Why do governments feel the need to make drugs illegal? If anything, it causes a lot more problems than there were before. If they were legalized, there would not be nearly as many violent actions over getting them since the prices would not be nearly as high. There would not been as many people over doing it with drugs, since it would eventually just become a normal thing in day-to-day life.
They also didnt know the harmful affects in the 1800s....
but we do know now. opium,weed, cocaine. all that stuff was legal once, and it has been illegalized, once the dangers where realized. funny that noone cared to do it for cigarettes and alcohol by now.
Oh so do you want to see little kids blowing ciggs in the streets?
no i dont, but we are not talking about letting kids smoke, drink or take drugs. we are talking whether or not we should legalize them. it is common to use minimal ages for certain stuff, to protect the children from it
this is really a matter of freedom and freedom of choice,what you want too put in your body is really your choice and no one should be alowed too tell you otherwise, an intelegent person wont take cocaine or any other hardcore drugs cuz he knows the risks.
if drugs where legal, illegal trafficing of drugs would end overnight, drug dealers would end overnight.
The debate is about legalizing drugs, ron paul vrs morton downey jr and his baffoons, they are really rude but this is the first debate that came too mind about this subject
someone said something right after me before vinster132, did someone delete it?
anyway, people would continue too smoke, like people smoke now and some people would keep doing drugs, like they do now even tho its illegal, but if they where legal, illegal drug trafficing, killing over selling drugs, and anything too do with illegal drugs would end. the problems with drugs today are beacause they are illegal not legal
an intelegent person wont take cocaine or any other hardcore drugs cuz he knows the risks.
you have enough intelligent people smoking and drinking and you have enough risks linked to it, too. i wouldnt say taking drugs or not has something to do with intelligence. but i share your opinion that drugs shall be legal, and everyone should decidewhat he does to his body.
well when i said intelegent people i meant drugs that are most likely too drive you insane and kill you, i know enough intelegent people(grade averages 98% or so) who smoke or smoke weed, i dont think those make them bad people