Why do governments feel the need to make drugs illegal? If anything, it causes a lot more problems than there were before. If they were legalized, there would not be nearly as many violent actions over getting them since the prices would not be nearly as high. There would not been as many people over doing it with drugs, since it would eventually just become a normal thing in day-to-day life.
then is supposed to just go around doing it for chump change or even free out of the goodness in their soul
I never said chump change or for free, I just said they over charge. Its quite a significant over charge compared to other first world countries too, some things cost as much as six times what they cost everywhere else..
Kind of a repost of the one above, but yes, nobody is saying that it's better to NOT smoke Marijuana. Of course it's better to leave nasty stuff alone. But we're stating that if legalized, people who want to throw away their lives/whatever can do it themselves. Kind of like beer.
even if you legalize it i'm pretty sure that everyone that grows it is still subject to jail time... you'll have to get a license to grow and sell it and i'm pretty sure they won't hand those out to everyone... it'll be like moonshining and making ur own alcohol... it'll still be illegal. it might be harder to govern it than alcohol b/c plants look like plants amirite?... but it'd have to come from something like fda approved places (to make sure they're not injecting the plants w/ lead or anything crazy like that)... this post is just saying that people are still going to get arrested over it even after its legalized is all. (maybe you could grow it but not sell it?... or maybe you could even sell it and i'm bringing up a retarded poitn...)
even if you legalize it i'm pretty sure that everyone that grows it is still subject to jail time..
That's fine. The majority of users are not growers. I'd rather have American growers that get taxed and have to follow a few regulations than giant Mexican farms coming over the border in Cartels wreaking havoc on cities close to the borer in Texas and Arizona.
Also, cops are getting better at finding 'growing houses'. And FDA approved sounds even better, imagine what cigarettes would do to people without restrictions.
So, I like your post, makes a valid statement. I'm sure, though, that users would probably like buying it legally.
One thing that hasn't come up yet is Economy. Supply and demand. If it is legalized both supply and demand go up making the cost go rock bottom. Mexico would turn dirt poor because we just took its main crop export away. Since it's illegal they are making huge profits!
Supply and demand. If it is legalized both supply and demand go up making the cost go rock bottom.
I don't know why both supply and demand would go up, or at least equally. If drugs were legalised, I doubt a significant number of people would turn to them. Perhaps a few more out of curiosity, but very few potential regular users would suddenly decide that they wanted to take drugs all the time.
Mexico would turn dirt poor because we just took its main crop export away. Since it's illegal they are making huge profits!
Whilst prohibition inflates the price massively, the profits from this go to a tiny number of people involved in the organised drugs trade, at the top of the various cartels. Your average Mexican farmer growing drugs gets paid pittance for it, the mark up from farm to street being exponential. In light of the horrendously bloody drug war going on in Mexico right now, I would venture that ending prohibition would do more to help the Mexican people than any other measure.
Indeed you find that it is in the producing countries where the pro legalisation movements are the strongest for this very reason.
One thing that hasn't come up yet is Economy. Supply and demand. If it is legalized both supply and demand go up making the cost go rock bottom. Mexico would turn dirt poor because we just took its main crop export away. Since it's illegal they are making huge profits!
You could also argue that Mexico joining NAFTA, the devaluation of the peso, debt to the IMF, and IMF Structural Adjustment Programs put Mexico in a situation that allowed crime to permeate every level of office in the country, leading to the export of drugs.
And Mexico has already stopped exporting so much marijuana. American growers are already beating them to the market, most times with legal, cheaper product.
So alcohol and all other currently legal drugs should also be banned, according to you? As well as pets, cars, and everything else? Anything can be abused. But you can't ban chainsaws just because someone might abuse them.
wow populat topic well i guess drugs just take over you and u want more really idk
So does chocolate. To a minor extent. Or sex. Really, anything good could "Take you over and make you want more". Why would making you want more be illegal?
I dont see why they shouldnt legalize it. I dont do drugs, but if someone does them, we have had side effects and warnings pounded into our brains from a young age. If someone wants to hurt themselves by doing drugs, go ahead. People know what they are doing. The dont care.
Well, I don't know if some drugs could be legalized, but there are drugs that can alter your behavior, making your actions unreliable. It doesn't matter much what you do with yourself, but when you endanger others, it's crossing the line. And the government can't count on that all the users will be responsible. Mainly 'cause most responsible people don't do drugs.