ForumsWEPRDrugs: Why not legalize?

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3,675 posts

The topic says it all.

Why do governments feel the need to make drugs illegal? If anything, it causes a lot more problems than there were before. If they were legalized, there would not be nearly as many violent actions over getting them since the prices would not be nearly as high. There would not been as many people over doing it with drugs, since it would eventually just become a normal thing in day-to-day life.

  • 948 Replies
2,513 posts

Someone hasn't read my post.

I did. And I read a few posts after that. I should've quoted the one that said "this must be the result of marijuana being legal in the Netherlands" or something like that. Sorry.
This must be a joke right. No problem? Yea right.

Honestly, you'd be surprised at how many people don't care if they smoke pot illegally. In fact, some people I know do it just to turn against the government.
1,482 posts

Honestly, you'd be surprised at how many people don't care if they smoke pot illegally. In fact, some people I know do it just to turn against the government.

True, but most people who smoke pot because they like smoking pot would enjoy it cops weren't hightailing their *****.
If nobody did weed and random people screamed 'legalize it so we can get high' then nobody would take them seriously.
1,714 posts

Honestly, you'd be surprised at how many people don't care if they smoke pot illegally. In fact, some people I know do it just to turn against the government.

So by that argument fewer people would smoke if it was legalized. Not to mention the money we would save by not imprisoning people for marijuana.
410 posts

People need to stop worrying about legalizing these drugs, especially marijuana, because there are worse things to worry about.

You did say that you have read other posts, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you read at least one of mine. I talked about a few immediate benefits of legalizing marijuana.

If it was legalized, then it could help reduce the number of prisoners in the US prison system, the ones arrested for possessing marijuana or something like that, which I believe to be a victimless crime. With these people out of the prison system, that leads to more workers in the economy, and less prisoners draining taxpayers money.

If it was legalized, it could be exported and taxed domestically, which would help out the governments debt problem.

If not that, then legalize industrial hemp. It is an arguably better fiber than cotton. It replenishes the soil rather than depletes it like cotton. Immediate effects of that would be a drop in using many fertilizers, so the water table would be less polluted. It makes for a better quality paper as well. It could be a good cash crop for domestic use and export in place of or in addition to cotton.
325 posts

Marijuana is just as bad for you as other drugs, and legalizing it would cause people to take advantage of that fact.

1,322 posts

has the subject of it potentially being a gateway drug come up yet? ...kinda just jumping into this convo here. what if they were able to statistically prove w/in a high percent confidence interval that mary jew wanna is a "gateway drug" that leads onto heavier use of that or other substances later down the road? I've heard that claim but haven't seen any numbers yet.

but in all seriousness. if it were to be shown statistically that it does in fact act as a "gateway drug" then would some of your stances change?

5,552 posts

Honestly, I have no problem with this at all, if people are too dumb and overdose, that's their problem. I really do hate all these "but people will hurt themselves" arguments. If they can't realize that they are just harming themselves well, I can't say much for any of their other rationalizing abilities.

1,714 posts

but in all seriousness. if it were to be shown statistically that it does in fact act as a "gateway drug" then would some of your stances change?

It might, but it has already been shown that marijuana is not a "gateway drug". I've posted links for such before, but I don't really want to look for them again.

if people are too dumb and overdose

That would be quite impressive seeing as they would have to smoke something like their body weight in an hour.
1,322 posts

are these substances addictive? ...popular opinion says yes. I, myself, have never tried anything other than alcohol (waited till I was 21)... and even then have never had more than 2-3 drinks at a time... during ~5-6 different occasions since last October... I've apparently not had enough of it to acquire such a thirst for it just yet. (I have friends that do nothing other than drink in their free I think it does in fact exist)

its not that cheap... and I also know people that chain smoke a huge chunk of change every day too.

the drugs that are legal can be and are abused by not all or maybe even most... but by a significant number of people that partake in them.

what I see happening now is... people smoking like crazy and wondering where they're gonna get the money to pay for their kid's asthma they keep inducing and agitating more and more... and then going to the doctor's office and not paying b/c they didn't have any money to begin w/.

the illegal drugs are more expensive while illegal amirite? people say that it wouldn't be a big deal. ...totally disagree w/ that. its just one more substance to "blow" your money on (anyone catch the (ithink) crack reference?). for there to be no reasonable fear of abuse there'd have to be no perceivable abuse for me of the already existing legal drugs... which as said... are lightly abused to terribly heavily abused... (some people can control themselves... I admit that). so we're to allow all drugs and then up raise taxes for most of your dreams of universal healthcare so I'll end up paying for a bunch of people who "blow" their money and can't afford the taxes healthcare...? and b/c they're afflicted and can't afford stuff they'll be on like medicaid and double dipping as it were?...b/c everyone is supposed to have healthcare... even those that actively strive to ruin their health. ...let alone the demotivation for doctors who've worked for half their life to get to that point only to be paid chump change. ...~student loans amounting to sometimes (way) over $100,000 don't pay themselves off too easily w/ chump change.

