ForumsWEPRThat (in my opinion) IDIOT burning the koran on 9/11

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272 posts

If you know what I'm talking about, I hope you agree with me that he is a complete moron. He is putting our troops over in Afghanistan at risk, by making 'moderate' muslims 'extreme' muslims. Post your ideas on this topic here:

  • 327 Replies
3,817 posts

I think their xenophobia was more than just 10^-13 part of it...

Then you would be wrong. And even then, a good half of their xenophobia is based of religion.
955 posts

Hi everyone.

It is, of course, a foul to claim that all Muslims/Arabs are terrorists, but it would be illogical to claim that religion didn't have a huge hand in this.
The main trouble with Islam is that it's severely decentralised. Any imam can yell others being heretics and only he knows the true meaning of what's said in the Quran, and start teaching whatever fallacies he like, and lead people wherever he wants. If he'd happen to hate blackskins, he'll teach this to his pastry, and they will explode all over the place killing people. Etc etc.
probably going to show up weird
"Era of communism leads unpartied..." where? Do you mind giving the direct link to this phrase, maybe I could translate it to English?
So religious powered men who, under the influence of religion, convince other less religious men to murder some innocent men because their religion tells them to. How does this not involve religion?
Islamic autorities can seize power and twist the dogmas, basically perverting the religion. So Islam here is indeed being used as a tool to make one's own goals. Pity for them.
554 posts

The entire point of religion is to control people, give power to priests and answer the big questions in life but it has been manipulated so much to give power and control that that is most of what it is now. And while the guy is an idiot he should be allowed to do it since it's part of free speech. That said, while it would be fair that he could the sensible thing to do would be to make it illegal along with burning things like bibles and flags that are obviously done to cause offence. In England there was a guy who burnt poppies on remembrance day and got fined £50 which was paid by a rich muslim who supported him which I think is stupid. Either make anything like that severely punishable or just make anything like that legal, and since making that legal would get so much protest just make it illegal

1,826 posts

we respect other religions and expect others to respect ours so if someone dont respect ours we have every right to shut him her up some of use that right while some dont

1,826 posts

we respect other religions and expect others to respect ours so if someone dont respect ours we have every right to shut him her up some of use that right while some dont[b]

879 posts

we respect other religions and expect others to respect ours so if someone dont respect ours we have every right to shut him her up some of use that right while some dont[b]

wtf are you trying to say?^^
58 posts

He's just necroing. I'd ignore that if I were you.

1,482 posts

But, to answer Grimml's question, I think he was saying if someone says something that contradicts his religion he can do whatever he wants to make them stop.

Sounds like he'll be a problem on AG

51 posts

Muslims, Jewish people[Jew sounds mean =( ], and Christians in harmony
But suddenly when an old white guy who is in the 20th not the 21st, century burns a holy book, war will rage on
apparently this Neanderthal of great religious and colored racism doesn't know of the end of the Crusades or Segregation and cannot allow more races in this prosperous nation
with that i spit on his racist shoes and i give an unwelcome farewell to his beliefs

1,391 posts

Every Man, Women and Child has there free will and testament this man has provoked his and showed what it is, in my eyes this is something good why are we being nice to our enemies and letting them walk all over us and our Country? We are at war with them and we treat them like it is there own Country? Over in England we cannot put up the English Flag in case it offends them? In our own country?!

3,085 posts

Who else wants to put a bet on that Scouse is a BNP supporter? I do apologize to any people he may have offended but it's a growing trend amongst the ignorant masses of England to bawl and cry and say stuff like 'Muslims impede our freedoms' without actually providing any evidence except the anecdotal stuff and the stuff that the bloke down t' pub told them.

1,391 posts

Who else wants to put a bet on that Scouse is a BNP supporter? I do apologize to any people he may have offended but it's a growing trend amongst the ignorant masses of England to bawl and cry and say stuff like 'Muslims impede our freedoms' without actually providing any evidence except the anecdotal stuff and the stuff that the bloke down t' pub told them.

That to me is a serious offence to me and I do not go down to the pub since I am under the age to drink, you judge English? How dare you evidance is not always the action needed for commen sense
3,085 posts

That to me is a serious offence to me and I do not go down to the pub since I am under the age to drink,

I'm sorry you feel so offended but, when you paint people as being evil and calling them your 'enemies' just because they moved to England from another country, I think you lost the right to complain about being offended - at least you're getting a little understanding of how they must feel with people like you insulting and belittling them on a day-to-day basis.

you judge English? How dare you evidance is not always the action needed for commen sense

Judge English? Mate, I am English, I see people saying the things you're saying almost every day and it sickens me - especially this whole 'olitical correctness gone mad' thing. Not a single person has been able to present to me a large-scale 'bowing down' to the 'enemies of britain'. How are you supposed to know something is 'common sense' without evidence backing up that it is, indeed, common sense to do/say/think that way?
1,612 posts

We probably all agree that anyone burning the Koran isn't really intelligent, but do you guys think that burning a book, a flag or some other symbol should be a crime? Personally I think it's ridiculous to punish anyone in any way for something like this and Voltaire would probably agree with me.

1,391 posts

I am not saying that we are 'bowing down' to them but more as giving in. and our politcal business has gone mad with Cameron in the seat, but back on Topic. They expect us good paying citzens to fork out for immigrants every year? And most are Illegal one's! What about that poor English Family who have debts so high you could swim in the paper?!

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