@ blackvortex: Both I'd say, since the blacks in other countries are the immigrants from the poor ones.
I know you're talking a little vaguely and I'm just interpreting this. Do you think whites should be taxed more and blacks should get tax cuts or a similar system going into place?
Not at all. This won't work, as there are poor whites aswell.
Pfft, you can't even out inequality by heaping it onto the other side of the scales - you can't make blacks and whites equal by taxing the whites more and the blacks less - it doesn't work that way. We need to pull everybody up from poverty - black or white. I'd suggest that we overthrow this capitalist society and go with a better system where people can't get rich so easily off of the backs of others.
Agreed. I've thought about it though, and can't think of much that works better than Capitalism. I'm not a socialist because, for example, I am distrustfull. I am not a liberal, because I think people abuse the freedom. Capitalism is rather liberal, in my eyes.
Right cause everytime people have tried to go with a socialist society it's worked out good right?
Time for something new? Why immidiatly socialist? We could go with central?
Let's start by sportmen/women and singers, actors/actresses etc being paid less, ridiculous the amount of money they get paid.
Agreed. They don't need the money, except for exceptional villas, holiday houses, cars etc..... Survival is more important, and I don't count those as survival, unlike the food, water and health problems among the poor.
We probably all have -some hidden- racial bias. The extent varies.
There was a famous scientific test, here is how it worked: Words and faces appear rapidly one after another around the screen. The test taker is supposed to link each one to the left or right box here in the center-linking positive words like "friend" to "good" and negative words like"âawful" to âbadâ. White faces with white. Black faces with black.
During the first half of the test, black is linked to bad, and white is linked to good. During the second phase the left box marked bad, has a bad face, and the right box labeled good, has a black face.
The test found that something like 79 or 80 percent of white Americans who take the test, show a preference for white over black.
Meat - you'll always get the vocal minority who spoil it for the quiet majority. Here in Britain we have a fairly large number of middle-eastern and Polish immigrants. The majority of them are quiet, decent and hard-working. However, a small minority simply try to suck as much money as they can out of the system - mind you, so do half the people who were born here anyway so...
Racism is wrong and is unfair to different people. However, reading through, I have discovered you grossly misworded your question...you meant do stereotypes hold water? And my answer to that is yes, of course some of them hold water. I'm an Asian American who likes Pre-Al, gets straight A's, and I'm also handy with the chopsticks. Pretty stereotypical, but even so I don't see what racism has to do with it. And if you dislike someone because they're stereotypical of their race, that just means that the way they're acting is irritating to you. If the stereotypical "black" person annoys you then yes, you're not going to like stereotypical black people.
No, racism is not truth - if it was the truth it would be called 'true' and not 'racism' - racism means hatred or intolerance/discrimination against a certain race of people.
However, a small minority simply try to suck as much money as they can out of the system - mind you, so do half the people who were born here anyway so...
The best thing I ever hear is "those damn polish people are taking our jobs".. I usually reply with... "oh, you mean the jobs that those benefit stealing neds wont take?" Its always the way, hating on a group of people to ignore the fact that our own problems are just that... our own. Anyone seen the southpark where ppl from the future "took our jobs"?
However, reading through, I have discovered you grossly misworded your question...you meant do stereotypes hold water? And my answer to that is yes, of course some of them hold water. I'm an Asian American who likes Pre-Al, gets straight A's, and I'm also handy with the chopsticks. Pretty stereotypical, but even so I don't see what racism has to do with it.
Agreed, its all down to culture. Im guessing you have family that still know their roots and are proud of them, it annoys me when people are racist to something that is a large part of their heritage or parents/grandparents culture. If I moved to china I would still do lots of the things I do here... except I love chopsticks (not so much that I use em all the time lol)
racism is a truth itself
Do you ever stop... Are you recruiting or seeing who you can gain support from or something. You remind me of a BNP guy whom I had massive debates with and he always called me "mate" and avoided my questions. He was trying to sow the seed of discord and blossom it into a tree full of ripe, bigoted, worm infested apples. Im lookin at you with the same view here promethius13!
No, racism is not truth - if it was the truth it would be called 'true' and not 'racism' - racism means hatred or intolerance/discrimination against a certain race of people.
Well, most stereotypes have a little bit of fact behind them, otherwise they wouldn't be there. Example: Football players are dumb bullies...some are, but alot are some of the nicest people I know.
Is there any evidence that many stereotypes regarding people of different races could be true?
Is some ways, yes. Example: Jews in Europe. The Jews in Europe were always pictured as stupid, greedy, and rich people. The reason: Christians were not allowed to be bankers, and Jews had their own, separate and closed communities and taught each other but not Christians. As a result, the Jews were more or less the only bankers, and therefore rich and kept notes about how much you owned them, therefore making the greedy. This continued until Hitler came to power. Hitler needed money, and therefore took the bankers out of the bank and took the money (a.k.a. his anti-semetism campaign).
~facepalm~ Really People? Really? Racism is wrong. Obviously. Why hate someone on sight just because they are some different color? It isn't fair to anyone. Sterotypes... Well they will always be there. But sterotypes don't depend on your color. They depend on your personality when it comes down to it. Example. We all know of the very ghetto black people, but white people can be very ghetto as well. So the 'ghetto' term applies to the people that ACT ghetto. I know I judge on peoples actions. Not their race or religion.
Yes. It does. Not in the way where people hate someone, as mentioned above 'on sight'.
When you describe someone using skin color or even make a friendly joke about them, I find it fine. I imagine it's just people being nit picky and puny backbones that can't handle it. When using a phrase that uses the colors 'white' or 'black' that isn't directed to any race whatsoever, and they are offended by it, I think they need to die inside. Why? So they can bloody deal with it without making a retarded hassle.
Anyway. It's difficult to tell you really, it depends on the situation.
And black people should shut the **** up because they mock white people ALL the time and it's never mentioned by the news or recognised by others, because it wouldn't be 'racist'.
The majority of racial attacks are blacks on whites, not the other way 'round.
since this thread is about racism, can i ask a question here? isn't it a little hypocritical to celebrate things like the first african american man to win in the olympics, or the first african american president, (or asian/arabic/english/hispanic im just using this example because i asked this at school in feburary, black history month) so is it just me, or does that see a little racist. if this should go in its own thread i will, i just figured since this was already talking about it..?
since this thread is about racism, can i ask a question here? isn't it a little hypocritical to celebrate things like the first african american man to win in the olympics, or the first african american president, (or asian/arabic/english/hispanic im just using this example because i asked this at school in feburary, black history month) so is it just me, or does that see a little racist. if this should go in its own thread i will, i just figured since this was already talking about it..?
Indeed. Like other situations, this isn't exactly 'racism', in the way people take it, but more discrimination of a particular thing. There is no bad thing about it unless you either: Do it in such a manner that it is Take it in the wrong way The former is the worst, the latter is what usually goes on that makes 'racism' as known as it is.
I have always thought it strange that black people can have their own television chanels but if a white person was to do that I imagine people would be angry.