is at first disregarded, but through extensive research. Just because i cant reference my thoughts doesnt mean that they are false.

First of all, you have no theorems, thank you very much. Secondly, science does NOT start with a theory. Science begins with an observation and we attempt to understand the implications that said observation implies through continued observation, testing, and verification. You are starting with a conclusion and attempting to twist facts to justify that conclusion. That is about as far from science as you can get, and also why the majority of the more educated folks here are either ignoring you, or vehemently opposed to your pseudointellectual attempts to prove your theistic dogma.

@logantheking: your reference to dogs, wolves, foxes, hyenas being a 'kind', you are completely mistaken. First of all, hyenas are feliformes, not caniformes. Also, the genetic divergence between foxes, wolves, and dogs was so separate, even hundreds of thousands of years ago, as to render interbreeding extremely difficult, and likely to end in such a reduced genetic code as to render each species extinct.

Furthermore, without genetic variance, which would have been caused by keeping only a very limited number of mating pairs, there would be no genetic variance after only a few generations and would render the species either extinct, or unable to evolve barring overwhelming, and long term (think millions of years) environmental influence.
753 posts

either ignoring you,

It looks like all of them are either responding to almost EVERYTHING he says, or writing long paragraphs in response to certain things he said. The 'atheists' here have dipped to a bit of mudslinging, which disappoints me because it does not hold true to their proclaimed character.
9,462 posts

well religion is based off of spirtitual thinking, not hard facts. I have given my theorems on bible stories to the extent that they make sense in the scientific world.

Seeing as you haven't provided any evidence backing your claim you haven't satisfied scientific criteria.

Science starts with a theory and is at first disregarded, but through extensive research.

Wrong science starts with a hypothesis. You have to provided objective testable evidence which is then tested and that test confirms your hypothesis to have a theory.
4,005 posts

It looks like all of them are either responding to almost EVERYTHING he says, or writing long paragraphs in response to certain things he said. The 'atheists' here have dipped to a bit of mudslinging, which disappoints me because it does not hold true to their proclaimed character.

Actually I was referring to those of the community who have abstained from conversation. As for 'mudslinging' I don't quite see where you get that. Calling an apple an apple is not mudslinging. Please point some out to me, preferably on my profile, and I'll definitely take a look at it.
9,462 posts

It looks like all of them are either responding to almost EVERYTHING he says, or writing long paragraphs in response to certain things he said. The 'atheists' here have dipped to a bit of mudslinging, which disappoints me because it does not hold true to their proclaimed character.

So it's mudslinging to point out where someone is full of the brown stuff?
254 posts

[quote]Very well but which do you regard as the primary truth?

this is the tricky part, but as god created our universe and all of these laws that apply to nature, i believe in religion over science. When it comes right down to it, its how you react to a decision, not how much you know about it.[/quote]

I mean which is the one that is the deciding factor? Which one is the first you check?

@walker I never said hyenas were a part of the kind that dogs are in.
Also, there has been some interbreeding in recent years between dogs and wolves. There have also been grizzly/polar bear hybrids in the wild.

So it's mudslinging to point out where someone is full of the brown stuff?
It all depends on your point of view. You and I have had our differences but you always seemed to be very calm and respectful when you corrected someone.
59 posts

So it's mudslinging to point out where someone is full of the brown stuff?
What i am saying makes complete sense if you allow it to. Of course i cant provide evidence considering that religion is thought and not hard facts. Science has that on its side. But at the same time it is foolish to disregard my thoughts as rubbish since they are conclusions from months of brainstorming and experience. I cant cite my thoughts
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