Why do governments feel the need to make drugs illegal? If anything, it causes a lot more problems than there were before. If they were legalized, there would not be nearly as many violent actions over getting them since the prices would not be nearly as high. There would not been as many people over doing it with drugs, since it would eventually just become a normal thing in day-to-day life.
Portugal has an interesting view. They have legalized all drugs. The logic behind it is, Portugal would rather help therapeutically help there citizens and make them better. Rather than lock them in a 8x8 cell with no rehabilitation. I think that's pretty interesting.
I'm going to see if there are any statistics or research on this. It would probably be beneficial in this topic.
Portugal has an interesting view. They have legalized all drugs. The logic behind it is, Portugal would rather help therapeutically help there citizens and make them better. Rather than lock them in a 8x8 cell with no rehabilitation. I think that's pretty interesting.
Like my post of the ideal world. If drugs were completely legal and the government controlled them I see no problem, except for over-use, but that's like the alcohol problems... Saying "no, they impair you" is just ridicules. What doesn't anymore?
PS. My last post here, I'm losing AP. Not just for spam, only 3 comments removed for that. I've lost 5 AP.
"The number of problematic drug users in the country has declined â" from about 100,000 in the mid-1990s to 60,000 today, Goulão said. The proportion of drug-related offenders in the nationâs prison system has dropped from 44 percent in 1999 to 21 percent two years ago, and the number of prisoners reporting prior heroin use has also declined â" from 44 to 30 percent, suggesting, in general, a criminal population less hooked on drugs."
"the number of Portuguese aged 15 to 64 who have ever tried illegal drugs has climbed from 7.8 percent in 2001 to 12 percent in 2007. The percentage of people who have tried cannabis, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, ecstasy, and LSD all increased in that time frame. Cannabis use, according to the drug report, has gone up from 7.6 to 11.7 percent. Heroin use jumped from 0.7 to 1.1 percent, and cocaine use nearly doubled â" from 0.9 to 1.9 percent."
Drugs should be legalized. If they became legal would you go out and say "Hey! I'm gunna shoot up a bunch of heroin and smoke some crack rock!?!" No you wouldn't... and there are tons of people like you.
Drugs should be the persons choice not the governments. It's just another freedom they have taken from us. Sure people are irresponsible.. I have seen what they do on liquor yet that remains legal. What's the difference? People are well aware of the effects. Yet they still drink, smoke etc.
If it's illegal because it's bad for you why are cigerettes, alcohol, prescription medication not banned?
I think they very well should be legalized, plus imagine all the organized crime that would end. Mexican cartels make 60% of their money from marijuana alone.
double post.. How would it effect the kids anymore than alcohol is? Kids will do it whether it's legal or not just like alcohol so this argument is invalid.
The only reasonable argument I have ever heard against marijuana is that there is no way you can test people are actually high at the moment of testing if they are suspected of a D.U.I. Sadly this is true, even thought I think people can drive pretty well on marijuana once they become a little more tolerant.
People are going to do it anyways, just like me and my friends do and just like how people drive while drunk.
We didn't legalize it becuase we don't wan't kids get high, ruin their life because they're literally to stupid to make desicion for their life, but as we can see that still isn't stopping some kids. and by kids I also mean 18+. It will bring more harm than good in my view. But if we ever do legalize, think of the chaos
It's illegal and kids do it. If it's legalized and has an age limit it will be illegal for kids to do it and they will still do it. See my point?
I would, in fact, argue there would be an effect. See, now 'trying it' would be like, okay yo I tried it. Someone else doing it wouldn't make them any cooler, since the kid can do it anyway. There may be purchasing ramifications, as to how old you must be -- but I think it would decline a lot.
I can give a pretty easy example. Take Tobacco, at first -- you didn't really know it was bad But it made you cool. Lots of high-school smokers. But in my highschool, their are idiots that smoke cigarettes but the majority of people I know wouldn't be able to light a cigarette even if they were presented with the opportunity. -- And it's legal, with an age limit.
Most kids don't drink like adults. They'll have a party/binge drink. One night of 'being a boss' since you can't do it everynight, you'd get caught! If it were legal, I feel that more people would try it, but less would do it -- seeing as the social benefits of it wouldn't really be attainable until they are adults [if someone sees any], whereas the negative results of drinking would be clear as daylight.
I think many people would just choose healthier things like marijuana rather than jumping to extremes like crack, etc.
I love weed. I also love very unhealthy things that I cant say in this thread but I know my limits and I spread the usage out severely to maintain some health in my mind/body.
Exactly. Any recreational thing doesn't usually go to extremes. I think people would hop to marijuana, as well.
I mean, I hate drugs and I think they're a terrible addition to any society and they breed a group of uneducated idiots, disregarding whatever recreation they could give to a less-stupid using group higher up in the food-chain of the demon we call childhood success -- but they're here and I'd rather see a few casual users here and a few nonusers there then a group of famous potheads at every bock.
And actually in countries where they legalize both weed and hard drugs, LESS people do them. Because then it's not cool to do them because they're illegal.
also it should be the person's choice. As is seen in (as far as I know) all countries which legalize in part or full heavy narcotics, when people get a choice they choose not to more often.
As for the weed part of it, as the marijuana user sees it (yo!), the way we've built a marijuana market around the law, there are millions of people in the US making money off of being some sort of middle man, and it's usually the poorest of the people and/or ones that have just have children born, people who NEED that drug money. For that reason and the coined phrase from the California 420 vote, "You don't want to get your weed from Walmart", which no one does, and no one wants to see that dealer they've made a real connection with or close friend that supports themselves/their family go out of business.
But less kids take drugs than smoke or drink. They see loads of adults do those and they are easy to obtain. Drugs are harder to get so less kids take them