I think that we are reincarnated into another being-- any object, really, because we can't define what has a conscience or not.
I am a tad curious, if you are reincarnated into a bottle (you said any object) what are you supposed to do? Sit there and wait to be used? idk it seems to me more like re-incarceration than reincarnation.
I am a tad curious, if you are reincarnated into a bottle (you said any object) what are you supposed to do? Sit there and wait to be used? idk it seems to me more like re-incarceration than reincarnation.
If we can be reincarnated into objects, I can think of a lot more fun things to be! ;P
I'm Catholic so I believe that we will be judged by God if we go to heaven or hell. If you go to heaven the Bible says it will be perfect in heaven and you live there forever. But if you go to hell you will pay for your sins and what you have done wrong. It all dependes on how we acted on Earth or in our lives that will decide our fate.
no i think Mage should be reincarnated into a tree then cut down then made into paper then people print the bible on him.....
So long as I'm a Bible that get's read cover to cover fine by me.
this.... ^ .... was unexpected... yet lol worthy
i believe that physically we eventually get reabsorbed into something else and our particles reconstructed into something else entirely... as for spiritually I believe in an afterlife.
I agree with grimml, even tho i hate that its 1 of the most possible things. You're just dead and its all dark .
from what i've been told... once you start to go your eyes will "white out" and you will start to register that "light at the end of the tunnel" as far as i know the last thing you'll see is a "light"... as far as we as humans are concerned... we'll go out w/ a light instead of the actual eternal darkness that will envelop our bodies.
Maybe we wake up in a chair, caps go off of our head, a giant sporschplitzu appears in front of us, and we walk away. or we dream forever. OR (what i believe) is we go to heaven.
There is a method to my madness. Know how many people deconvert because they actually sit down and read for themselves the bs that's in those things? Even if your already on the not believing side, isn't it good to have a firm knowledge of what your disagreeing with? Even if you can some how agree with everything in the Bible including the stuff that contradicts the other stuff, isn't it better to have a full knowledge of what's in there? Especially since you'd think that the information within came from an all powerful all knowing being. I know if I had a book I though came from such a source I wouldn't want to put it down until I had read through it.
So I do recommend that everyone read their Bibles.
from what i've been told... once you start to go your eyes will "white out" and you will start to register that "light at the end of the tunnel" as far as i know the last thing you'll see is a "light"... as far as we as humans are concerned... we'll go out w/ a light instead of the actual eternal darkness that will envelop our bodies.
This light is likely the result of a lack of oxygen to the brain, which can cause hallucinations.
or we dream forever.
Dreams are the product of brain function. When you are dead there is no such function.