Why do governments feel the need to make drugs illegal? If anything, it causes a lot more problems than there were before. If they were legalized, there would not be nearly as many violent actions over getting them since the prices would not be nearly as high. There would not been as many people over doing it with drugs, since it would eventually just become a normal thing in day-to-day life.
DEFINETLY make marijuana legal there are manyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy reasons why. youtube why is marijuana illegal? and click the one where theres like a cartoon frog with some guys voice telling you why marijuana is legal. it can be used as methanol for gas. it can make more paper than a tree with a certain amount say...1 pound of hemp could make 50 pages and 1 pound of tree wood. could make like 30. and it doesnt really like kill you unless you do it ALOT and its a good once in a while thing. but all the other drugs fuck you up and you get addicted lol
Thank you BASHA. I don't really plan to smoke anytime soon for I'm like 15. But i dont really think im into it. It is still a very big use in this world, it can like save a bitch load of things. Could also start like a drug war though lol
woah woah woah were not mixing things here bud. im not promoting it but im only speaking for marijuana. not coke heroin meth or any other shit. alcohol alone could make you bite the head off of a small creature too =P
wow thats a very strange equation.I don't know of anything that could make you turn into ozzy osbourne.That would mean that drugs make you british, and thats just strange.Anyways Marijuana=bad end of discussion.
first of all, people would die from it. second of all, people would waste all their money on them. third of all, the economy would fail even more because of the loss of money and the world would fail as a whole
I am against drugs but I think they should be legal (If you want to kill yourself that's fine with me) except for the drugs which cause aggressive behavior like speed
Pot isn't addictive like most other drugs. So maybe it should be legal. I mean alcohol is legal and abuse of it kills FARRRRRR more people than people using pot does. People on pot are more or less easy going to lazy. They're too lazy to hurt anyone.
Pot is probably the only drug that should be legal. When you kids all get to college and for some of you high school you'll broaden your After School Special minds a little bit and see that drugs aren't all bad and neither are drug users.