ForumsWEPRBill to Combat Online Infringement

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This bill will allow the government to remove any content that promotes downloading or sharing copyright material.

What is your opinion of this bill? Does it give the government too much power? How easily can this bill be abused?

I am still looking more into this bill and I do not have an opinion on it yet. So far, it looks like this bill will do nothing more than give the government and big businesses unfair advantages in the marketing world. It will also allow the government to censor any sites that promote piracy including ThePirateBay, despite the fact that there is no evidence that shows any negative correlation between illegal downloads and profit. Basically, these downloads are not harming big businesses.

Smaller bands and film makers who are using file sharing to promote their art will be hurt tremendously. File sharing will be heavily restricted. Maybe the government is trying to make unfair deals with big businesses?

What's even more important is that the government will be allowed to shut down sites that are protected by fair use policies. Who's to stop them? The government won't need a jury, the judges will make the choices on their own.

What is your opinion on the bill? Should we be concerned?

Shanedk replies to the bill.

  • 36 Replies
9,462 posts

Here's my question: This bill is being proposed in the US correct? Yet the internet is for everyone in the world. Soooo the law can only apply to US companies, sites hosted with US based servers, with US based service. Even if there is infringement of US copyrights there are many nations which do not allow FBI intervention, and they are the ones who investigate and enforce copyright laws. All that's going to happen is these sites are going to outsource their storage to foreign countries where the US government can't legally do anything. That's going to mean that jobs, and money, are going to be sent to other nations. (But then, I'm sure that Congress thought of that one already.... /sarcasm)

The only way to handle this would be to block such sites from Being accessed in the US much like what China does or what Pakistan did to YouTube and Facebook for that whole draw Mohammad day thing.
4,005 posts

The only way to handle this would be to block such sites from Being accessed in the US much like what China does or what Pakistan did to YouTube and Facebook for that whole draw Mohammad day thing.

Agreed, however you and I both know THAT wouldn't pass. We take our freedoms pretty seriously here and something like blocking sites to all residents would go over like a lead balloon. The trick to infringing upon the rights of Americans is to do it subtly, and that would be too overt to fly. That, or I'd just move to Canada or Mexico
641 posts

um, i dont think id make it without limewire, but is it copyright infringement if you don't burn a cd, or sell them?? i don't know but i dont think so.

excellant video on the subject, get prepared to laugh

5,043 posts

Agreed, however you and I both know THAT wouldn't pass. We take our freedoms pretty seriously here and something like blocking sites to all residents would go over like a lead balloon. The trick to infringing upon the rights of Americans is to do it subtly, and that would be too overt to fly. That, or I'd just move to Canada or Mexico

Don't underestimate the government... ever. Congress already feels like they have the power to do anything they want.

What MageGrayWolf said is what will end up happening if this bill is passed. We have to fight this bill before it goes into effect. If we allow the bill to go into effect first, then the government will only ignore the people. Look at socialized health care. You may or may not agree with it, but the thousands upon thousands of people at the tea party rallies are being completely ignored by the government. This is evidence that we must not wait for the bill to pass before taking action.
1,633 posts

Welcome to the United States of China, where if the government doesn't like it they can block it.

I'm pretty sure the US only blocks major pirating sites and child porn.

Plus most decent Chinese hackers can easily bypass their firewall. We are dealing with the government: they give a half @ss effort at things, so American hacks should be able to bypass it too... Assuming the US will become a communist country after this bill is passes.

um, i dont think id make it without limewire, but is it copyright infringement if you don't burn a cd, or sell them?? i don't know but i dont think so.

first, limewire messes up your harddrive, second, it is a violation of copyright infringement of illegal distribution of merchandise from an unauthorized party.

You may or may not agree with it, but the thousands upon thousands of people at the tea party rallies are being completely ignored by the government.

its the tea party..aka the GOP groupies. They really don't have a purpose, just an excuse to be on the news and to be racist. But anyway, if the protest makes a valid point, and enough people join the cause.. laws will be changed. Protests are a American tradition, they are effective as seen in the 1960s and 1970s. Those protests actually had some meaning: civil rights, anti-war, etc, are some serious issues. Tea party people just want Obama to be removed because he is the "anti-christ". That's not a very valid reason to be protesting.

Pirating is illegal, and the law seeks to enforce the law. I highly doubt the US will become a fascist, totalitarian society because of this law. Granted the Patriot Act was a blow to civil liberties, but we rarely see people convinced of treason and terrorism after Obama took office.
5,043 posts

its the tea party..aka the GOP groupies. They really don't have a purpose, just an excuse to be on the news and to be racist.

The tea party isn't racist. Maybe a few people in the tea party are racist, or maybe a few of the party crashers are racist, but as a whole, the tea party is not racist. You absolutely missed the point of what I was saying because you absolutely refuse to look past the media and opinions of the majority and you avoid looking the truth in the eyes.

What you said is absolutely ignorant.

Tea party people just want Obama to be removed because he is the "anti-christ". That's not a very valid reason to be protesting.

No, it's because of Obama's policies.

Anyway, this topic is not about the tea party, it's about the bill.
9,504 posts

Anyone wanna exercise their 1st Amendment? I wouldn't want it to go to waste....

1,633 posts

You absolutely missed the point of what I was saying because you absolutely refuse to look past the media and opinions of the majority and you avoid looking the truth in the eyes.

how so? I'm not entitled to my opinions? I have to see things your way?

What you said is absolutely ignorant.

You really want to head down that road... >_<
1,573 posts

deserteagle... do you think file sharing of popular music and film for free is morally wrong? I need to know where you stand.

