ForumsWEPROverstretching of Constitutional Rights

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In modern America, the Bill of Rights along with ( i think) the other 13-15 amendments i believe are too vague, especially the Bill of Rights. The wording seems too outdated, and the translated meanings generalized...

should the Bill of Rights be rewritten to set much more clear standards??

and another, using the Amendments to protect against felony. So does the Constitution/Bill of Rights overrule everything that is the US justice system???

  • 89 Replies
4,689 posts

So criminals win in every situation hmm? Personally Id have shot the guy without saying anything.

1,360 posts

"Hey give me all your money!" *pulls gun*
"Oh yeah I know MMA!"
*thief shoots you and takes money*

Clap clap clap. Very realistic situation.
It's not like you'd analyse the situation first, how close is he, can you grab the gun, does he look strong, confident, will he actually pull the trigger or is he just a stupid kid, and if all are against you, just give him your fucking money, it's not like you have the gun in hand, and if he has his pointed at you already, before you draw it you'd be dead.
3,085 posts

Holt - you're wrong again. You could introduce far tougher controls, greater punishments and penalties for breaching those controls and it would still allow people to have guns legally - just not with such ease.

1,133 posts

Clap clap clap. Very realistic situation.
It's not like you'd analyse the situation first, how close is he, can you grab the gun, does he look strong, confident, will he actually pull the trigger or is he just a stupid kid, and if all are against you, just give him your ****ing money, it's not like you have the gun in hand, and if he has his pointed at you already, before you draw it you'd be dead.

Regardless you're chances of survival are much higher if you use a gun.

Holt - you're wrong again. You could introduce far tougher controls, greater punishments and penalties for breaching those controls and it would still allow people to have guns legally - just not with such ease.

Perhaps you're right in that aspect.
121 posts

Doctors are 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.

(A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000.
(B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000.
(C) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171.
(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000.
Yes, that is 80 million.
(B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
(C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is 0.000188.

Taken from here.
All medical supplies should be banned.

4,689 posts

Clap clap clap. Very realistic situation.
It's not like you'd analyse the situation first, how close is he, can you grab the gun, does he look strong, confident, will he actually pull the trigger or is he just a stupid kid, and if all are against you, just give him your ****ing money, it's not like you have the gun in hand, and if he has his pointed at you already, before you draw it you'd be dead

Really no time for analysing and yet that is exactly what you just recomended.
1,133 posts

Sarcasm is funny

1,360 posts

Most crimes are done by gangsters and inner city folk not rednecks.

Ever thought why there are so many gangs? Weapons = easy to get, making it illegal would make it not impossible, but much harder to obtain, therefore less people own them, it's simple logic.
Yes it might take a while for it to all be controlled but so do all laws.

Sure they probably have a license but if have gun control they will stil get guns illlegaly.

Not necessarily, people usually just own guns because it's so easy to get them and they are legal, the amount of people owning guns would probably drop so much if America made it illegal and actually enforced the law, and gun crime would too.

Illogical when you can use a gun. Why the heck would you risk your life by fighting someone when you can pill out a gun and not even have to shoot the person.

Erm, risk your life in a fight? If you're good at any sort of self defence or fighting sport you can be pretty confident you can kick some dumb thugs ass, who probably punches like a girl and has no technique. Btw, you own legs too, use them if you need to.

Regardless you're chances of survival are much higher if you use a gun

Yeah, because a thug robbing an unarmed man would be far more likely to pull the trigger over an armed guy, right?
'Oh no he has a gun, I better not shoot him'
More like, 'Shit he has a gun, I better shoot him first'
9,504 posts

and another, using the Amendments to protect against felony. So does the Constitution/Bill of Rights overrule everything that is the US justice system???

I had to laugh on this one. How does the amendments protect you against felony again? I thought it was just protecting against cruel and unusual punishment, the right to a speedy trial, and the right to a lawyer if he cannot afford one? Would the Framers have added the Bill of Rights and a little annotation that says something that if you committed a felony you are protected?

We are not here to discuss whether gun control is reasonable or not. We are here to discuss the vagueness and flexibility of the Constitution, no? Whoops! I already said the answer. If the Framers really wanted to make the Constitution to-the-word, then how would it have time to nurture and grow? How would it evolve over the years? See, these people are smart; you should give them some credit. They realized that maybe, just maybe, slavery and women's rights would be granted in the near future.

By producing the flexibility and vagueness of the Constitution to where it is near ambiguous, we were able to come together as a nation. We use the flexibility to produce federal and state laws for the times. We use the flexibility to see which ideas were great and which ones were not. If we didn't have the flexibility of the Constitution, we wouldn't be this wonderful nation that we are today.
1,360 posts

Really no time for analysing and yet that is exactly what you just recomended.

What are you talking about?
I said it in a way to point out the obvious, well done for ignoring all the rest and misunderstanding one sentence
1,133 posts

Black vortex I would beileve what your saying a little more if you had facts to back them up.

3,437 posts

Well on topic of the OP I say that the U.S Bill of Rights needs an overhaul whether it is amended or just rewritten. The right to bear arms is a tricky bit of business and, in my humble opinion, is severely outdated. Let us look at the historical foundation of the U.S shall we?

The War of Independence was fought to break away from Imperial Britain, who, at the time, was the world's major super power. Britain had the best and biggest guns, one of the finest armies of the period AND perhaps the greatest naval fleet ever known. Britain was also ruthless in taxing it's over sea colonies, especially those in the New World. Now, during this time those who came to found America were in need of bearing weapons, they had to defend themselves from the threat of British troops. The second amendment was written in a time where despite having won the threat of Britain retaking America was a very real possibility. Those who wrote the second amendment never meant for it to outlive it's purpose. It has.

1,360 posts

Black vortex I would beileve what your saying a little more if you had facts to back them up.

I didn't get anything I said from any fact site... It's called common sense.
1,133 posts

Those who wrote the second amendment never meant for it to outlive it's purpose. It has.

Well I am happy you have a time machine so you can go back in time to see what My fathers intended.
4,689 posts

What are you talking about?
I said it in a way to point out the obvious, well done for ignoring all the rest and misunderstanding one sentence

Did you even read what you wrote? Sounded like you analysed that criminal pretty well but back to OP, more amendments could be added if the others aren't adressing the situation.
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