ForumsWEPRDrugs: Why not legalize?

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3,675 posts

The topic says it all.

Why do governments feel the need to make drugs illegal? If anything, it causes a lot more problems than there were before. If they were legalized, there would not be nearly as many violent actions over getting them since the prices would not be nearly as high. There would not been as many people over doing it with drugs, since it would eventually just become a normal thing in day-to-day life.

  • 948 Replies
755 posts

i know enough intelegent people(grade averages 98% or so)

there are enough people equally intelligent taking heavy drugs.

i dont think those make them bad people

why would other drugs make them bad people. it is their choice to destroy their bodies. whether with cigarettes, weed or cocaine. if it would be legal, prizes would drop, and less people would be insane, because it would be easier to find the drugs
144 posts

I don't know if it's been mentioned already (I'm not gonna read 58 pages to find out), but there are some really nice advantages of legalizing drugs. Is it worth it? Would I go ahead and support drug legalization? Maybe, I'd have to look into it more. But here are some things to think about.

1) It allows for some professional oversight and controls to dosage. The worst drug abusers don't get to where they are overnight - they develop addictions and become unable to control their habits properly. Having a legal system that monitors a person's habits is an excellent safeguard against these problems developing.

Purchasers of drugs are also able to be screened for any medications they are taking and medical history, and receive good information on how their choices could impact their health.

3) It allows for quality control of the product. Drugs are often times made far more dangerous by what they are "cut" with. For instance, pure mdma (ecstast or E), is a relatively low damage drug, but good luck finding pure E on the streets. It is very often cut with speed, sometimes 90% speed, if they don't just outright lie to you about what you're taking.

4) It keeps money out of the hands of criminals. Let's face it, drugs are ALWAYS going to be available to a society that really wants it. The question is, who is going to profit from them? Right now a lot of crime lords are held in power largely from their drug trade.

5) It will reduce the "taboo" appeal of drugs, which is frankly a reason many young people will try it in the first place.

6) It will reduce prison population immensely. Something which the prison industry doesn't want, by the way. Their very powerful lobby stands against drug legalization, in my opinion primarily out of their own profit/industry growth interests.

7) It will open up the market to competition and drive prices down. This mainly an advantage to those of you who actually consume drugs - you wouldn't be paying as much for your pot if it got legalized. =)

When I stop and think about it, most people I know with an avid interest in drugs are curious, wanting to experiment, or favor recreational usage of safer substances like marijuana. My main concern is how legalization would affect the smaller group that gets issues with drugs, and gets them fast - people predisposed to become addicted. Anyways, stuff to think about!

230 posts

it is their choice to destroy their bodies. whether with cigarettes, weed or cocaine. if it would be legal, prizes would drop, and less people would be insane, because it would be easier to find the drugs

i totally agree

why would other drugs make them bad people.

the reason i said smoking weed is cuz the drug war is 99% fighting people who take weed
but ur right, taking a drug no matter what dosent make you a bad person
230 posts

too twigonometry

Perfect answer!!!

755 posts

think it was Denmark,

it was in the netherlands.
and it is legal to smoke weed there.
434 posts

5) It will reduce the "taboo" appeal of drugs, which is frankly a reason many young people will try it in the first place.

I totally agree with that. Teenagers and adults just want to smoke pot and do drugs because it is illegal. They want to be bad. So if it is legalized then they probably will still want to do it but not as much.
434 posts

Thats what I said, isn't it?

It isn't in Denmark, but it is the Netherlands.
9,462 posts


I think you said pretty much everything I could possibly think of off the top of my head.

256 posts

I hope you only mean marijuana, Because the rest are deadly and dangerous.

476 posts

Smoking marijuana actually does more damage to the lungs then tobacco. There's some urban myth out there that marijuana is safe, and while it is safer then harder drugs, a clean system is much better still.

I would support such legalization as long as it led to the strict control and distribution, and then ban of such products after the amount of people using street drugs declined, after the sudden burst of curious citizens trying something new.

476 posts

You're right. I forgot about the millions of people that die every year from cancer caused by smoking marijuana.

I never said it caused cancer, or that tobacco isn't dangerous to smoke. I just said it causes more lung damage.
144 posts

A system subjected to regular drug use of ANY kind is going to be less healthy than a "clean" system. No one can seriously dispute this.

But seriously guys, don't take life too seriously - you won't get out of it alive anyways. Just don't be stupid; make sure the time you do spend here is relatively pleasant. For me, that rests somewhere between the extremes of complete sobriety and wrecking my body unnecessarily.

434 posts

You're right. I forgot about the millions of people that die every year from cancer caused by smoking marijuana.

Are you using sarcasm because I cannot tell.
1,036 posts

Well the old should be able to use it. A police officer should be ashamed to put an old lady to jail: she doesn't care.

144 posts

THC does absolutely no harm to the body.

lol... I've been around enough people who use pot, dude. Not to mention my own usage. Seriously? Come on. Pot/thc alters your physiological and mental states in many ways. If you really think doing this regularly isn't going to have SOME kind of impact on your health... well, lol, what can I say? But these sorts of health risks are very difficult to clinically study due to the immense number of factors that play into your health, and the vast numbers of ways which poor health can express itself (or not really be noticed if the effects are slight). Add to that how politicized the issue is and - why are we waiting for science to tell us about it? I personally think it's right there in front of us to see.

Pretty much any drug in a high enough concentration is going to be harmful to you. Recreational or prescription, doesn't matter. And the pot people are smoking these days is SO much stronger than what people had in the 70's, thanks to selective breeding. It's currently pretty far from the "all natural" gentleness that it used to have.

Especially for young kids who are still developing, exposing their brains to regular deluges of mood-altering chemicals is quite obviously a health risk. I personally know people who just "haven't been the same" since they got way into pot, and my stories aren't isolated ones.

So have fun, I say. But the last thing *any* substance needs are a bunch of cheerleaders (and weed has tooooo many cheerleaders). Have fun and enjoy yourself moderately, responsibly. My poison of choice is a good shot of liquor.
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