I will have to stand by the fact that there are many many very rich people in the world who are up in arms about losing their "hard earned" cash to piracy. Anyone who agree's with them just cannot or will not see past lies. In a world where the rich have committed atrocities and passed law after suppressing law yet poor people still fight in their corner, in a world where wars are fought over oil and diamonds using the poor people as the soldiers, in a world where McDonalds r*pe rainforests and we are fed plastic rapped, water filled meat...

I dont think file sharing is such a difficult thing to say, fluck the rich on this one.

3,085 posts

The tea party isn't racist. Maybe a few people in the tea party are racist, or maybe a few of the party crashers are racist, but as a whole, the tea party is not racist. You absolutely missed the point of what I was saying because you absolutely refuse to look past the media and opinions of the majority and you avoid looking the truth in the eyes.

Or perhaps it's you that is blinded by the propaganda of the Tea Party Movement. Can't you see what they stand for besides 'The People' (it's amazing how people can stand for The People without The People as a whole saying yes) - they stand for anti-abortion, anti-immigration and anti-everybody-who-isn't-a-godfearing-christian.
1,633 posts

Anyone who agree's with them just cannot or will not see past lies. In a world where the rich have committed atrocities and passed law after suppressing law yet poor people still fight in their corner, in a world where wars are fought over oil and diamonds using the poor people as the soldiers, in a world where McDonalds r*pe rainforests and we are fed plastic rapped, water filled meat...

It's still stealing never the less. You don't like it when your stuff gets stolen, so that's why it is illegal to steal. Stealing is still stealing no matter the circumstances. There is no "just" stealing. Its the same as there is no such thing as a "just" murder or a "just" r***.

Like your little rant. You can go lead a revolution against "the man" if you really dislike paying 99 cents for a stupid Justin Beber song that much.
5,043 posts

I will have to stand by the fact that there are many many very rich people in the world who are up in arms about losing their "hard earned" cash to piracy. Anyone who agree's with them just cannot or will not see past lies. In a world where the rich have committed atrocities and passed law after suppressing law yet poor people still fight in their corner, in a world where wars are fought over oil and diamonds using the poor people as the soldiers, in a world where McDonalds r*pe rainforests and we are fed plastic rapped, water filled meat...

I dont think file sharing is such a difficult thing to say, fluck the rich on this one.

Can we PLEASE stop stereotyping rich people? How rich you are does not determine how evil you are. Why should it be okay to steal from rich people but not the poor? Why is it frowned upon to judge someone on their skin color or sexual orientation but it's perfectly okay to judge someone just because of how much money they have?

Without the rich, everyone would be poor.

I'm not saying rich people are great, I'm not saying they are bad. I'm just saying that we can't judge people solely on how much money they have.

As for piracy, it is stealing and it is wrong. However, I believe that file sharing is an evil that we must tolerate. If anybody has enough power to stop illegal file sharing completely, then they have too much power to end legal file sharing as well as censoring other parts of the internet.

Yes, downloading music is wrong, but we can't solve this problem by creating a bigger evil, which is big brother controlling the internet.

There are a few people talking about how the law wouldn't be very effective because there will still be underground sites. Please do not stand down just because you will be able to find a way past the censor. If the government has this much power to control the internet, then it will hurt rising artists as well as other websites that should not be taken down. Yes, an underground system will be created, but the systems on the surface will be destroyed. We shouldn't allow that to happen if we have the power to prevent it.
1,573 posts

It's still stealing never the less. You don't like it when your stuff gets stolen, so that's why it is illegal to steal. Stealing is still stealing no matter the circumstances. There is no "just" stealing. Its the same as there is no such thing as a "just" murder or a "just" r***.

Like your little rant. You can go lead a revolution against "the man" if you really dislike paying 99 cents for a stupid Justin Beber song that much.

Judge all you want. If you think I want revolution against "the man" you go ahead and think that. I can just as easily say that I deal with people like you every day who have a "realistic" view of the world... but I wont, because I give people some benefit of doubt and try not to attack their person and mind just to look good or win an argument.

I'm not saying rich people are great, I'm not saying they are bad. I'm just saying that we can't judge people solely on how much money they have.

I apologise for sounding general but I dont mean it that way. Im talking about the rich who complain about the poor stealing their stuff... and at the same time those exact rich people saying "you must tell us about EVERY bit of cash you have because if you earn over the threshold we will increase the tax that we take off your wages". I have nothing against people being rich. I have something against some rich people staying rich when its holding the world back i.e. oil barons... they should be a thing of the past. Simon cowell, should be a thing of the past. Justin Beiber prolly doesnt make that much compared to "the man" lol...

I dont want underground sites. I want a commercially viable option for all involved, the rich can stay rich and I can get my album for a pound or a dollar etc...

And stealing is not murder deserteagle. Thats a very black and white view of the world that your giving which I suspect would turn grey very quickly if it would suit your "argument".
2,763 posts

As for piracy, it is stealing and it is wrong.

Can we PLEASE stop stereotyping rich people?

People who go after material wealth to extremes do not have the correct morals. Sure not everyone who is wealthy is evil but alot of them will try to bend society to their will or will not care about other people.

Without the rich, everyone would be poor.

With the rich, a lot of people are still poor.

As for piracy, it is stealing and it is wrong.

Wrong it's copying.

However, I believe that file sharing is an evil

Soo.. a band or a linux distro that puts up their work on a torrent site is evil?

Piracy is illegal but that doesn't mean it's evil. It's just shows how badly society is constructed that people resort to these means.
1,573 posts

Piracy is illegal but that doesn't mean it's evil. It's just shows how badly society is constructed that people resort to these means.

That is a very good way of putting it, and in a logical way is what I have been sort of saying amongst my fevered ranting.
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