I keep hearing ....ZOMG WE'VE MOTHA LICKING VAPORIZAS (ML=old greg reference)!!!! THEY SO HEALTHY FOAR YUUUUUUU!!!!..... yea... b/c those things have been around for a while and everyone vaporizes their tobacco with them too. legalize pot and people are gonna use it just a freely as they drink alcohol... we may set up a no drive when on pot law as we have w/ ackyhawl... but people inebriate quite often... legal pot = high more often than they do now. legal means cheaper... cheaper means more bang for your buck... which means you can buy more of it doy... which means you buy more of it you smoke more of it. i'm sure we'll notice a direct increase in the number of those afflicted by emphysema.... just like how there was a statistical increase in nursing home std cases when they invented viagra (biochemist teacher told real life lawl joke in class). ...some say it helps w/ cancer... other sources i've seen say it only helps w/ certain kinds... and then others say that depending on the dosage hi or low it could hurt you... oddly enough the hi is the helpful... which inevitably turns into a low dose after a h'while (FG ref) when it starts getting cleared from the system. plus burning it (how many people will honestly vaporize it?) produces carcinogens just from burning... so we're gonna increase the number of people who can't breathe but w/ a straw and those dying off from cancer... and my arse is gonna pay for it? the hell w/ that.

the other ones screw w/ your body in worse ways... lets all take meth and rip our faces off... or snort crack and have have one nostril b/c our septums will dissolve. if you legalize it.. more people will freely use and abuse it. its not a matter of... oh its just my bad luck if I get hurt from it... its a matter of being a friggen miracle if it doesn't kill you (granted you can get cancer w/o it just doesn't help your chances of living to be a centurion any...

when you use a drug. the receptors that it stimulates will be down regulated (the number implanted into the membrane will go down)... that's why its harder and harder over time to get the same high from at least some of these drugs. that's the origin of "chasing the original hi"... not that i've ever been hi. a lot of it comes across to me as.... i want to legalize all kinds of chemicals that are gonna degenerate muh health by default... and I'm gonna pursue a healthcare system that makes those that abstain from such actions like you have to help pay for me when I ain't gots hardly any mo monies >.... its like incentive to do that crap.

i'm all for helping those that drew a bad lott in life and can't help themselves...not for promoting self induced retardation and what I see as bodily mutilation. saying i should be able to do most of these drugs to me is like saying you're also for being able to cut yourself whenever you want to... and have the US people foot the bill for whenever you wanna whip the razor out. "MY BODY!!! MINE!!! ME CUT WHEN ME WANT!!!!...and ur gonna pay to fix it"...maybe i'm going over board b/c I do that when I'm up late at night here on the forums... but those are my condensed thoughts on legalizing drugs. ....since this is like a 91 page uber thread... honestly... haven't read it. i'm assuming u've addressed lots of this b4. I'll look at it moreso later. maybe I said something new or from a diff angle u guys haven't already addressed... if not, then rooofies.... O_o... erm oooooopsies... yup... oooopsies

1,101 posts

Okay one other reason why we should legalize marijuana (im a canadian so these don't matter to me... Im fairly certain it will be legal in canada in the near future). USA has spent over 1 trillion smackers on the battle over drugs.. Majority going towards marijuana smokers. 121 billion going to arrest people who were one time offenders caught with some weed, and 450 billion spent on locking above mentioneds in prison... Is this still right? The fact that people have been given life sentences for smoke some greens... Its unrealistic to even portray the idea that thats fair. So smoking some weed to relax you gives you a life sentence, where as drinking alcohal gives you liver disease. Yeah good on the american government for understanding life... PS the reason for marijuana becoming illegalized was because hippies were protesting the war in vietnam, and the government needed an easy way to lock them in jail. So they decided to say smoking pot was illegal, and were able to arrest the protesters with a just cause. But now thats taken to a whole nother level these days..

1,714 posts

PS the reason for marijuana becoming illegalized was because hippies were protesting the war in vietnam, and the government needed an easy way to lock them in jail. So they decided to say smoking pot was illegal, and were able to arrest the protesters with a just cause.

It would seem that hippies actually led to the decriminalization of marijuana that has happened in some areas starting in the 1970s, marijuana started losing legality in the early 1900s.
1,714 posts
1,322 posts

would we make special areas for marijuana users to smoke? ...for those that don't want to inhale it would still be subject to 2nd hand pot smoke and high if we didn't... but if we did would people then complain about tobacco being smokable in some areas while pot smokers had to abstain in those areas? ...would the discrimination card get thrown?

if and when we allow more stuff like this to be common place... more people will use them... and more health related issues will arise... and even if we're not on universal healthcare... would premiums not go up for everyone to cover the expenses of paying for all those newly afflicted individuals? maybe it'd be less or more than what the gov't is shelling out now for the anti drug movement. doctor's bills are not cheap. they can be quite expensive. add up multiple people w/ issues and eventually I'd think u'd get close if not surpass the amount paid for the anti drug sentiment.

i don't have any source for that... its my own conviction. I just know that "if you build it, they will come..."... and "if you allow it, they will smoke/snort/inject it." i forgot the movie name.. but its not my original thought... for those concerned (Field of Dreams maybeh?)

1,714 posts

would we make special areas for marijuana users to smoke?

Ideally it would be something like 18 and up, on your property or maybe in a specially designated area and then you could smoke.

if and when we allow more stuff like this to be common place... more people will use them... and more health related issues will arise... and even if we're not on universal healthcare... would premiums not go up for everyone to cover the expenses of paying for all those newly afflicted individuals?

You have to seriously abuse marijuana for a long before you have health issues cause by it.

doctor's bills are not cheap. they can be quite expensive. add up multiple people w/ issues and eventually I'd think u'd get close if not surpass the amount paid for the anti drug sentiment.

Doctors in America over charge for health care, if we could fix that it wouldn't be a problem even if marijuana related problems were common.
1,322 posts

over charge? granted i do sympathize w/ that some... but.... someone spends sometimes over 10 years of their life developing huge debts specializing in something that comparatively speaking very few people can even accomplish and then is supposed to just go around doing it for chump change or even free out of the goodness in their soul(figuratively for those who don't believe in souls)?

what's the motivation to endure pure hell for so long if there's no pay off? you could go pick up trash and make more than what some people want to pay doctors.

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